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Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

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    Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

    Noooo Peanut, resist the temptation of a nice cool Chilean unless it's the human kind:H

    I really hope you get some sleep tonight. I guess if you can't get supps you'll have to fall back on the old warm bath, hot milk, herbal tea, hypno CD remedies. But I guess you've tried all that already.

    I so know what you mean about your brain going haywire. I feel rather foggy (well more than usual) and although I'm not forgetting things that much I do seem to have developed dyslexia. It's taking me forever to post here because I have to keep going back and correcting spelling mistakes!

    As for my pills, I've bought one of those pill box things where you can put in your supps for a week (broken down into four lots a day) and then it beeps at you when you need to take them. Otherwise I'd be so erratic with my pill-taking that it wouldn't be worth taking them at all. The beeping also helps you find them!

    Have a good night Peanut, and be strong - I know you can:l



      Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

      Hey Wooflet,

      Hot Bath: done.
      Herbal Tea: kettle is on
      CDs: I have the subliminal one in and ready to go - that one is quite relaxing.
      I just had a scalp massage from the big mechanic (he washed his hands first, as he is working on a car in the driveway) and that helped relax my poor, stressed jaw a little bit.

      And the same with the typ-os here. Once again today, talking aloud to myself in my office - what the f*ck?! why can't I type anymore?? I think they think I am nuts at work.

      Must invest in a beeping pill box!

      I'll leave the Chilean alone in my fridge for another night! Thanks for helping me resist him! Good night Diego! stay cool! ha!

      'night all!
      Peanut xo


        Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

        Hi Guys!
        Well done on your first week.Just wanted to say that i too am feeling the "fogg brain thing".I think its what WW described as 2 weeks of sqirrly-ness,or something like that.I am hoping this will pass soon.I am really taking notice of how i am feeling,and determined to ride every emotion through.Just wanted to add some support,and wish continuing strenghth.We can do this!!
        Have a good day every one xx


          Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

          Hi all, Haven't posted for a couple of days. I white-knuckled it night before last, but last night, I actually sat on the couch and read a book. It was probably my easiset night so far. Midway through the evening my husband plopped in a chair and started talking about work. He's one of those "silent" types usually. It occurred to me that it's been quite a while since he's had a wife sitting upright at 9:00 at night who can listen. WonderWorld, I used your trick of imaging myself weeks from now where not having a drink in hand was the norm, and you're right, I looked marvelous! Your line of living with an amputation is right on----that's exactly how it feels sometimes. Molly, I read your post about your 15 year old daughter having to get used to having a mom who is still "there" in the evenings. I have a 17 year old version. She too is having to get used to the fact that she can't just flit out the door at will after dinner without me quizzing her as to where she's going and when she will be back. One thing I've noticed is that since I've stopped (20 days today!) she's not nearly as beligerant as she normally is. I've caught her whistling in the kitchen and now and again, she'll hug me for no particular reason. She hasn't said a word about my sobriety but there's no doubt that she's noticing.

          It should be so easy, shouldn't it? Life is so much sweeter without AL. So why is it I miss it so much? Go figure. Here's to day number 20. Regards to all, NTC

          p.s. I ordered Kudzo last night to help with the cravings. I'm a night drinker, wine by choice. Since stopping, I've had cravings during the day (!) and in the middle of the night. It's as if some little voice is saying, "Okay, I get it. You're not getting blitzed before dinner any more so how about changing your routine a little?" ....No thank you.


            Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

            Good Morning,
            I made one week!! Bring on Day 8 AF!!!!!
            Congrats to everybody with making it so far in you goals!!

            Hey wakeup - I can't wait for the "squirrly-ness" to pass. And like NT, I have been finding my self craving wine at odd times of the day too. I was pretty up-tight last night though - maybe I did screw up the meds somewhat, and I wonder if that is what did it!

