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Where I'm at Now:

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    Where I'm at Now:

    Hi all:

    I am in a difficult position and quite frankly scared to death. This whole ordeal started out quite innocently. Me just trying to "relax" while my verbally abusive hubsband was out of town working; he was a meth-head. I was enjoying EVERY minute of peace and quiet I had! Part of my "feel good" experience was to go and get a 4 pack of wine coolers.

    My life has always been revolving around getting high one way or another. In the 70's it was pot and downers and beer. In the 80's it was coke and downers and an occasional wine or beer. To be honest, I've always hated alcohol...not my first choice to get high. After I got into church and my husband as well, the getting high stuff stopped for several years. Then my husband decided to start shooting meth again. Needless to say, my quality of life spiraled down quick. That's when I started going to the liquor store and getting wine or wine coolers. AT that time, it didn't take much to get me buzzed, so that was enough.

    I got a job as a consultant in Texas and the culture there was to have a glass or two of wine or beer every evening after work and talk about the day's work with "the fellas". So I get into this habit of an evening cocktail in combination of dealing with a husband who has regressed back into meth. I started drinking more and more. I got on Zoloft for depression. Eventually my drinking increased and I ended up in an online "affair" with a guy who I eventually ended up running away from my husband to be with.

    We have been together since 2001 and have a great relationship except for one thing: we both drink every single day. Since I've been here, I've moved from wine and wine coolers to rum and cokes on a nightly basis.

    Even though my life is more prosperous and quiet and serene, I still drink every night. No matter how hard I try, I end up drinking too much rum and feeling horrible every morning when I wake up!

    I came across this site and am encouraged for the first time in a long time. I've ordered the CD's and supplements and the book. In addition, I've made an appointment with my doctor to discuss possible medications to complete my victory over this addiction.

    The way I look at it: I overcame smoking, I overcame cocaine and now I'll overcome this alcohol thing! I can't wait to get started on the program, especially the CD's. I think that will be a key element for me.

    I appreciate sites like this that provide a kind ear to listen and support for stumblings.

    Thanks for everything!

    Where I'm at Now:

    Micki, Welcome and I am glad you found us and shared your story. With the support of the people here you will find so many different ways and ideas on how to beat the beast. Obviously you feel you have a problem and are concerned, just know you are in the right place. Keep talking and coming back.
    "Keep your eyes and heart focused on the end goal at all times, and never settle for less."


      Where I'm at Now:


      i am new to the site too good luck lets hope we end up senior members one day


        Where I'm at Now:

        Micki ~ welcome! Wow, you've got one hell of a story there. You've been through a lot and I am so impressed at how good you actually sound. That says a lot about your character.

        Well, you sound like you have laid out a great plan for yourself. Read and post often. This community is one big giant shoulder to lean on.

        Btw, I never have smoked but I read where some members have said that giving up nicotine was much harder than giving up the booze. So, you just might have a jump on things. Great job beating those other addictions!

        Best of luck to you. We are here for you.

        Love, Me
        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


          Where I'm at Now:

          I feel better already!

          To all newbies: Just sharing your story is an AWESOME weight off your shoulders! There is something so therapeautic about confessing your problems to others that helps us to heal. I posted a totally honest confession of my alcohol problems over the last decade and just that small step has made a significant difference in my feelings on the entire matter!~

          I can't wait to get my program, supplements and meds to get free from this quagmire!

          Micki Todd:thanks:


            Where I'm at Now:


            I am going through a difficult time also, but you sound like you have been through so much and have been able come up on top. You can do this with determination. Good Luck and keep posting. You will be amazed how supportive the people here are.


              Where I'm at Now:

              You guys are great!

              It is such a FREE feeling to receive honest encouragement from people who are in the same boat as you! I'm sure all my friends suspect how much I am fighting this alcohol thing, and are even praying for me, but they can't guys can...thank you, thank you, thank you for being here with a kind and sympathetic ear!

              God help us all to overcome!



                Where I'm at Now:

                :welcome: Micki! Glad you found us and for sharing your story. You have been through a lot, and at the same time, have done well for yourself in other areas. You will find tons of support here, and you have the tools coming to help you. I look forward to seeing you around the boards.


                  Where I'm at Now:

                  Goal 1: Today
                  Goal 2: Tomorrow


                    Where I'm at Now:

                    It's late, so I'll just say :welcome::welcome: and thanks for sharing your story. This program is great in my humble opinion.
                    NF since June 1, 2008
                    AF since September 28, 2008
                    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                      Where I'm at Now:

                      Welcome to MWO.
                      This site is amazing, filled with lots of lovely people.
                      Being here has helped me out in such a positive way.
                      I have never smoked or done drugs, but from what you explained you have a warrior's spirit that will not give up. Congrats to you!


                        Where I'm at Now:

                        Welcome!! This really is a place to let go and tell it like it is and it works if you stick with it. I have a feeling you will!

                        Bessie xx

