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Need a buddy to help me

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    Need a buddy to help me

    Half way through the "My Way Out" book and absolutely love every word - it is sooo totally me in everything I have read - quite scary but a good feeling. Have read so many other books to help me curb my drinking but this is the only one I will actually finish. Have gone to the store an bought all of the vitamins and have a cd - just waiting for my online delivery of the topomax - I want it NOW and probably will have to wait another two weeks for a shipment from a pharmacy in Canada - I could not get into my doctor until July!!! So will start on my own! Would love to hear and get support from another newbie here - I have been drinking casually from the time I was 16 and only started drinking every day in the last year since my divorce - I think about it daily and can't wait to get home from work to have my vodka, water and a splash of tea - I never deviate and I never ever drink before that but know that I have a problem and hate myself for it.


    Need a buddy to help me

    Welcome Magic:welcome::l
    Its good to see you here!!! dont be scared, is it the unknown that you are fearing? I think it is just human to fear change but this is a great change and you sound like you are geared up for it. Visit the site regularly read and post and ask any questions that you need to there are alot of people here with a wealth of knowledge that can help. Be proud of yourself for wanting to seek help. It is your journey and you will make gold discoveries along the way. I look forward to meeting you and hearing how you are progressing.
    I am the author of my life.


      Need a buddy to help me

      Magic ~ welcome. You do sound geared up and ready to go! Good for you.

      Just wanted to point out that you do not need to have to Topa to start. Any effort you put towards your sobriety will help. You don't need one thing or the other to focus on your goals. Nothing should ever get in your way, hun.

      Good luck to you. We are here for you.

      Love, Me
      Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


        Need a buddy to help me

        Welcome Magic. One of our challenges is changing our routines and habits. I can so relate to the anticipation of coming home to "relax" with a drink. I know how I kid myself in thinking I have go to the store to buy...butter, paper towels, bread, (you fill in the items) and what I really was going for was to buy wine. It starts out with trying so hard not to drink and after a little while it becomes easier. And then. . . something happens. A stress of work, family, friends, self (?). And the solution to cope comes back to us in the bottle. So I have tried to find something else to come home to. An evening class. Work in the yard/garden. Walk the dog. Walk myself. Write a letter, learn a song. I have had too many afternoons plopped down in front of the TV. Dr. Phil at 3:00, Oprah at 4:00. (At least it keeps me from drinking). So again welcome. Keep checking in. Many here will be your buddy. If you want just one, try PM. It is a little more personal. Also the Chat Room is available if you like that sort of thing.


          Need a buddy to help me

          Welcome! This is a great group here all with different ideas, and all way different ways to help. You won't find a better spot. Breaking the routine is the hardest, more so when you've been doing it for so long that you can't even remember. It's good to have friends to help you out when you need it the most, and most importantly friends who won't judge you as they are going through the same thing and know how hard it is. Plus, the fact that went through a divorce is not picnic at all! I hear you on that one. We are all here, and like the others said there is chat as well.

          All the best, we have faith in you.

