No announcement yet. e-mail troubles?!?
- e-mail troubles?!?
I know this is off topic, but anyone else here use Hughes for their e-mail? I've been gone for 10 dys, but they say its been under new "construction" since last Friday, and its still not working! Everytime it works sporadically, its trying to load 20k+ e-mails, all my mail from over a year ago!!!! They promised it'd be fixed by 5am today, and its still not right. They said that the old mails will be auto deleted by them, the server, when its fixed, and only send the unread another 12-48 hours!!!! That's just not acceptable! Just wondered if I was the only person with 4 work order numbers!!!!! Wahhhhhhhh.....I'm so behind on business e-mails that come in here, and lots are Rx's for animals...I've told them over and over I'm responsible for human and vet Rx's that come in to my computer, but its just "sorry".........."Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"Tags: None