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Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

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    Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

    Hi Brett,

    It is not over hang in there. Just stay off the sauce and you will be fine. Tests can be wrong.



      Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....


      I am adding my prayers to those who have already responded.

      Hang in there. The waiting is so hard. I know.

      Please let us know as soon as you do.

      Lots of people here who are waiting to hear you are okay!!

      AF April 9, 2016


        Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

        I know the waiting is so hard but I am praying for a positive outcome. Please let us know how it turns out. Wishing you the best.
        I'm really easy to get along with once people learn to worship me


          Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

          Hi Brett
          That is a terrible shock for you and your family but hopefully it will not amount to anything serious. Fingers, toes and eyes are crossed for you all weekend. When will you know presumably not until Monday. In the meantime try and think positive if you possibly can and be kind to your liver and stay away from the AL.
          Sending positive thoughts to you and yours across the tasman as I am sure every one else on this thread is.


            Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

            fresh-start-at-36;315967 wrote: Hi MyHeartIsDrenchedInWine.

            Yes I totally agree. ABS is the only way to go for me. It's all or nothing. I've proven it to myself many times before. I'm lucky in the respect that I can actually go AF without too much withdrawal. I have certainly come to the realization that one drink wll NEVER be a possibility.

            Thanks for the taking the time.

            I certainly hope the results are clear.

            Hi Brett,

            I know you will be fine...both our countries were settled by convicts...damn good stock.
            The Kudzu from this site really helped me. Realizing I was have 'genetic clones' sealed the deal.



              Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

              Fresh Start

              The blood test you mentioned will not tell you if you have liver cancer. I have hep C and have to get a liver biopsy every few years. My doc said that the blood tests are not a true sign of what your liver (the silent organ) is really doing. Have you had and ultrasound or CT scan...these are much better for diagnosis. I recently had a non-drinking friend that went through what is sounds and feels like you are going through and she found out (via biopsy) that is was fatty liver tissue. You are young, so try to think positive. Also, don't be afraid of a liver biopsy. It really isn't a big deal and it gives you the real picture of what is going on.

              Love and Prayers


                Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

                A big thank you to all who took the time out of your busy lives to send me your thoughts and prayers.

                I actually spent over an hour replying to you all then my browser (firefox)
                crashed.:upset: I wont do that again.....

                I'm sorry I don't have the time to reply to you all again as I have to go out for the day.

                My sincere apologies. You know who are though and how much it means to me.

                I will let you know as soon as I hear something. Probably on Monday our time (Aus).

                Thanks again to everyone.

                You have really restored my faith in the human race.



                  Waiting on blood test for liver cancer.....

                  voices;316339 wrote: Fresh Start

                  The blood test you mentioned will not tell you if you have liver cancer. I have hep C and have to get a liver biopsy every few years. My doc said that the blood tests are not a true sign of what your liver (the silent organ) is really doing. Have you had and ultrasound or CT scan...these are much better for diagnosis. I recently had a non-drinking friend that went through what is sounds and feels like you are going through and she found out (via biopsy) that is was fatty liver tissue. You are young, so try to think positive. Also, don't be afraid of a liver biopsy. It really isn't a big deal and it gives you the real picture of what is going on.

                  Love and Prayers

                  Hi Voices,

                  Thanks for your kindness.

                  I am going for a ultrasound next week.

                  Then I would assume a biopsy if required.

                  Warm Regards


