I need your help, I bought the book over a year ago and the kudzu. I was not very good at the promise I made myself to quit. I did try the kudzu. I wasn't good about taking it every day. Never tried topamax. I did use wellbutrin for 2 weeks and I would loose my train of thought and peoples names. That was embarassing, especially at work. I know that I am ruining my life. I wish I had the power. I tell my huspand that I wish I was like him super controled. He will have a drink every two weeks or so. Me, I drink everyday. Routine, when I get home from work, while I cook etc.
I am really disappointed in myself. I stood up my friend today, I was supposed to go do Yoga. I hate it, but after a 90 minunte, 100 degree workout I feel revived. Like all the toxins have left my body. I will try to go tomorrow.
I am gardening and having one glass of wine. Why, this morning I said I would quit and here you go.
Funny thing, I drink and wake up in the morning like nothing. What is wrong with this picture.