            I said once before that my drinking is what led to me being quite a permissive parent. Although I always loved my kids and took very good care of them, I do have regrets about this one issue. I think if I had been more "on the ball", my daughter's boyfriends wouldn't have been sleeping over by the time they were 16yo. If I could go back and do it over, I would hope I would do things with greater responsibility - rather than being the "cool mom" - hey , isn't that the the drunk mom?! One thing I never did succumb to is buying them alcohol. I know they have stolen from me, which is why I have my homemade wine in my room with the door locked (although there is currently none left) - But I refused always to be their suppliers, even though their friends often begged me!! No no no!!! Anyway, my eldest girl is happy I am doing this.

            I plan on stopping at the health store on the way home from work to get something to help me sleep. A bit bette last night, but still - I feel asleep really nicely, but woke when my beau came to bed at 1am. I think I slept until 3:30, then awake on and off after that. It is actually nice getting up earlier though and getting on line here to talk to you all!

            Best get ready for work, so everybody have a wonderful, productive, fun-filled Thursday!

            xoxo Peanut


              Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

              Good morning (here) everbody. Yesterday I went to my beloved chiropractor because this @#$#@$ headache just won't go away and stay away! He brought out the acupuncture needles--WTF!!! If you've ever had this done, you know it works--but at the time it is less than pleasant, plus my headache got much worse at first. Today so far, it is much better. I might research this some more.......acupuncture can treat so many things, including addictions. It is another possible tool. I only had needles in my face, and neck, but this video struck me as pretty funny!

              [ame= ]YouTube - Funny Acupuncture Commercial[/ame]
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                I just found this thread. I am on day 15. I read the book, am taking topo at 25 twice a day, and doing the hypnosis tapes. anyone who says they are too expensive should look at how much money they spent on booze in the last 2 months! I bought a few vitamins and some melatonin but did not buy the kudzu and the powder. I would like to see a double blind study showing the need or benefit of those products. I am doing very well. AF for 15 days and sleeping much better. At first the sleeping was a problem. the melatonin helped and then when the tapes came they really helped. Not much craving and I have lost 7 pounds - a nice by product. I am not irritable at my staff but I do note a bit of trouble remembering words, directions and names, so I have no intention of increasing the topo at this point. All in all the most positive experience I have had yet with rehab from alcohol abuse. I do go to 2-3 AA meetings a week and have spoken a bit about this plan there. they don't really "get" it. I think this program is a good tool for many and is helping me rewire my brain to recover from this compulsion. good luck and good work to all of you. it can be done.
                how do you get to carnagie hall? practice, practice practice!


                  Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                  Hello all
                  Well, today I feel good. Yesterday was difficult but not impossible. Yoga really helped me focus on my intentions and being in the moment.

                  Wooflet -- thanks for your advise, you're right, I will focus on the good things I'm doing now because the body has a way of doing what it needs to do as long as we take care of it. Congrats on 8 AF days!

                  Peanut -- congrats on completing 7 days! I'm also working on day 8 today.

                  Kiri -- Congrats on 15 days!

                  LVT25 -- I loved the acupuncture commercial :H I go to acupuncture and when I'm sitting there with all those needles, i don't move an inch because I'm afraid they'll go in deeper and puncture some major organ:H so I could appreciate the guys fear
                  :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                  ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                    Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                    Hi everyone,
                    Made it through the first week. There has been some white knuckling going on so I ordered the L-Glut and Gaba today. I'm going to be more vigilant about my supps and start back on the CD's tonight.

                    Wooflet, Peanut, LVT25, Kiri, Wakeupmom, Ntcentral and everyone else Great Job! We are on a roll!



                      Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                      Love the accupuncture video - saw it a while back, but it is a good one. It also got me to thinkings (I god, don't do that!!!) I went for a walk with a gal I met who is new to my running group - we both work on campus, so a lunch walk is always nice with company. She went to see an accupuncture guy recently and had some relief from her ailment. So, I thought I would give it a try to help with my insomnia. I know this might go away with time, but I've had it for years, so why not. I've always been curious (and a bit fearful) of the whole process. I have an appointment for monday afternoon. I suppose my focus is the insomnia, but can they address multiple issues at the same time??? Like maybe insomnia plus smoking plus dieting plus drinking plus OCD issues plus ........ Ha!!! Maybe not all at once, eh?

