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the economic cost of drinking

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    the economic cost of drinking

    i thought id stick this thread on here , because i know for myself its not just the problem of drinking , but wheni m drinking i spend too much money its easy to get onto amazon etc order stuff then next day say what the hell did i want that for .. or ebay for that matter
    but ithink i ve got a addictive personality anyway so i tend to spend too much
    a psychic once told me jay money doesnt like you ! lol
    so im better than whati sied to be
    anyway i just wondered if others financies have also been plundered through booze
    love all

    the economic cost of drinking

    Not to mention the cost of the booze itself.


      the economic cost of drinking

      and not to mention the cost of getting better , meds and cd's, detox
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        the economic cost of drinking

        I was thinking about this a lot. I know I probably spent around $3500-4500 (canadian) on booze alone in a year. That doesn't count all of the bad decisions I made while drinking. By that I mean eating out a lot more and bad food choices (fast food). There were other bad choices I made while drinking as well. Not a lot of money, but little bits here and there.

        I hope to save enough money to take my wife on a nice vacation in a year. Maybe to one of those all-inclusives (nah, just kidding).


          the economic cost of drinking

          Maybe we should start a post about all the calories saved as well. I know I don't even like fast food anymore. But when I would get drunk I would CRAVE it. So money is being saved and calories are being saved. Man do I feel like an idiot for drinking.


            the economic cost of drinking

            1. Money spent on your own home liquor shop-tick
            2. Money spent on convenience food (preferably delivered, we don't want DUI too)-tick
            3. Money spent on shouting friends (we are so generous, or should that be we don't want to be the only one with a hangover?)-tick
            4. Money lost when calling in sick to work-tick
            5. Money spent on mystery phone calls made when drunk-tick

            I know there's got to be more! Anyone else? If this list doesn't make you cringe what will???


              the economic cost of drinking
              • I've bid on many an E-Bay item
              • I buy make-up to cover up redness
                I have had to buy new clothes because the empty calories have caused weight gain


                the economic cost of drinking

                Croft. That is one of the biggest things I noticed. When I was hungover, a MacDonald's cheeseburger would be a snack. I no longer crave fast food. I wonder what we were depriving our bodies of if fast food was a craving. Same with carbs.


                  the economic cost of drinking

                  I was at about $7,400 per year for just beer alone which translates to a whopping 840,000 calories. Yikes!


                    the economic cost of drinking

                    caseday - OMG!!!! I am scared to go look mine up!!! No wonder I am losing weight.


                      the economic cost of drinking

                      And do not forget all the exercise equipment we bought, stuff from the home shopping network, skin care products to make that liquored-up face look better.....

