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Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

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    Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

    In short, this thread is being started for people like me who are desperate to quit drinking. A group of us here who are experiencing success with the MWO program (and in some cases additional tools) would like to share what worked for us for Days 1-30 with anyone who is new or looking to make a new start with 30 days AF (alcohol free).

    Among us, we have experience with every MWO tool (such as supplements, meds, CD's, exercise, this board), as well as many others we have found along the way. We want to provide support, information, a shoulder to cry on, a place to scream when you need to - basically, a safe place to find YOUR way out.

    There is only one 'rule': No Fighting! We ask that you respect each other and show as much compassion as possible. This is a VERY difficult journey. And a completely public forum. Moods, tempers, insecurities, etc. can flare up - especially in the early days. Let's remember that AL (alcohol) is the enemy, not one another. If anyone feels upset or hurt or attacked, please pm any one of us with whom you feel comfortable and we will listen and help you work through the situation. Your feelings are valid and should be heard. And yet, we also want to protect the safety and sanctity of this 'space', so that everyone feels as comfortable here as possible during this very challenging time.

    So....... how do we start?!?!?! If anyone would like to jump in and say hello - that would be great! If you are just starting out - maybe tell us a little about yourself and where you are with your drinking and what your hopes and fears are with the MWO program. Or just 'hello' is good too! . Or questions....... or anything!

    If you're one of the old AF types - well, hope you will all have a chance to say hello and spend some time here.

    Okay ....... here we go!!!! :welcome:

    Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

    Wonder, great job! So many new members are not sure what to do and where to go and I think this thread would be a great place to dip their toes into the pool.

    We are here for you.

    Welcome to Sober Living! Post away.................

    Love, Me
    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


      Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

      Thanks WW, this thread embodies what has drawn me to this forum - it is informative, supportive, kind and compassionate. Oh, and fun too.

      Tomorrow I hope to be able to post on here and say that I made day 1 AF. Here down under it's only 3:30pm so the witching hour is a few hours away yet. I've been drinking about a bottle of wine each night for 5 or 6 years now, and have had very few AF days in that time.

      My plan of attack - I've read the book, started on the CDs and Kudzu today, and a whole bunch of other supplements are on their way. I've decided to go without drugs for the moment, only because meds tend to react strangely with me and often have the opposite to the desired effect (weird, I know). I've alerted close friends who are going to help distract me at poison o'clock if I need it, I've come up with a bunch of rewards to treat myself for my successes, and I've lined up things to do (exercise, hobbies etc) to replace Al time. And of course I plan to spend a lot of time here on the boards.

      I would never have made it to this point or been anywhere near as prepared without this place. Having spent literally days on the boards reading about all the experiences I am very hopeful that I can beat this beast. The book and programme are essential, but it is the members of this forum (past and present) that have made the biggest difference to me.

      I guess what I'm most scared of is having to deal with feelings that I've been numbing with Al for so long...

      Anyway I look forward to sharing this journey with other new starters - our successes and our struggles. And I am very grateful for the support of those who have already experienced success with the MWO programme.



        Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

        Howz it going Wooflet? I see you're logged on - should be about 10:30 pm there now. You hangin' in? How are you feeling?

        Love WW xox


          Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

          Hi WW

          Yes it is just past 10:30pm - I just posted elsewhere because I thought perhaps I'd managed to kill this thread already!

          Tonight hasn't been nearly as hard as I thought it would be. Probably because some lovely friends made sure I was distracted, I guess the real test will come when it's just me at home alone. But who cares why or how, I've made it to day 1 AF - the first in 15 months - yay!

          Thanks for the support

          Wooflet x


            Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

            YAY!! Day 1 for Wooflet!!! First time in 15 years?!?! Now that's glorious :goodjob:.

            I love your 'poison o'clock' :H. You sound very prepared and in a good frame of mind to get the AF train-a-rolling! Well done! I also had to make AF the #1 priority for those 30 days. I kept up my 'responsibilities' , but other than that, I was usually either on this board, crying, sleeping (not alot for almost 2 weeks :upset, or just staring at the wall in anxiety-ridden paralysis. Who says this is not fun !?!?!?!

            I myself am not doing medication either. Like you - I am very sensitive and tend to have wacky reactions. I tried campral for a short time in the beginning. I have found that the 'anti-craving' supps are helpful - especially Kudzu and L Glut - and I carry a stash with me in my purse.

