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Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

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    Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living


    I wanted to address your question from watching my daughter's and her husband's interactions with sobriety.

    Hey Jaded. That's a situation. I wonder if your boyfriend could put into words why he does not want you to stop drinking. Seriously. I'm curious what he would say. It's not the first time I've heard that story - people in relationships with 'problem drinkers' who are not 'problem drinkers' themselves, but are not comfortable with the 'problem drinker' quitting all together. Why? I'm honestly curious and would love to hear anyone's thoughts on the subject. I have been in relationships where my significant did not want me to quit because he wanted me to 'keep up' with his own bad drinking - but that's different.
    My daughter's husband is exhibiting some very disturbing signs with her going to rehab and quitting drinking.

    While he hated their life together with her drinking, he is also rather controlling over her time and relationships with others. He has actually told her that once she sobers up, he is worried that she won't like him anymore. He told her a couple of days ago that if she spent the amount of time working on "them" instead of doing IOP and AA, there wouldn't BE any problems. Yesterday he yelled at her because she didn't call him the minute she got out of IOP and accused her of breaking a promise to call. She was rushing to AA to meet me... IOP requires she attend a minimum of 4 AA meetings a week.

    She knows the "your sobriety must come first" is true. Like all of us, we know absolutely that if our sobriety does not come first, there is nothing else. In her case, death is going to happen and happen within a small amount of time based on her liver damage.

    What she cannot express to him is that. His mind simply cannot grasp that, for whatever reason. Luckily for her, now that she has a little bit of sober time under her belt, she can look at it rationally, whereas drunk, she just cried and fell apart.

    She is also determined that they both go to counseling because she now sees that his behavior needs some changes for this marriage to work. He must become less jealous of her activities or relationships that have nothing to do with him. She is also urging him to go to Al-Anon. I hope he does. He needs to understand.

    It is funny, because my husband sometimes gets upset when I go to AA or spend too much time on MWO, just because he wants more time with me but when I remind him that these things help me stay sober, he quiets down. He loves me and does not want me to die. His attitude is, whatever it takes. However, he does understand the nature of addiction and knows that it has nothing to do with how much I love him. He has also figured out after almost 33 years of marriage that there is no way he could ever "control" me.

    Okay. Just wanted to add an observation.

    AF April 9, 2016


      Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

      Reading your post brought back some memories. Years ago, my ex went to rehab and AA. I went to family care treatment (best thing I ever did) and Al-anon. I remember this being an issue with many there. I think it's fear. And co-dependency. I really hope bf gets into al anon and anything else he can do to help him with this. The timing stinks--not a great time to be getting married.
      On a lighter note---I am so glad your daughter is doing better!! She's lucky to have such a loving family!
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

        Good Morning,

        Another insomnia filled night for me - ugh!!! I would feel so much better if I could sleep!!!! Sorry for my outragious candidness yesterday. Sometimes, everything just pours out of me - I need to get things off my chest, and then I feel sort of funny. I wonder if my brother has been reading any of these posts, as he is leaning toward trying the program, and I told him how well the forums have helped me. I think I would be pretty identifiable!!

        So I did it, but almost not. I was this close to opening that beautiful bottle of French red wine last night. I would have slept like a baby it if I did - or is that "like the dead". But you know, I kept thinking of all the encouragement I get from everyone here, and well - I would have hated to write in today to say that I am starting at day 1 again. So I thought - no. I will not drink that bottle (cuz that is what I wanted - not a glass), and had a couple glasses of AF wine instead, and lay down to listen to the hypno cd. Phew - made it though one more day. So now I am on day 7!!!! I guess it will be ODAT for me!!!

        Another good exercise day for me I hope. The drinking has never stopped me from swimming in the past, as I never usually would start until 10:30-11:00 - just like my smoking - only at night. But it sure slowed me down. I really like that my swimming speed increased - I was just so happy - my muscles must be dumping the residual AL poison?? And, I will try to eat a bit more later in the afternoon today, so I am not so hungry by the time I leave work!

        LVT - I know about the "best drinking buddy" scenario, even though mine never drinks as much as me. I am, however, trying to get the guy to cut back the cigarettes - I swear, he smokes almost 2packs a day!! (that's 25/pack). When he wakes up, I will make some suggestions how to cut back a bit today - but he does get rather defensive about it. And Cindi, hopefully your daughters husband can come to understand her situation and her needs, and let her do what she needs to do to heal herself. Best of luck to you and yours
        with that!!!

        OK - time to get everybody up and out of the house.
        Have another wonderful AF day everybody! Enjoy the fabulous spring weather!
        xoxoxoxo Peanut


          Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

          NO TIME!!!! This is a hard day - and no sleep for me either!!!:upset: Or, about 4 not-so-restful hours. Feel like crap. And meetings this afternoon up to 9:30. WAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          I'm hoping for a second wind......... it will get here eventually. (I'm thinking of your day yesterday Ollie - good job!!)

