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Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

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    Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

    Hi all.

    I'm Brett. I've just joined this wonderful community.

    Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

    Brett, welcome to MWO....I'm really sorry you're feeling down and just want you to know that I'll be hoping and praying that your test comes back all clear. Do try and stay positive - it is half the battle - and you've made a great start getting 4 days AF under your belt. Stay close to us Brett over the coming days/weeks, I know you'll be worried but its good to share your thoughts at a time like this - it really does help.

    Sending you a great big hug :l

    AF since 9 May 2012
    Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


      Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

      Thank you so much Janice.

      It really hits home, I'm sitting here with my Wife, Daughter and Son trying not to ball my eyes out.....

      Thanks again.



        Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

        I hope you get the results soon....its the waiting thats the hardest. Please keep us in're not alone.....Janicexxx
        AF since 9 May 2012
        Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


          Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

          Dear Brett,

          I feel for you buddy try and stay strong Im sure you will be ok try and stay positive like janice said.
          Take care


            Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

            I don't know your history Brett or how much you've been drinking but what I can say is my mam is an alcoholic. She is 80 this year and has been drinking heavy all her life.......the last 20 years she has abused her body like nobody knows....she's been in and out of hospital many times, she's had god knows how many tests over the years, scans, etc. By rights she shouldn't really be here. She does have a problem with one of her kidneys and needs it removed but apart from that after years and years of abuse she's still drinking and abusing herself yet managing to get away with it. I know everyones different....but just keep praying and hoping, I'm sure you'll be fine. love Janicexxx
            AF since 9 May 2012
            Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


              Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

              Good on you Captn.

              Trying to stay positive mate.



                Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

                Brett, wishing the very best to you and your family. Thankfully modern medicine is truly amazing so hang in there and rack up the AF days with us ok?
                nosce te ipsum
                (Know Thyself)


                  Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

                  Also Brett,

                  Never too late to start the supps. get some Milk Thistle and SAMe and Dandelion root tea all are good for the health of the liver even when its not doing to well

                  Take care mate thinking of you and your family


                    Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

                    Keep up the sobriety, your wife and kids are going to need it. I have a feeling your test is going to be just fine, hang in there :l
                    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
                    - George Jackson


                      Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

                      Thanks captn.

                      I've already started the milk thistle. I'll get some dandy root tea and SAMe this afternoon if the shops are open. I think they open about 1:00pm (Anzac Day Holiday).

                      Thanks Mate.



                        Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

                        Hi MyHeartIsDrenchedInWine.

                        Yes I totally agree. ABS is the only way to go for me. It's all or nothing. I've proven it to myself many times before. I'm lucky in the respect that I can actually go AF without too much withdrawal. I have certainly come to the realization that one drink wll NEVER be a possibility.

                        Thanks for the taking the time.

                        I certainly hope the results are clear.



                          Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

                          Welcome, Brett

                          Our thoughts and prayers are going out to you....

                          Use this as a wake up call...and a reason to never take a drink again...

                          Time to start really taking care of yourself for yourself and your beautiful family. We'll help you any way we can...



                            Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

                            Brett, you and your family will be in my prayers.

                            You received some good advise since you've been here. I just wanted to point out that you can read many of the posts in Holistic Healing for more advise and info on supplements.

                            Please do not hesitate to ask any questions. That's what we are here for.

                            Love, Me
                            Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                              Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

                              Stay strong, don't drink, and take extra care of yourself.

                              Sending you tons of strength. Sending you prayers for clear results.

