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funny concerning different types of alcoholics

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    funny concerning different types of alcoholics

    hey guys. ive been a month af. YEAH! feeling mostly good, except i am mildly depressed. sometimes better than other times, but i definitely know i need to be on an antidepressant, just dont want to go there right now as i know all the side effects and problems with them plus lost about five pounds, and dont want to regain it! i know most of the ssris cause weight gain. ive done this af period with antabuse, couldnt have done the first two weeks without it. i plan on doing this for another three weeks, then going back to drinking once or twice a week. avoiding bringing it in the house if i can. so my obsession with alcohol is almost gone. this past weekend, and even the one before this, i didnt think, "ah shit its friday, sux everyone else is going out clubbing and bars and i cant". the feeling subsides after the alcohol leaves your system. ive heard itt akes about three weeks. life isnt perfect, and i still crave it like the other night when out at tdinner on the water. i have to admit, i was dying for some wine. but anyway, i feel less depressed, less needy, more positive, less whiny, physically better, etc.

    i wanted to comment on how strange it is how people really are different tyeps of alcoholics. my bf just moved to an apartment with his male buddies. ive been here every weekend for a few days, and noticed how my bf 's friend is just like my bf. worse than my bf though. he keeps a slight buzz, or maybe more at times, the whole day. just goes about his day drinking slowly. then wakes up, and does the same. my bf does the same thing, but he usually starts drinking later in the day than this fellow. my bf doesnt have an alcoholic family like me. no one in his family is really an alcoholic. me on the other hand, ill go out once or twice a week, and wont drink everyday. but when i go out, i blackout often, get stumbly drunk often, do embarassing things, get real nasty drunk at times. these two guys, who drink everyday, all day, rarely get like that. very interesting.
    hope everyones doing well. life is hard. one big journey of things to deal with. im graduating college ( at 26 ) in tw oweeks, so i didnt do it on purpose, but being af at the end of this semester is really what i needed to do!

    be well

    funny concerning different types of alcoholics

    you are a very strong person and deserve to succeed. well done on your af days and for recognis?ng your problem at a young age too. we should be motivated by you.
    ?We are one another's angels?
    Sober since 29/04/2007


      funny concerning different types of alcoholics

      Hey me it's me hippie!

      Congratulations on the A/F time. Would it not be sensible to look at things from the perspective of you being an alcoholic particularly with the family history you have. Do you really think you could go back to moderating even drinking once or twice a week? You have come THIS far so wouldn't it be better to try and live your life sober. I've fallen into this trap many times believing I could go back to moderating my drink and thinking after a few months sober I could handle things better this time round. If you are, when you drink, drinking to excess then why put yourself through the anguish of trying to have some control. Would it not be better to have total control and not have to worry whether or not you were going to drink too much THIS time. Something to think about and would welcome back your thoughts. I'm not knocking your achievements at all I think you have done extremely well and I'm sure you're feeling a heck of a lot better for having this quality time back and feeling good about yourself and I hope you continue to do so.

      Love and Happiness
      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


        funny concerning different types of alcoholics

        Hello it is good to see how good you are doing. Yeah I know I have thoght much about different types of alcholics. I believe my self is this kind of scandal black out alcoholic. Sometimes I feel sorry for my self to be this kind of alcoholic because the day after (week, months) after are so bad and shameful. The other kind who are maybe always home and drink maybe alone dont do any scandals but the feel bad in different way the day after. Same with people that just sit home and smoke hash or kannabish.
        But we the scandal alcholic have one plus, we hit the bottom earlier and do something sooner about this problem because how hard this all is. The other types can manage to survive longer in the drinking but is that better? So maybe we are lucky to have this kind of alcoholism.
        Take care and happy new summer here from Iceland.