          I just got a quick gander this morning - the AF days ARE PILING UP PEOPLE!!!!! Bestlife has 30 (OMG), and there's 3, 8, 11....... that's POWER!!!! F.U. BEAST!!!!!!

          This thread is so chock full - amazing posts. Can't wait to read in detail later.
          Tomorrow will be a MUCH better day - i.e. working from home. Amen.

          Love you guys!!! :h

          WW xox


            Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

            Hello all
            made it through day 6 yesterday. today i'm feeling down. i'm going to yoga after work so i'm hoping it helps. i don't feel well physically and i've been thinking about the potential damage i've done to my body. it makes me sad and angry at the same time so this is probably why i've been feeling blah today. Kate H1 thanks for the words of encouragement. Thanks to everyone for sharing your experiences, they keep me going.
            :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
            ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


              Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

              Today is day 9 for me. I am really starting to feel physically beter. Slept better for the last two nights and I know that makes a big difference.

              So many emotioal feelings that i am not used to dealing with. I know that we all have to go through this. I only know that I never want to go through the first 7 days again and the only way to not have to ddo that is to stay sober.

              Something to remind myself of daily.


                Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                So many things to think about here... where to begin. First off, if my thoughts don't seem clear, blame it on my 3 day old headache. I think it's allergies hanging on. I just wrote a note about passive-aggressive. Spouses, family and friends that don't want you dead or drunk and also don't want you to stop drinking. It's the enabler that doesn't want to lose control (even tho they don't realize or understand what they are doing)
                Not sleeping?? I swear by melatonin and theanine combo. Costco has a good one at $12 for 10 months supply (except that I take 2) Drinkers are low in melatonin so I take the extra. Also, take a calcium (liquid is best) just before bedtime; it helps you sleep better.
                This past year, I've really isolated myself from almost all social interaction. Besides, avoiding hubby at all costs... spending most of my time with a precocious 3 year old and a dog. I'm using you all to start climbing out of this isolation. There are actual days when I don't say one word to another adult!
                I need to make a place to practice yoga and my chi gong. That would be one of the best things I could do for myself. So, whenever someone mentions exercise, I get a notch closer.
                Funny, 13 days AF and now when I lose my balance, get a bruise or can't keep the days straight, forget something important and mispronounce a word, I laugh at myself because, even without the booze, I'm still such a doofus. This is a type A personality getting soft and old around the edges. I also wonder if there still are any hidden bottles that I have forgotten about.
                I'm going away for a week but will try to keep in touch. I might break my AF stretch with a glass of wine with old friends but am in no danger of having more as I will be driving in a strange city. Hey, and maybe I won't: the thought just occurred to me that, that is totally possible. I can just say no.(thanks Nancy!) At my age, 65, most have cut way WAY back and many are no longer drinking any thing(just us'n with the problem). I think the ultimate test would be to accept a glass and then not drink it.
                Enough rambling. Kudos to you all for getting through life so way. These are tough times. Love, g.:h


                  Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                  OMG!! I just wrote you an essay.. longest, most heartfelt, and I disappeared it instead of posting. You're spared. I've purged. It's done. All I will rewrite is the ending...."Kudos to you all for getting on in your lives as these really are tough times!" Love, g:h


                    Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                    ACH!! You're not spared after all. I think I have poltergists.


                      Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                      Hi All: I was AF for 7 months, 3 weeks. I was then AF for 31 days. Then AF fo 14 days, and currently another 14 days. Rarely do I post anymore. I kind of gave up hope after having messed up after being sober for close to 8 months. I am doing okay right now. I have learned from each of my slips. The main lesson learned is, drinking for me is just not worth it! When I drink I get obnoxious. I feel terribly ill the next morning. My emotions are completely out of control the next morning. I hate the not only the headaches and nausea, but I hate what drinking does to my self esteem. I also hate the concern my drinking causes my family. This time around, I will meet and exceed 7 months and 3 weeks and pray to go on AF forever. How do I plan to do it? I'll remind myself of all the negative consequences my drinking brings. I'll forever remind myself of the path of destruction my drinking leaves behind. Most importantly, I'll remind myself of how good being sober really feels. I will continue to strive to love myself as much as my family and friends love me. I will fight the demon who lives inside me and not let a liquid destroy my life. I look forward to getting many months of sobriety under my belt. I look forward to the day where I can post on this site and be proud of myself for my long term sobriety. I have met a great number of peole on MWO. Several have PM's me over the year asking me for advise and commending me for a job well done. I don't want to let myself or anyone else down. It feels so good to be needed and sought after for advise. I want to be the Reenie who is there to help people again.
                      September 23, 2011


                        Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                        Reenie I know you can do it! You were one of the first people that I had talked to on the board when I started out. I'm proud of you!!!


                          Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                          Hi Everyone

                          Wow, what a lot of activity since I was last here - fantastic

                          Unfortunately too much time has lapsed for me to respond in depth without boring you all to tears, so I'll try and be concise.

                          Ollie way to go on 8 days, and for not succumbing after your mothers club meeting. Like you I used to pour myself a drink no matter how late I got home of an evening. I find I need to distract myself as soon as I get home and then I'm ok. Hope your son and you get some rest tonight.

