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Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

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    Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

    Evening all,

    Still here at day 41 and for the time being, that emotional maelstrom is leaving me alone. You are all lucky to have missed some very emotional outpourings. I have been odd to say the least! So it takes 90 days for the brain to rewire itself does it. In that case roll on 29 July. I've made a note in my diary!

    Dolly... another rabbit lover in the gang. 4theboyz has houserabbits as well. Still a bit envious of all those who can open their back doors and see loads of them any time they want. But obviously my two are the most adorable in the whole world. Especially the old one. His nose is going grey and it is so cute. The new one still can't believe that life is now so good (a rspca rescue rabbit). She binkies just because I feed her and that from a 5 year old.

    Peanut. Day 10. Doing good. I hope the Topa does it for you. I remember starting this little episode with you, Wooflet and Believe. Don't know what happened to Believe I hope she is doing ok.

    CS04, hang in there. The energy does come back. I was so exhausted for the first few weeks I could barely drag myself into work. but the thing about this AF bit is, that whatever is thrown at you, if you stick with it, it all eventually passes. When we were drinking we just forgot our issues until we sobered up and so the cycle continued.

    What gives with gardening and decorating anyone would think spring is in the air!

    Welcome to all newbies, this is a great place to post.

    Hope everyone else is doing well in life generally, not just in AF.

    Catch you all later.
    Learn from yesterday, live for today and hope for tomorrow - Einstein
    AF 8 June 2012


      Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

      Good morning (here) guys!
      Just wanted to check in and thank you for your ongoing support!

      Peanut--sorry not me in the video!

      Had to get a cow in this morning as soon as I got up. It is time to go to pasture--they have had a taste of the sweet green corn and won't stay out!

      Busy day getting ready for vacation Bible school, catching up at work, Yoga class--yay! and dentist appointment for the boys and I. took one to orthodontist yesterday--will be cutting back on my spending need to save about $3000.00 for that deal. Also needs his tonsils out this summer...a few grand there. My other son will need braces also--hope not this year. Also got news my 10 year old should attend summer school! I warned him, not I've got to follow through even though they don't actually teach them anything!

      Well, I've rambled enough for one day. Welcome to all the newbies that have come on board while I was gone and I'm happy to "see" my "old" friends!:h
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

        Hello everyone,
        I woke up at 3:30 this morning and never got back to sleep -- can't blame the baby for this one. Joan Larson mentions that as one of her signs of depression on her website (she is the author of 7 weeks to Sobriety; not just sleeping probs but getting up really early and not getting back to sleep.) I've been taking the Calms Forte but didn't take any yesterday till just before bed.

        I am so frustrated because I don't feel better! I'm on day 8. Maybe I've been depressed for longer than I thought. I told the counselor - not sure if it's a depression thing (which is what hubby thinks) or an AL thing. Counselor says it's both, which is probably true. I don't want to scare off newbies, but I feel like I am barely staying afloat, emotionally, financially...I just want someone else to take care of things for awhile. I want my husband to tell me that everything is going to be ok.

        I am already worried about the weekend, with Fathers Day and family get-together, there will be drinking tempatation. How stupid; it's only Wed. I don't mean to be negative on this thread that is meant to be a positive note, but I am really trying to feel good and it just doesn't feel good.

        LVT, sorry to hear about the $$$ orthodontia. Summer school is a bite in the butt as well.

        Peanut, let me know about the vertigo.

        Loppy, I loved The Velveteen Rabbit as a child!

        Hey to Cindi, Evielou (although she's past 30 days now!), Jessie, NTC, Nomore, and anyone else.

        I guess I'll just have to keep on truckin'. Can anyone tell me if there is a way to bookmark this thread or add to favorites or something? I've been having a hard time finding it on occasion.


          Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

          Hello peeps!

          Thought I'd take a few minutes here while everybody goes for coffee, say hi hi hi!!!

          CS04 - I do hope you get to feeling better!! Sometimes this thread gets lost on page two, especially when there is alot of activity on the site. Don't know if the waking up at 3:30 and not sleeping has anything to do with depression. I get that and am not depressed, but suffere from insomnia. It can be terrible!!! Then I am so sleepy all day the next day, and even that doesn't even help with falling asleep the next night! I don't find the natural sleep aids help me at all. Advise for insomnia from everybody is all around, from warm milk, sleepy time tea, over-the-counter and natural/herbal sleep aids - nothing works!!!! I need drugs I think!!!! Ha!!! Don't need another addictionk do I?!?! Kidding aside, I think it will just take time, and the last couple of nights have been a bit better, and my usual 4am awake time has been of much short duration - thankfully!!!!! So it does get better!!! As for my vertigo, I don't really feel it too much these days, which is why I think it was alcohol related. But I haven't approached any escalators either lately. I will go down or up the glass-fronted elevator in my building and see if I feel anything!