            As far as the feelings that come up - yes they do! Feel free to 'vent' them here. That's a major part of the healing process - getting those out. If not, they can drive you to drink - and we're NOT HAVING THAT!!! GO AWAY AL!!! BLAH!!!!! :flush:

            Love Ww xox


              Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

              ha ha ha !!!! and thank you secondchance ! But it was not just me! Thankful, Bootsie, Kate, Liv, Det, and many other senior members (members with 1,000+ posts) have expressed their own wish for a thread like this in recent weeks.
              I'm just the bigmouth who set it up (oh what a surprise )!
              Love WW xox


                Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                Hi am have been here a bit. Went back to drinking a lot after I went off Topamax. (it really lowered my BP and I was seeing trails most of the time.) I keep trying and have disappointed my husband yet again. I am hoping to post here AF again tomorrow. Thanks!
                One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends...If they seem OK then you are the one.


                  Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                  Hi. I'm new here. I've been reading the posts for a while but finally decided to post my own. I've been preparing my tool box for the month of May for a while. I have the supplements and CD's. I've also have a folder packed full of inspirational writings.
                  I'm on day 2.



                    Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                    I remember you twinsmommy! Good to see you. So glad you said hello.

                    A new start is a new start. I've had a few here on MWO too. Drink lots of water today. Eat as healthily as you can. Try not to fret or beat yourself up too much about what has happened (I know - easy for ME to say). Let it REALLY be a new start. You can most definitely do it. Keep talking ......... we're all here for you :l.

                    And for anyone who's ready to give AL the boot today - here's the formula:

                    May 1 = Day 1

                    Love WW xox


                      Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                      Just lost a long message. Basically, what I want to say is thanks for this thread. My goal is to be AF for the month of May. I have been on this site for a few weeks and have tried to be good. But have often failed. Now, I have the supps, the book and the CDS. Wish me luck.

                      I tend to drink when upset and angry.:upset: I found out a business paartner has been cheating a bit with finances and went off the deep end last night. I need to speak with him but have to calm down first. Last night I drank 4 glasses of wine. Fat lot of good that will do.

                      So wish me luck I will be posting. OFTEN as I cannot do this alone.


                        Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                        Hey Ollie - Good to meet you ! and :welcome:

                        What an awesome crew already! For a minute there I thought Wooflet was going to have her own private 30 day thread! :H

                        Ollie you also sound like you're right on your game. Good!!!
                        Looking forward to getting to know you and ALL the new friends here.......

                        Love WW xox


                          Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                          Thanks for the welcome!
                          It's 7 am and I have already had my 1st trigger for the day! This is good. It is the sound of my neighbors bringing their trash cans down the lane. I guess it is a trigger because it is Thursday and I always drink on Thursday.



                            Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                            Good Morning All

                            Ollie, good for you setting up your toolbox! That is a fabulous first step, sounds like you have a good plan for yourself! RJ has supplied us with tools that really do work, if we use them!

                            wooflet, Listen day one is day one, no matter how you got there! So, keep it going, day two and on your way!

                            twinsmommy, nice to see you again. We have all had some false starts and set backs. Make day 1 AF today, May first sounds like a perfect first day!

                            booklvr, (love your screen name!) There is always a reason to drink and a thousand reasons not to drink. Today is a new day!

                            I know that I spent a lot of time and energy, Thinking, Wishing, and Hoping to stop drinking. Funny thing is, I just kept on drinking. I would have a day here two days there AF, but the fact was. I was still drinking. It wasn't until, I made a personal comittment to myself to become sober and read the book and put my plan together, then seriously work that plan, that I was finally able to stop! After four months of not drinking, I am still a work in progress, and although my plan continues to evolve, as do I, there is still a concious effort every day to stay on this path!

                            Best Wishes!
                            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                            AF 12/6/2007


                              Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                              Ok, Wonder, there's something I simply must get off my chest....I've been here for 2 months now, but I've never been able to get up the nerve to ask you......

                              Can you get me David Cassidy's autograph???? You see I've been a BIG fan of his (and the Partridge family) for about 40 years, and I'm reliving my past, and it would be soooooo groovy!:H:H:H

                              Seriously, this looks like a great motivational thread. I know this sounds bad, but I don't do well with commitment---ODAT for me. But if you don't mind, I might be butting in here once in awhile!!
                              NF since June 1, 2008
                              AF since September 28, 2008
                              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