                          wakupmom woo hoo on 7 days!

                          Molly welcome, and congratulations on 11 days. I went to a party last Saturday with people who know me as a drinker, and I just told them that I'm not drinking for a while for health/ and fitness reasons. A few idiots tried to talk me out of it (c'mon just one drink, just one night) but most didn't bat an eyelid.

                          1morechance congratulations on 6 days. If you can, focus on what you're now doing for your body (as opposed to the damage you've caused it in the past). Our bodies have an amazing capacity to regenerate, and soon yours will be feeling SO much better thanks to your herculean efforts now.

                          Peanut yay for not opening that bottle of red - I'm not sure I could handle the temptation of having one in front of me. Well done on the swim time too, 30 seconds is huge. And your candidness wasn't outrageous, bring it on!!

                          time2change congratulations on 9 days, so glad you're feeling better physically. I guess emotionally will take a little more time for many of us...

                          Reenie how awesome that you achieved almost 8 months before. You so can do it again (and more). I think you're already helping people by showing them what to do after a slip-up - dusty yourself off, learn from your mistakes, and try again.

                          have a great week away.

                          , welcome. With the CDs they say it doesn't matter if you fall asleep if you wake up once the CD is done. In fact I think that's supposed to mean it's really working. I know what you mean about those triggers...feeling good, feeling bad, good weather, bad weather, with friends, on your own...I've been eating pretty much only takeaway and frozen meals for the past week.

                          , lausibel
                          and ntcentral
                          a big welcome, and congratulations on your AF days

                          as always you rock. Hope your new computer is all set up and making your life easier, and that you got that second wind today. Look forward to hooking up on chat as soon as our time zones (and the stars and planets) are in alignment.



                            Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living


                            Just wanted to add my 2 cents worth to WW's post about sleep.

                            I got hardly any sleep on nights 1-5. I tried melatonin but had a freaky reaction, which my Dr said does happen to some people. Then on day 6 my supplements finally arrived from the US (they were supposed to get here two weeks ago but USPS stuffed up).

                            So, on the night of day 6 I took 1000mg L-tryptophan and 1000mg GABA an hour or so before bed. Then drank a lemon/camomile/valerian tea. Then about half an hour before turning the lights out I had 3 Hyland's Insomnia tablets (similar to Calms Forte, made by the same people). Result: I had the best sleep in years, about 8 hours of deep and restful sleep. It made SUCH a difference to my day.

                            I'm not sure whether I need all of the above to help me sleep or whether just one or two are what's really doing the trick, but for now I'll stick to the combo since it's working.

                            Wooflet x


                              Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                              Forgot to say where I'm at - day 8 today, and feeling proud for having achieved a week. Haven't done that in about ten years.

                              Despite feeling proud I'm also feeling a bit low (strange to have the two feelings together I know). Kind've like "now what". So WW and KateH1 it is so great to read your posts and to hear about your experiences. It is really inspirational to me that you've undergone such huge personal transformations, and in what is really a short time. I mean four months (for Kate, not sure how long for you WW?) seems like a lifetime in these first few days of AF, but in reality I know it goes by so fast. To achieve so much in that time - well yes WW the mind does boggle, and I look forward to boggling myself! (oops that sounds a bit rude :H)

                              Kate I too have a (not very deep inside of me yet) side that likes the buzz, zoning out, hypnotic part of Al. I look forward to being where you're at where sobriety feels better. At the moment I'm doing it but not liking it...And a bit overwhelmed at all the new skills I need to learn to deal with life in a different way.

                              Thanks and love

                              PS WW I know it's a serious matter but you so cracked me up talking about your family loons :H I have a few of those in my extended family too.


                                Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                                Hi guys!
                                Did you ever think you were losing your mind? I have been doing the strangest things - like the wrong words coming out, and forgetting the most simple things. Like today I forgot Dr. Suess' name!!! But most importantly, I can never remember if I have taken my lunch time supps. Two days in a row, I wandered around my office and lab, and couldn't find them, although I could have sworn I hadn't taken them yet!! Then today, I just decided I must have, and let it go, and at 6 tonight, while going into my purse, there they were. Now, was that yesterday's or today's?!?! Who knows!!!! Maybe I missed yesterday's and that was why I was so full of craving. I took them right at 6 anyway, and I have been so tense. My jaw is so soar - I clench my teeth, and have been doing that really badly tonight. I think I will just try to sleep - I am so sleepy!

                                Wooflet - I wanted to run to the store to pick up some Tryptophan and GABA, and maybe those insomnia tablets you mentioned (although the Calmes Fortes does nothing for me) but the stores I needed are closed at 6 in this little city. Rats!! I'll give it one more night, and if I still can't sleep, well.... what will I do?!?! Haven't decided that far yet! I better actually do it soon, as the other bottle of wine which was purchased for me was a nice, cool Chilean, and it is calling me from the kitchen!!! Oh - to live with such temptation!!!

                                Love to you all1