          LVT - dentist and orthodontists - those were the days!!! Aiy!!! You have a dental plan to help with all that!!! Can be very pricey!!! Both my daughters had braces and fortunately, my dental plan covered them!!! My son never needed them - lucky boy!!! He wants me to take him to Value Village tonight - lucky me that he like second hand clothing, huh???? Actually, I think he wants to find a small couch to put down in his new basement bedroom - his new bach-pad!!!

          Emotions are equalizing Loppy??? And yes - I recall starting with you back in May. Ollie too, and Wooflet was I think the first one responding to this thread when WW started it. Haven't heard from her in a while though. Ollie - you have a few more AF days under your belt?

          NTC - About the OCD and habits. Yes - habits are there, and we have them, but I agree, it is like something clicks in the brain, and once that first glass is in you, then that's it - the whole bottle goes. Now, is that habit?? Or is that something else, the alcoholic gene or disease or whatever. Need to learn more about that......

          Evielou - soooooo happy for you!!!! You did 30 days!!!!! You are such a success story - I have so enjoyed watching your progress and your belief in yourself has been truly inspiring!!!!

          So I am on day 11!!! You too Rusty?? I had a good swim last night and finally got my first 500m at the pool down to 10min 30sec!!!!! I can't believe how hard I have to push myself just to knock 10 seconds off!!! I was pushing it so hard, you would have thought I should have been a full minute faster. Not!!! So my second 500 I did at a relaxed pace and did it in 11min - funny, but I was so proud a few weeks back when I got it down to 11minutes - I sure had slowed down with all that wine drinking and smoking!! Obviously not good practice for athletic performance!!!!

          Hi to everybody else on this thread and good luck with the AF days!!!
          Hope you are all not suffering too much in the various floods and heatwaves happening out there. I just want some warm weather - our Employee Appreciation Picnic for today was cancelled because it is too friggin cold out there - cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey last night!! (well - not quite - but I like the expression and it is always approprate and descriptive for our winters!!!)

          Here's an AF Cheers to a Wild Wednesday!


            Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

            Hi all, I'm up to my evening tricks. I just ate a snowcone and I'm now drinking an AF beer. A snow cone is probably the last thing I should be eating since my blood sugar levels are out of whack. Since going AF, I've been having this sugar taste in my mouth and waking up at about 2:00 AM in a sweat (I don't think this is menopause!) I read somewhere that your body gets used to burning all of this simple sugar, courtesy of excessive wine consumption, and when the tap is turned off, the body furnace keeps burning as of old. At any rate, I know I should be eating beans and tofu, but potato chips and soda pop are more my style. Spoken like a true yoga queen, right?

            Speaking of yoga, I went last night and may go again tonight. I find that slipping into my yoga togs is a great deterrant to the big AL.

            To all of you who are on day 8 through about 14, let me say, that it is easier now than then. During those early days, I was mega-cranky, very very tired, and tightly strung. A couple of days, I even left work and came home for a nap because I simply couldn't stay awake. I was snapping at the family like a bitter alligator (is there such a beast?). Now I'm much more relaxed and back to my old self. So, if it is any encouragement, it does get better with the passage of time, mood wise.

            My sobriety tip for the day: Pull out a photograph of yourself when you are blotto and have a good look. I did so this morning. I was on a business trip and was posing with a somewhat well known musician (long story as to how that came about). Someone snapped a picture. There I am, posing with puffed eyes, red nose,and loopy grin. My arm is draped around the guy's shoulders like he's some long lost fifth cousin. Augh. Mortification, thy name is Kodak. If I didn't have teenagers who would tease me mecilessly, I would post it on the refridgerator as a reminder of what AL does to me. It ain't pretty.

            Cheers to all, welcome newcomers to the site, we're glad you've joined us. NTC


              Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

              Hey, hows come this is on the 2nd page this morning?? Where is everybody?/ Out busy like I should be?? I've got to quit spending so friggin much time here!!!!:H

              Nothing fun to talk about here. More bad news at dentist yesterday--my other son needs braces also!! At least none of us had any cavaties--and we do get some help for insurance--so hey, I'm still grateful!! Lots of blessings here!!

