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Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

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    Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

    Loppy and wooflet both--30 days?? That is awesome! Hope you treat yourselves!!:goodjob:

    Had a really productive day yesterday--sunny and warm helped alot. The boys worked hard and got the pumpkin patch tilled and planted. We got the rest of the plants in the garden, and I reseeded some. The sweet corn is in! I'm giving it a couple more days to see if I need to replant some more. The little seeds got buried with the big wind storm! Today, I'm going on a weed-killing mission. Hope to get my irrigation system going. Trying to get things ready for our trip to Texas.

    I have trouble with varmits in my garden sometimes! Last year the bunnies ate my peas! The dogs do a pretty good job of scaring them away. I have had cattle in it before and they can do some damage!! I should have a fence. I might put up an electric fence, or see if hubby will do it while I'm gone. It just makes it a little harder to get in there with my cultivator!

    This weekend is a big celebration here. I've already had a friend call and want to go out Saturday night. She is single again. I'm trying to lay low, don't want to waste time with even a little hangover----way too much to do!!

    I hope everyone has a great day and weekend!! :h
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

      Thank you for your well wishes folks. I really appreciate it. I will dig myself out of this hole eventually.

      But wow!!! Three 30 day celebrations???? I am so excited! You all rock!! You set your mind on an AF May and you didn't let anything stand in your way. I am very proud of you all.

      Everyone, enjoy your weekends. Stay strong!! You can do it. Just set yourself a plan and stick to it!

      Love, Me
      Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


        Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

        Hi all,

        Thankful I hope thing are improving for you and that the weekend brings you loads of nice things.

        LVT25 and NTC I am so envious of you and all your rabbits. I know to you they are pests and vermin but as you probably gathered from the name and avatar I am a rabbit lover. If I lived where you do I would be out ever dawn and dusk just watching them.

        Also LVT as a city slicker I am curious to know what you do to work calves and cows. In my ignorance I thought you just moved them from field to field as they chomped through the grass.

        Also have got another really important question. Now that Wooflet, Wakeupmum (well done both of you) and I have made 30 days do we have to graduate to the big girls thread?
        Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
        AF 8 June 2012


          Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

          How I long for that feeling that being free from alcohol brings.
          I will most likely throw down what is left. I can knock down 3 bottles a night easily but I am paying for it today. My body is tired, it is expressing this in many ways. I tried to Topa and have been so disapointed that it did not work as I had hoped. It helps to read of others experiences, esp the side effects which I found unbearable and could not wait for it to pass out of my system.
          I wake up every morning with the reminder of how much I drank the night before. My days off are so hard not to as I usually start first thing. This body just absorbes alcohol and I feel like I am in a trance when I just throw it down into my poor cells.
          I want to love myself more and resurface in this life. I work and then I come back to the house and slip into the shadows.
          You are all the ones that I share my secret with, no one has a clue except my Mom because we live in the same house.
          This battle started when I was older in life and hit hard.
          I want freedom and I hope to manage to eliminate it, with your support and the suppliments/Cd's starting June. I need you so much.

          " Do not lose courage in considering your own imperfections but instantly set about remedying them~everyday begin the task anew".-Saint Francis de Sales


            Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

            Hi Theme2be, Is there anything you can do immediately after work other than go home to the bottle? Maybe go to the gym, or take a walk in the park, or drive around the neighborhood, or look into a volunteer job? It sounds like AL has become both a habit and a companion that fills some kind of void you're experiencing. You sound so exhausted by this (as many of us are who have started posting). Keep posting. I honestly think that the more you shine a light on this "secret," the more likely it is to shrivel or at least to become more managable. It is so hard to go up against it alone.

            Loppy, the rabbits drive me crazy because they eat my plants but with that said, they are very cute. Esp. the little ones.

            Sending you good wishes, NTC


              Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

              Great advise, NTC. I agree completely.

              Stick with us Theme2be. You have to do this for you. We can't do it for you, but we will help you every step of the way. You just gotta take that first step.

              Loopy, you crack me up
              do we have to graduate to the big girls thread?
              No hun, you do not "have to" go to the big girl thread unless you want to. There are no requirements to the threads other than we ask for drama free zones (i.e. no fighting with other members). If you want to jump to "31 days and beyond" you will be greeted with open arms. If you are comfortable here, then stay. The threads are set up so that you are getting advise from people who are going through the same thing that you are or have been where you are. As you can see, I post on both and find that very rewarding. It's your choice my dear.

              Wooflet, where are you, hun? Please check in with us, ok? We are here for you always.

              And where's everyone else??? Come folks, time to huddle together and pull each other through! Let's rally the team!!

              Love, Me
              Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                Hi everybody,

                It's been a few days since I posted on this thread - kinda got lost in a couple of others and have tried to lay off the computer a bit. I did post that I have started on the Topa - I am very nervous about it. Finally talked to one of the other doctors at the clinic - a very good doctor, the one who actually started the clinic - so I was happy to see him. But he really wants me to see my own doctor too. He had never heard of topa being used for this purpose, so he was curious. I took one before bed, last night as the pharmasist advised, and did not drink yesterday (despite all the beer swilling going on around me!), and I DID NOT SLEEP. I feel terrible today!!! I have a headache again. I think I will try to take the topa in the afternoons instead, although I do worry about drowsiness. Hmmmm..... I found my coffee late in the morning was not quite sweet enough, and put more sugar in, but alas - I reached for the container of salt in my lab, not sugar - yuck!!!!! Has the topa dopa started already?!?!?!

                NTC - interesting with the wine you had an the slippery noodles - sounded quite scarey. How have you fared since then??

