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Detox,how was it for you?

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    Detox,how was it for you?

    Hi all.It's been along time since I last posted,approx six months when at the time I was prepaaring to leave an abusive relationship when living in Spain,. I eventually came back to England and lived with my Son ans daughter in law for three months and cut the drinking down cosiderably.
    I then found myself a small flat and my drinking became out of control again. I put it down to being so lonely. The flat is in quite a remote area where everyone is at work all day so as yet I haven't met anyone. I was just sitting here all day with a bottle of vodka. Then the panics attacks started so couldn't even go out for a walk.
    I decided enough was enough so went to my GP who arranged for a detox.
    Thankfully my daughter has come to stay for the week but I have never felt so ill. Apart from the shakes I've been unable to walk hardly, could'nt even stand on the first day. I've been unable to eat and feel so weak.
    Just wondered if this was normal and if anyone else has gone through this.


    Detox,how was it for you?

    Hi Minty~

    I remember about 8 yrs ago I had gone into the hospital to detox (long story)-hated it, they ignored me & I left. But I had horrible shakes(I couldn't even sign my name) & could barely walk to the bathroom (I waited till hubby picked me up to walk me to the bathroom). I didn't eat for a few days. So yes, depending on the degree of one's drinking, the withdrawals are different.

    Hope you're feeling better.
    :flower: Change a life; make someone feel important. ................. ........................ ..................... ........................ ................. ....... sigpic


      Detox,how was it for you?

      Dear Minty,

      I am so glad you are making this change for you!....And I am happy that you are doing it under the care of a GP and that your daughter is there to help you through it. I never had the DT's like you are describing but I wanted to send you my support and love and wish you all the best. Did the Doctor give you anything to handle the withdrawals and then to help with the anxiety and loneliness afterwards?

      Best wishes and hang in there it will get better! Let us know how you are doing?
      Hugs, Bambi
      "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


        Detox,how was it for you?

        It is normal - if it wasn't a lot of folk would be able to give up very easily and we wouldn't have such a large problem!

        Please try and remember what it is like whilst you are going through this - it can be useful when or if you ever get tempted to drink again. This week I have had really big cravings and reminding myself how far I have come as well as how horrid withdrawal is has helped me resist the urge to drink.

        Stay strong - you will feel better in only a few days, which is nothing compared to the years of good health and life you are looking forward to.


          Detox,how was it for you?


          I agree with all of the above. It's wonderful that you are doing this for yourself!

          UKblonde has a great idea. Perhaps you should write a journal of your experience. Include every horrid, uncomfortable physical and psychological sensation. This way, you can actually refer to it, if in the future you are tempted. :teeter: Our minds have a way of playing tricks on us later, especially when the devilish urge for alcohol is pulling at us. If it is in writing, it will be what you really went through. The shakey handwriting will be very effective in the future, as well.

          Stay the course and keep us informed! We will be here for you.

          :h Best
          "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


            Detox,how was it for you?


            i don't drink anymore and life is so much better i know that. It is tought to start out, best change i ever made. Did not go to Detox, although i would not want to let myself get into alcohol so deep to require it. Grab the problem before it gets any worst. Just my 2 cents. :thanks:


              Detox,how was it for you?

              I went to detox. I found it great! I was NOT successful after the fact because I did not have a support system when leaving 7 days later. I also met a couple of people there and ended up partying with them a few weeks later. Like, DUH, eh?

              I think a support system is VERY important in ones recovery. Unfortunately I didn't have one, any of the times I tried to quit... which made it tough. Yet, I am doing whatever I need to do, to lick this thing. I guess my doctor is great, but he is not a 'close' person in my life, if you know what I mean.

              I am glad your daughter is there for you! Don't let loneliness drive you any further into that bottle. It will only make you feel lonelier.

              All the best - and I hope you come here often to receive additional support.


                Detox,how was it for you?


                :welcome: back!!

                I quite well remember you. We had another member join from Span and she also mentioned the culture there was so drink-centric.

                I am glad you got out of the abusive relationship and are now looking at doing the best thing you can possibly do in your life.

                Yes, the withdrawal can be horrendous. Keep taking the meds as described by the doctor and you will get through it. Like Janice said, remember these well, perhaps journal it down if you can daily.

                That way you have concrete evidence of how horrible these first few days can be and you will be much less likely to want to go back there again.

                Pamper yourself as best you can and just watch the drama unfold. Each day from day 3 starts to get a little easier and pretty soon by day 10 you should be out of the woods!!

                Glad you are back.
                AF April 9, 2016


                  Detox,how was it for you?

                  Detoxing is extremely rough for some of us. I know it was for me and I have done it a few times too. Loneliness is what triggered my drinking, but i got a lot more lonely as I ran off just about everyone that cared about me.
                  Forever loved, forever missed Papa Bear


                    Detox,how was it for you?

                    Detox sucks...but the world after it is wonderful. Please document what you feel right now b/c you will forget and think you can have just one. Try to only put your body through this just now. Everytime it is worse. Loneliness and boredom were the worst for me. But as Luv said we isolate ourselves so much as drunks that it is really meaningless.


                      Detox,how was it for you?

                      Thanks all. Your replies have really helped. I'm on chlordiazepxide, just starting my fourth day and starting to feel much better in myself. I have alovely nurse call each day to monitor me and she seems to think I'm doing fine, which I am when sat down. the problem is as soon as I start to walk my whole body from head to toes starts to shake. It was so bad after taking a shower yesterday, I was shaking so violently I couln'nt even get dried, good job my daughter was here. Has anyone else experienced this, it's scared the life out of me. not sure if that's something to do with the panic attacks or what?


                        Detox,how was it for you?

                        I have never experienced the shake personally but have seen it happen to others in detox/rehab. Basically you have been drowning your nervous system in a depressant (AL) for such a long time it is now going through the roof. Its purely a sign of the amount of AL damage drink has done to you.

                        Just one of the symptoms of withdrawal. Don't worry it will pass and need never happen again as long as you stay away from AL.

                        Take things easy and take care.

