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antabuse warning

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    antabuse warning

    Hi Everyone.
    You may remember that I told everyone on Croft's AF April thread how wonderful I was doing. I'll start at the beginning. I have had a problem with drinking for 7 or 8 years, but of course it has only progressed. Isn't that what it's supposed to do. So being the every ready researcher I have been researching alcohol, brain chemistry, hypnosis, medication. A couple of years ago I ordered antabuse from overseas and never even opened it. I don't know why I ever ordered it if it was going to sit in the dresser drawer. Anyway when I saw that some of you were having such great results from antabuse and having about all I could take of the guilt, and hiding I decided that April was the time. I started antabuse and made it to about 20 days . I was feeling geat. I was happy. I was using the CD's and feeling even better. Than for some stupid stupid stupid reason I decided that I didn't need to take the antabuse. Well, gues what.... I'm right back the the unhappy drinking fool I was in March. So my warning is if it is working for you keep at it. Don't be fooled that some miracle has occured and that things will be different. I now know that I will need time. I am having a really hard time with my 20 year marriage and want so badly to get out...but as long as I can't go a day with out drinking where do I think I am going? I really need to feel better about myself and can't do that while my only real relationship is with AL. My kids are 18 and 13 so they are not around much. My lonliness and pain of it keep me thionking its better to drink and not feel the emptiness. I am making a committment that May will be different and would really like to get to know you all better. I could use all the support and freinds I can find. I am finding myself at work reading all the posts, but always feel that I am not successful enough to help anyone else. Well, I'm jumping in here, Back to antabuse, CD's AF and hopefully on to some great support. Thanks for listening and reading and most of all for being here.

    antabuse warning

    hi there..timetochange..sound like a great plan. you can do this . we are here for you .keep posting and saty strong ...peace and god bless
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


      antabuse warning


      Thank you for your post. Very much.

      Whenever I mention I am using Antabuse, I also try to tell everyone that my shrink has indicated I truly need to take it long term. It is not a quick fix.

      Hippie also warned me to look at it as a long term solution.

      Antabuse in and of itself does not fix anything. It only gives us a tool that helps us get out of the cycle of the alcohol madness long enough to work on fixing the real issues.

      I plan on taking Antabuse 1 or more years. I know 30+ years of drinking will not be fixed in a couple of months AF.

      You have all the support I can give you, too. Middle age issues , relationship difficulties, changing life circumstances are so much more difficult to deal with drunk. Loneliness is definitely not easy and while drinking seems to alleviate it short term, long term drinking makes it so much worse. However, we can do this and we will do this.

      AF April 9, 2016


        antabuse warning

        Thanks tlgrs and Cindi

        I want you to know that I have been following your progress and you are really inspiring me. I know how you have struggled for so long. I know how the antabuse just takes away the option. It is such a relief to not have the option. Anyway, I want to know not only are you doing something great for yourself you are giving me the desire and hope that i have been lacking. So from the bottom of my heart thank you for sharing all that you do.


          antabuse warning

          Thanks, Time2Change for the warning. I have 5 great days AF (well only 3 were great) and antabuse as a backup. I can't take it long term, so I need to ration it for "emergencies" But as you underlined, if I feel the need, I'd better jolly well take it and not to try battling the beast without any help. I'm really thinking that MWO forum is already a big help..... as I get to unload and whine away about problems big and small: a very stale marriage being one of them. There's REAL help and good answers here. We can get through this;:bananacomputer:"..this I know, for the forum tells me so..." It's time for my kudzu:l


            antabuse warning

            Yep - it works, and I thank the Heavens above for it!


              antabuse warning

              Hello Time,
              I just wanted to pop in and say HI! We learn from our mistakes. I admire anyone with the courage to make the commitment to take antabuse!
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