              Today, I get to stay home and get some stuff done that I want to do--for me! Like pay bills, do laundry, work in the garden, etc., etc. NOT running the kids to the pool, or working for anyone else!! Just for today, really!

              so i better go--wishing you all a good one!!:h
              NF since June 1, 2008
              AF since September 28, 2008
              DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
              :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
              5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
              The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                Hello there
                sorry i haven't been around much, just lots of work. My energy level has been low i'm on day 12 today so i was hoping i would feel better physically. Mentally and spiritually i'm feeling good. i think i'll go to yoga today to see if it helps with my energy. hope everyone is doing well and congratulations to loppy, evielou, peanut, and everyone else on successful AF day! take care:goodjob:
                :lilheart: "Love is large, love defies limits. People talk about the sanctity of is by definition sacred. Not some love between some people but all love between all people"
                ~Jennifer Beals~:huggy


                  Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                  Hello all,
                  Day 9 today and fricking tired. Might go take a nap but have some work I should do. Gardening/weeding -- what is that? NTC, you describe it well -- cranky, snappy, no energy, don't know what to make for dinner (when I usually LOVE to cook), don't want to go grocery store (prices are so high anyway), blah blah blah. I am sorry to be such a downer. I need to be saying this to hubby as well. Ialso need to be reaching out to friends more and I've not been very good about that lately.

                  LVT, sorry to hear about the dentist. You sure have a positive attitude about it!

                  I'm going to catch a few zzzs while baby does same. Take care everyone.


                    Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                    Hi all, just a quick check-in. 1morechance, how was yoga? did it help with your mood?

                    CS04, you're singing my song of six weeks ago. Hang in there, it really does get better. Consider this a symptom of your recovery. Your system is registering that the AL is missing, now it is throwing a hissy fit, your rational self is telling your system to get used to it, and sooner or later, your being will get back in line. It's not fun, but it is a step along the road and you're making progress.

                    LVT, I'm encouraging my children to become orthodontists---they'll never go hungry.

                    Hello to all, NTC


                      Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                      NTC, how many days AF are you? I am also getting a little edgier because I didn't feel like I was having cravings, but now that I am dosing down the topa (only at 50 mg) I feel like I want to drink more. Or is it because, as they say, the farther away you are from your last drink, the closer you are to your next one? I am 1/3 of the way to 30..not sure what that means.

                      I never got my nap cause baby woke up from his,then he threw up while eating his snack

                      I do love yoga but have not made the time for it since I took a prenatal yoga class.

                      I have been reading Allen Carr's "The Easy Way to Stop Drinking." Some of it I agree with; some not so sure. Will try to get in a chapter or 2 before bed here. Tomorrow is double digits (day 10 for me)...and Friday the 13th!

                      Oh yeah, I tried quinoa tonight -- hubby was a little skeptical but I really liked it. Come on, serotonin!!


                        Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                        Good evening everybody!

                        Didn't get a chance to write today, but popped into my office occasionally to peruse the threads a little bit, but was pretty busy at work today. Also, had a Dr. appt finally!!! Got to talk to my real doctor about stuff, and she was quite interested in the whole program, but also surprised at my story about my drinking situation. Funny, but asked me if I had troubles with it, like driving.....?? uuhhhh...... I've never been caught...... uuhhhh.... yes, I get very drunk..... alot...... So, it appears that my doctor never gets drunk, and can't seem to finish a glass of wine, but tends to dump it into her husband's glass. Hmmmm..... not much of a party animal, are you??? No wonder I never have run into her down at the bars, dancing like a maniac to those bands down at Bud's. Hmmm.....

                        Well - enough said!! I have the papers for blood work, so I shall get that done asap, for good measure. I have further prescriptions for Topa, which I am now at 50mg now and will likely only go up to 100mg and see how that is. She is interested in this use of the drug as well. I am also going off the AllOne powder as this killer headache is just too unbearable and we are wondering if maybe it is the niacin in there (it is at a pretty high level) that is causing me such grief, as I didn't take it today, and didn't get the killer head this morning. So we'll see.... I've been on all the supps for 6 weeks now already, so maybe I can ease up?? Any advise??

                        I also finally got my passport application in today, as mine had expired and i have to go to a conference in Hawaii this September. I wanted my BF to come with me, but sadly, I don't think it will happen. Had quite a time with the law as a young man, and with the US restrictions, esp since 9/11, it is so unlikely he will get through customs, I don't even want to chance it. Too bad, but maybe we can go to Mexico or Europe together sometime instead.

                        1morechance - it was day 12 for me too today and I feel ok. Kind of worried a wee bit about the weekend ahead, but am feeling fairly confident. CS04 - I also have been super tired lately. Last night, so tired, but had to put up baseboards and corner moulding in the basement room with my son and then tonight went to the gym, ran on the treadmill and then felt like falling asleep on one of the workout benches - just really sleepy all the time. I am starting to sleep a bit better, but it feels like I have years of sleep to catch up on or something!!! My beau has gone out for a bit, but is stopping at the drug store for some Melatonin for me to try. Maybe that will do something for me.

                        All this yoga talk - I think I really need to try that!!! I have been saying that for a couple years already! Still haven't done it. Maybe I just need some yoga pants and a mat!!!

