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Define Alcoholism or Alcoholic

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    Define Alcoholism or Alcoholic

    If you think you....

    can or you think you can't, either way you're right--henry ford

    my only little humble opinion, but...

    do 30 days or more, commit to that only( tell people you are depressed, triyng to lose weight or doing a "cleanse") not worry whether you are an alcoholic or not...that only produces more stress.

    we are in this life to try things out. wanting to explore other states can be dangerous, but is natural

    forget the labels and statistics and be more present to what your relationship to alcohol is

    i am so not there yet, but i know that acceptence in the moment is more important than a label for a lifetime

    be yourself, you are loved if only you can believe in this moment by me...

    and everything in the universe behind me

    be safe


      Define Alcoholism or Alcoholic

      If you are posting here you have a problem with AL. Nuff said.


        Define Alcoholism or Alcoholic

        alcoholism -addiction to alcohol
        alcoholic - a person suffering from an addiction to alcohol....

        Enjoying sobriety since 27th May 2008

        Its a long and winding road, but well worth the walk!


          Define Alcoholism or Alcoholic

          I agree with all of the above but will add another:

          If you can't take it or leave it ... meaning, when quitting is an issue that you have to think about, talk about, bargain about or make plans to do. If you could stop tomorrow then it wouldn't be an issue, right?


            Define Alcoholism or Alcoholic

            Let's ponder this instead....." What's the difference between an Alcoholic and a Drunk ?" Drunks don't have to go to all those meetings.....LOL ! IAD.
            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
            Dr. Seuss


              Define Alcoholism or Alcoholic

              iad you are really really cracking me up..... and they don't have to worry about drinking and driving either cuz they can't find their car keys.


                Define Alcoholism or Alcoholic

                lol.....that is pretty funny
                Gabby :flower:


                  Define Alcoholism or Alcoholic

                  And they dont have any designated drivers cuz they dont have any friends
                  Gabby :flower:


                    Define Alcoholism or Alcoholic

                    All of the above!

                    Thought to ponder,

                    When alcohol controls us, rather than us controlling alcohol...


                    23 days alcohol free!
                    "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                      Define Alcoholism or Alcoholic

                      well they might have friends but they are all too drunk to drive as well. gabby that was funny


                        Define Alcoholism or Alcoholic

                        doesn't matter...

                        Everyone needs to determine things for themselves and should have the freedom to do so.

                        From what I understand most people in mental health and addictions counseling, unless they are old school or totally AA don't really define substance use in that way anymore. In use of any substance including alcohol it might go something like, abstinence , substance use substance abuse and substance dependance and unlike the AA belief system that defines this process as a clear progression of descent, what is actually true is that most users fluctuate among these points throughout their lifetime, alternating among heavy, moderate and no use.

                        A person can be substance dependent, as I was on lexapro, meaning they experience physical withdrawl when they stop, without being abusive...I used my script as prescribed. Or substance abusive, use too much, use as a coping mechanisim etc, without being substance dependent, no physical withdrawl or cravings when stopped, but maybe emotional urges to use. It is a whole spectrum. I personally believe it is too simplistic to simply say or take a questionaire and have someone else say alcoholic or not alcoholic.

                        For me personally I am more interested in looking at what I do than in deciding what I am in my relationship to substances. However I will respect whatever and however someone wants to define themselves.

