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menopause and drinking

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    menopause and drinking

    I have been together most of my life !!!! I am always the one to help others see the cup completely full ( not just half) but now going through menopause I feel negative, depressed and not myself ,my husband asks ( if I am ok every morning) Have I changed that much ? Having a drink seems so tempting, it makes me feel normal again
    Is anyone going through the same journey ? Can we help each other? I know drinking makes things worse but when you are feeling so bad and life seems not right, drinking feels good (until the next morning) anyone else going through the same problem


    menopause and drinking

    Hi P45
    Oh a P45 was what you used to get from your employer if you were fired! Anyway just thought I would share that iwth you. No really just kidding. I cant comment on the menopause yet (except bring it on baby (or no babies more like) but plenty of us can identify with the drinking scenario you mention and there are all sorts of reasons for it to escalate at any stage of life. You might want to visit your Doc for help with menopause but regardless if you hate your drinking habits then you could join us on here with kicking that demon's butt. There are threads for 30 days AF and for moderation or whatever you feel would suit you best. You can be together again nothing is surer so just make a plan, download the book and keep posting.


      menopause and drinking

      I can tell you all about the menopause thing. I used to be able to have a few drinks and enjoy myself...........but not any more. Now my Dr tells me that I am having an allergic reaction to alcohol (thanks to my hormones). I can't drink any more. It does the weirest things to me. It is weird, since I have been told this I have heard of so many other women that also have this problem. I wonder when it is all over and done with if I return to normal.


        menopause and drinking

        Hello plumeria and :l

        I'm not menopausal (yet) but in the throes of peri since my periods are out of whack, etc

        I will tell you that I haven't had a hot flash/night sweats in my two months AF, but that could be coincidence.

        My sister who is a few years older than I tells me about being "crazy" and depressed and really forgetful and found some relief being on a HRT patch for a few months. If you are in menopause and feeling really bad you should talk to your GYN, maybe a few months on anti-depressents or HRT will help you feel better - my sister also switched to soy products etc

        hope you feel better soon
        The untold want, by life and land ne?er granted,
        Now, Voyager, sail thou forth, to seek and find.

        W Whitman

        90+ days yay!


          menopause and drinking

          Hi plumeria,

          I have noticed I am also a completely different person since entering peri-menopause. (at the early age of 39 oh joy)

          Depression kicked up 100 times worse, hormones raging...temper can be way off the charts, cry too easily, etc.

          To top it all off, I have become an angry drunk. Like my drinking problem wasn't enough of a problem, but now I am the queen of all bitches when I drink. (sigh) So now instead of helping quiet everything in my head, it just makes it worse. (like booze ever made it better...ugh).

          I guess I am not helping much, but I just wanted to let you know you aren't alone.

          lots of hugs,
          Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


            menopause and drinking

            wellll...... I had "stress induced early onset peri-menopausal syndrome" . Don't you just love MD terminology. And yeah... I was so very different. I looked in my MD chart one day (they left it in the room alone with me so ..) And there was a fax I sent. I sent it because the voice mail was too frustrating for me. And if I recall correctly it was in black felt tip pen or maybe even a sharpie so it looked like screaming. Big black letters and big writing. Although it was a page long, it basically said "what the hell is hapening to me?" I wanted to tear it out and stick it in my pocket, but didn't. You begin to think AL soothes that but we all know AL is your worst best friend. Pick up any literature about menopause and AL is advised to be dropped. I could not. And regret it.
            Thoughts become things..... choose the good ones. ~TUT


              menopause and drinking


              I, like Keeta, have become a very nasty person when I drink/drank. At 56, I am long past menopause, having had a hysterectomy when I was 39. In my case, it seems to be a case of the chicken and the egg. Is is because of chemical alterations and imbalances that occur in both the body and the brain after prolonged exposure to alcohol? Is it simply that alcohol is a proved depressant? The longer we drink, the more it takes, etc.

              For me, all messages said, "STOP!" It became my only option if I wanted the quality of life
              that I preferred to have at this stage of my life.

              When my system is free of alcohol, I have no hot flashes, I have energy, my sleeps are wonderful, I am nicer - actually a "Joy to be around!" so says my hub and family. I have fewer body aches, am optomistic, PATIENT, and I feel joy! I could go on and on! This was the only option for me.

              So, in support of you - Nope, you are not crazy! Yep - been there, done that!

              Blessings and good luck!

              Hugs, Best
              "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008