                Loppy, Wakeup and Wooflet - how are things going for you??? Are you carrying on with AF days? Give yourselves a treat of some kind to reward yourselves for your success??

                Thankful - you are back in the groove of things I see - making your way around the threads, spreading enthusiasm and encouragement wherever you go!!! You are a blessing!

                I had best get back to work. I feel like leaving early to go have a nap and try to get rid of this headache. Any Topa users out there with any advise/anecdotes, I would appreciate hearing some!!


                  Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                  Hi all,

                  Still here and still AF day 33.

                  Peanut, can't help you with the Topa. I just use L-glut and Kudzu to help with the cravings. I do however take antabuse which is the most wonderful disincentive to picking up a drink.

                  Challenge for June is to stay AF and to stop comfort eating. I managed to put on 12 pounds in May. I seem to have swapped one problem for another, albeit a less harmful one.

                  At the docs first thing tomorrow in an attempt to get her to give me another presciption. Hope she does because I am not yet ready to do this on my own.

                  Theme2be, I agree with everyone else, keep coming here and telling us how you feel each day. It does make it better to have someone to talk to who understands even if their circumstances are not exactly the same. And even more importantly no one will ever judge you.

                  Ntc don't think there is such a thing as a plant that rabbits don't like to eat otherwise I would suggest planting that. Mine are partial to Basil, Coriander and Parsley (but only the flat leaf type, go figure!). Haven't got green fingers myself. I can even kill Devil's Ivy!!

                  Thankful, as always full of carig and good advice, where would we be without you?
                  Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
                  AF 8 June 2012


                    Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                    Hi all. Loppy, thirty plus days is amazing. You have to keep on posting here, we need you for inspiration. Peanut, sounds like the topa might take some adjusting to. Hi Thankful, I happened to read several other posts today and enjoyed reading some of your very wise postings. Theme2be, if you check in on this thread tonight, please post. You need to be making contact with other people.

                    I was off work all last week and started back today. I was struck with a malaise driving home. I so wanted to come home to a bottle of wine. I took the long way home and then had a nap as soon as I arrived. I figured sleeping is better than DRI**ing. I had the red wine slip last week and then I had port-laced pasta on Saturday (with a few swigs while cooking). It's amazing that this amount of AL has seemed to send me back to square one in terms of cravings. Then again, I guess AL has been a very big part of my life for at least 12 years now. It is unrealistic to expect that it's effects and pull will simply vanish after a few weeks of near abstinance.

                    Enough maudlin thoughts. My plantings are lovely right now--roses galore, new hydrangas, the last of the iris, and the promise of day lillies and daisies. Tonight both daugters are going out so I don't have to cook a big dinner. Maybe I'll catch a yoga class and try to zen away the negativity.

                    Hang in there everyone, I'm sending positive vibes in all of your directions. NTC


                      Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                      hey guys hello...just a word about Topa...i take one in the morning for energy! 25 mgs. i was trying to take another in the afternoon and it was making me nervous. I go to an APRN for counselling and meds...all i take is 50 mgs. of zolft and 1 Topa in the AM and i am good for the day..i hope this helps..any questions, let me know, i have been on Topa for awhile and i like it. :h


                        Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                        Hi Ripple - thanks for your input. I was afraid it would make me sleepy, but it seems to some it is the opposite. I must put my fears aside, and tally forth!!!! I took one this afternoon and felt fine! And I put forth an inquiry or joined a thread on the Meds Threads, so there is lots of info there for me too. I'll keep you all posted on how it makes me feel!!
                        BTW Tipple - I always love your avatars!!! I think I need to print that Hail Mary one out!!!


                          Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                          NUTS~unite. NO tipple here thats for god damn sure..i rather have a topa anyday. Thank God for meds! Topa brings me clarity and for that i am thankful just for today, tomorrow could be different..i can wait. :H


                            Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living


                            I've just joined and feeling little self-conscious but my day feels hopeful now. I'm so grateful to have found this site - I came across it by accident a few days ago and have been mulling it over ever since. Looking forward to the next 30 days and more although don't suppose it will all be rosy!
                            Short term goal 7 days AF


                              Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                              Hello I'm back

                              and feeling good about June. Thankful is right, we need to rally up the team! I didn't do to well that last week in May but I got enough AF days under my belt to give me a taste of what I want to accomplish in June. I can do this, we can do this! Welcome Patricia glad you're joining the thread. :goodjob: Loopy keep posting, you are an inspiration.
                              :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                              ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                                Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                                Patricia :welcome:and good luck with going AF. and to everyone else in their endeavours for June.

                                I was in luck with the doc this morning and have another prescription for antabuse. This time she seems inclined to let me stay on it until I feel ready to come off. Before she seemed to be working to a very short term timescale. I was starting to get very panicy and weepy again.

                                Peanut, Hope you get the advice you need with the topa, loads of people here seem to benefit from it so there must be a solution for you.

                                1morechance any AF day is a plus. Are you aiming for 30 straight days?

                                I am in a funny place with my not drinking. I thought it would get easier by now but it hasn't yet.

                                The hypno cds arrived last week but I have been so busy that the only one I have had a chance to listern to is the sleeping one. Things should calm down a bit next month so I should have some free time then.

                                NTC know what you mean about craving the bottle of wine as a reward when you come home from a hard days work. For me I know it wouldn't stop at one bottle so it just isn't an option. But what I have been doing which I must stop is cooking myself something far too calorific and then eating too much of it. I'd like to stop comfort eating but I am a bit worried that I might be taking on too much at once.

                                Anyone know if Wooflet is OK.

                                Take care all.
                                Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
                                AF 8 June 2012

