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now I have 3 disease's

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    now I have 3 disease's

    I know I have been gone awhile.
    I have been ill.
    What started off as a upper respitory infection turned into Bronchitis.
    After further tests I was informed I have emphysema also I have calcium deposits around parts of my heart and have a abnormal E.K.G.
    The Doctor would like to run further tests however my insurence has been dropped by blue cross because I could not pay my premium when I was in rehab. I have to wait until November to sign up for insurence during anual enrollment, and the heart disease and emphysema will be considered a pre-exsisting illness(so I am screwed)
    I am considering moving back to the U.K. but I have no idea how to go about it?

    Good news is I am still sober (now 7 months)
    Love to all

    Any advice ?

    now I have 3 disease's

    Wow, that's awful. I feel for you. I have no med insurance either.

    I don't have any advice, but wanted to wish you well. Please keep us posted.

    Congrats on those 7 months!!

    Love, Me
    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


      now I have 3 disease's

      Im sorry to hear you have been blasted with bad news .It would seem to me that if you have nothing else to keep you in the states and have no health insurence ,that you might be better going home .At least you will be looked after medically. Congrats on your continued sobriety and good luck with your decision over the future.


        now I have 3 disease's

        Hey John,

        That's terrible news about your illnesses.

        At least there is some good news. 7 months is fantastic.

        Stay strong.



          now I have 3 disease's

          Hi John,

          I have been wondering where you've been. So sorry to hear about the state of your health. Congratulations are staying strong and sober in spite of this. The state of health insurance in this country really sucks! I am wondering if you qualify for medicaid? Due to the fact that you had a loss of income due to a "medical condition", ie:Alcohol? Also, have you checked on any "charity hospitals" in your area. In Denver it is Denver Health. They have to treat everyone there! Usually every county has one of these hospitals. Since your illnesses are pulmonary/respitory, you also might check on "National Jewish" hospital in Denver. This hospital is considered the No 1 hospital in the US for these illnesses and they do have programs for no insurance and lower incomes.

          What ever you do, keep checking on resources and never give up, my friend!

          XXX Kate
          A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

          AF 12/6/2007


            now I have 3 disease's

            Staying Sober...
            Public Medicine is a joke ! How in the hell are we really going take care of our health care problem !
            Free Medicine sounds soo attractive....but will
            it work ? I don't know ! I just know that everyone is crying !!!!!!! Why ? We have to do something ? IAD !
            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
            Dr. Seuss


              now I have 3 disease's

              Amen, IAD!

              I went to the Emergancy Room last month (bronchitis). They took chest x-rays and gave me 2 tylonol for the fever. I got 2 bills last week. One for the x-rays - $30.00 (not bad). And the other was for the one ER visit .....$ 1110.00!!!!! No, I did not accidentally type an extra 1, that is one thousand, one hundred and ten friggin dollars!!!

              I got sick again just looking at it. I didn't go to Drs to begin with because of no health insurance. I was only forced to go when my fever spiked.

              Sorry, for hijacking thread Stayingsober, but I had to get that off my chest.

              Love, Me
              Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                now I have 3 disease's

                WHOA! That is a ridiculous amount of money for the visit to the ER, Thankful. Holy Crap! WTF. I don't even know what to day. Shocked.


                  now I have 3 disease's

                  stayingsober.... I am sooo sorry to hear about your illnesses. Medical should be available to those in need of it no matter what.

                  I quit smoking 6 days ago because I had a really bad bronchial infection that had to be treated with high-dose antibiotics for 10 days a few weeks ago. It didn't stop me smoking then, and of course when I drank I would smoke more. I decided to just say the hell with it all.... I am a great candidate for emphysema too. It runs in my family. That and heart disease. Starting to get scared. (probably a good thing for me).

                  Great job on being sober tho!


                    now I have 3 disease's


                    so sorry to hear your having difficult times..:upset: certainly the fact you are amazing holding onto your sobriety for 7 months! Your a strong man despite the disease's. I predict you will pull out of this well. Good things are coming your way. :l


                      now I have 3 disease's

                      You wold be happier in the UK... you probably should go home and get these issues dealt with.
                      Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                        now I have 3 disease's

                        geeze I just read that and realized is sounded so cold. that's not what I meant... but... in softer tones.
                        Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!