                        Best get the laundry into the drier and vacuum m room - my usual 10pm house cleaning - no wonder i am so tired all the time. Sleep well everybody. Talk to you all tomorrow. Happy AF friday to you all!!!
                        xoxoxo Peanut


                          Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                          Good morning,
                          Quick hello -- this is a change, I'm going to have to wake up baby to get him ready for the sitter today. I am already thinking about Fri night, and I think hubby has plans for happy hour. Last weekend when he was supposed to go, I got pissed. Why? No good reason. Cause I can't -- cause of baby and cause of no drinking. I need some AF evening activities, and don't even know where to begin. Isn't that silly?

                          I am also gonna be honest here -- we got an invitation to a fancy party in July, and my thought was "oh, I'll be able to drink, cause it'll be past my 30." I hope I will have a moderative (is that a word?) attitude. I just don't quite feel there yet, though that is the goal. Hope the next 20 days bring some growth for me.

                          Peanut, sorry about the passport pain in the ass -- esp from Canada -- sucha "faraway" place! lol Glad you got to talk to your dr. Isn't it funny how people are about drinking. Like those Martha Stewart tips about what to do w/leftover wine (freeze in ice cube trays for soups/sauces). What leftover wine??

                          Gotta run -- will check back later -- have a great day NTC, Jessie, NoMore, LVT and anyone else! (A good start for me so far -- at least I have eaten breakfast -- better than yesterday.)


                            Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                            Good day all,

                            Peanut, interesting about the headache/Allone connection. My headaches are gone thanks to the accupuncture and chiropractor. I've not taken the allone for awhile, because I hate the taste. I need to get better about all my supps right now. Now I seem to be suffering from incessant cramps for some reason!!

                            I wonder why you wine drinkers don't buy the stuff with a screw top, then you wouldn't have to finish the whole bottle. :H:H

                            My heart is sad today watching the news. The midwest is getting hammered with tornadoes and flooding. 4 boyscouts near Omaha killed--so sad!:h

                            Busy day ahead, have a great one all! :h
                            NF since June 1, 2008
                            AF since September 28, 2008
                            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                              Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                              Hey there,
                              I must have made at least some progress over the last week. Last Friday I cried most of the day, and got pissy at the grocery store when confronted with the choice of whether to buy the AF beer or not. Today I bought some and can't wait to have a frosty one tonight! I'm even going to put it in a pint glass, not just my water glass. Now to try and find some decent AF wine. I am tempted to have "just one glass" of regular wine but I think not. LVT, it's not the issue of corking it back up or scrwing the top back on, it's the idea of doing something with it other than drinking it! (lol) Actually I cook with wine fairly often; was going to last night but decided not to be tempted.

                              My mood is better today -- maybe it is true what they say about Day 10. I'd better get a bit of work done while baby naps, cause never know how long it will last in this heat (we do not have AC). Still nervous about family plans on Sunday and drinking in general over the weekend. But I really do think I need the 30, not just 10 or so. I am tempted to be an ODATer....but best to wait on that.

                              Happy LUCKY Friday the 13th!


                                Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                                CS04 - I know it has been rough for you, but I think you deserve a HUGE pat on the back and big trophy - I think you've done so well!!! My first stint at AF only lasted 6 days and I felt like such a failure - I did get back on my wagon though. You have made it to day 10 through all your down moods down feelings and you have succeeded - and you are sounding so much more positive. Good for you!!! Don't get tempted into that old "just one glass" trick either!! And maybe wait on the ODAT thing - I did that last month too, and ended up AF only about 18-19 days of the month! I know that's better than a big fat zero, but this month I am aiming for 30, and I think both of us can do it!!!! You might be pleasantly surprised with the AF beer. I enjoy it, all cold and bubbly!!! Sure helps on a friday night! I don't enjoy the AF wines as much, I just can't pretend with the wine! And I agree - screw top, boxed wine or cork - no difference - drink it 'til it's gone!

                                So sorry to hear about the Tornado's down there in the states and those poor boy scouts!! I've not heard anything on the news up here yet, although I've only listened to the radio on the way to work and that's about it for any media for me all day. It was blowing like crazy up here yesterday and COLD!!!!! Maybe the edge of your weather??? Wish I could get some of that southern heat!!! Had to put extra Louisiana hot sauce in my Jambalaya last night!!!

                                I have to finish up in my lab here and feel like getting on home. Very sleepy and wanting a nap, even though I slept right through until 6am this morning (from about 1am probably) without waking up!!!! Yippee!!!! Things are getting better!!) I need to read through all the different posts and get a feel for where everybody is at, as I have not had much chance the last few days - maybe I'll be a computer hog more this weekend and catch up with everybody. I did have a quick peak about on one or two threads and noticed that Ripple has a very scarey avatar today!!!

                                Catch up to everybody later!
                                xoxo Peanut