                      Groove on dears!


                        Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                        Hi everyone

                        Been running around today so no time to post properly, just wanted to check in and say hello and what a great job everyone is doing here.

                        I'm heading into my second Friday night AF and feeling deprived but strong. Looking forward to the former feeling going away some day, but for now am content with being strong in the face of feeling deprived. Hope that makes sense!

                        Have a great Friday everyone

                        Wooflet x


                          Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                          Hi Wooflet,
                          I'm also going for my 2nd Friday AF and 8 th day in all. Yesterday as was positively grieving for my absent friend Al but this morning much better.
                          So good luck.
                          make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                            Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                            Hello to all my MWO friends!
                            I have just had a quick read of all the latest post,its so reasuring that we are all still here,and doing pretty good i say!
                            Its day 9 for me today,and i have the day of work..and the sun is shinning.I feel quite good today.Yesterday was a grumpy day.Everyday seems to be different.

                            NT,I can also relate to your daughters silent approval.My 12 year old son put his arms round me the other day and said"i am proud of you mum" nothing else.Some things don't need an explanation.I will remember it forever.Turns your heart over doesn't it.If that isn't insentive what is.So keep them hugs coming xx

                            Peanut,Have we met in a previous life?I am the same,about the fantasy of drinking-Dam i can almost taste it.Lovely chilled chardonay.oaked and a yellow in colour,that sip.Then i think I don't sip, i gulp not even tasting it let alone savouring it.The next thing that happens is i'm drunk ,hungover,anxious,panicy.I could go on but i don't have to cause i am sober today YEAH!!Congrat on your week,into week 2 xx

                            LVT,Great to hear the acupuncture worked for your head ache,who knows what wonders it will make to you. xx

                            Kiri,Welcome to you, and congratulations on your 15 days,thats brilliant!Hope you stay around.Safety in numbers xx

                            1More,Glad the yoga is working for you-Whatever it takes i say xx

                            Oli,Into your second week too.Fab..Keep going xx

                            Wooflet.My second friday too.Just keep focused on Sat morning,starting the day without all the crap feellings you get from drinking.I am with you all the way xx

                            Jessie,Congratulations to you too.Can so relate to all the different feelings,at least we know thats normal-everyday different.They say variety is the spice of life xx

                            And of course WW,Hope you are ok,and not working too hard xx

                            Hope i haven't forgotton any body,forgive me if i have.xx

                            In case i don't get the chance to get on line this weekend have a good one.Keep strong xx


                              Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                              Thanks jessie and wakupmom, it's almost bedtime here and Friday night wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be when I posted earlier. I guess the thought of no Al is much worse than the reality of no Al. And yes you're so right about feeling great the next morning.

                              NT and wakupmom I don't have children but your posts about your kids brought a tear to my eye. I had an alcoholic dad (he died age 54 of cirrhosis) and it would have meant the world to me had he turned things around like you have. As you say, kids don't say much but notice everything, and you're giving them the best gift you ever could.

                              Have a great Friday night everyone (and a fab weekend too for those of you who won't be on here over the weekend).

                              It makes this journey so much easier to have you lovely people to share it with :l

                              Wooflet x


                                Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                                Wow... Everyone is really putting today a nice AF streak. This is so encouraging. Today is day 11 for me. I am so happy that there are so many of us that are in the same situation. It's really nice to log on here read about what everyone else is going through. It truly makes me remember i am not alone. Also, reading WW's posts makes me remember why i am doing this.

                                Everyone, remember to come here often this weekend if you need support. Chat has helped me a couple times this week in the evenings when I get bored.

                                Thank you all for sharing your experieinces here.

