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Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

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    Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

    Ok, I've got 5 more minutes left of the time I've allowed myself to be here during the day.

    Thanks, NTC, VBS is going quite well, it's actually pretty fun. I've got the 2nd and 3rd graders which I can handle pretty well. If I can get them to talk less and listen more, I'll be doing great. :H I was just telling hubby this morning how much better I feel. We have a "thing" this weekend and one guy couldn't help Saturday a.m. because he was having a big birthday party for his wife Friday night. I love not worrying about getting up early --because I won't have a hangover!! Been there-done that!

    Larissa, thanks for joining us here. It took me a LONG time to get my energy back. I think it takes a lot of evergy for our livers to heal (and all the other body parts affected by AL). As a matter of fact, I feel a nap coming on.............:h
    NF since June 1, 2008
    AF since September 28, 2008
    DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
    :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
    5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
    The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


      Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living


      Where is everyone!! We can't let my favorite thread die!!! I guess we need some new blood here! Come on newbies--join us here!!:H

      Here's a song to get you all going this morning!!

      [ame= ]YouTube - Weather Girls - Its Raining Men[/ame]
      NF since June 1, 2008
      AF since September 28, 2008
      DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
      :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
      5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
      The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


        Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

        Woo-hoo - LVT!!! What a video to come into work first thing in the morning!!! HA!!!! Good thing nobody is here yet - I've been howling in my office!!! Thanks for that!!!

        I'm early in today as I stopped at 7am to get some blood work done finally. I suppose if I don't hear from my doctor by the end of the week, or early next week, that will mean everything is fine. No new is good new, as they say. Here's hoping all liver function is A-OK!!!!!

        Larisa - nice to see you here! Glad to see you are doing so well!!! Day 16 today for you!!! Well done!!
        Everybody seems to be doing well!!!
        Rusty - you are on day 18?? Feeling good? We can do this!!!! This is my mantra!!!!!
        Hey - Loppy - you doing well?? How are the bunnies??
        NTC - where are you heading to in Canada?? Just for a holiday?? Oh yes - family reunion you said??? That should be nice - surprise them with your new self, yes??? Hope you get some offers on your house while you are gone! And what a story about going out with your friend, reminding you about your antics while drinking - oh, how cruel. Isn't that one of those "honour among drunks" things??? Never do to another drunk what you don't want done to oneself. But I guess if your friend was never one of those, she would never know that rule?????

        Morning to you Thankful and Evie, Newbies and everybody else who visits this thread!!!

        Must get to work - I want to be super productive today as I have arrived early - summer is here, i want to run at lunch, there is an Employee Appreciation Picnic today which I will skip (do I really need to stand inline for an hour for a flimsy burger and watery tasting rice krispie cake??? This place is I think the biggest employer in the city, and so it takes a long time to get everybody fed!!!). Plus, holiday time is coming up and I seem to have been procrastinating on alot of jobs, so am starting to panic a bit!!!

        Have a wild wednesday gang!!!
        Will check in again tonight to see how everybody has made out!
        xoxox Peanut


          Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

          Woohoo, LVT, that video got me feeling more energetic, all of a sudden! You're awesome!

          Thanks for the welcome, Peanut! Day 16, whoud've thunk it?? Enjoy your run, and then treat yourself to some real food!

          I look forward to hanging out with all of you. Hope everyone has a good day!


            Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

            example I am setting for my 18 year old binge drinker

            Day 2 AF first time in many months!!!

            Doing the supps...all of them and decided to do low carb diet AL allowed.
            Feel great and sleeping better, plus no guilt the next day. Along with my food diary, I am keeping a running total of AL$ saved!! Finally feel that I am in charge not AL.

            What may the best thing is the example I am setting for my 18 year old who is a binge drinker....he has definitely noticed no wine around and is enjoying sharing lime water and herbal tea for the past 2 nights.

            MUST say that if I hadn?t been reading and posting here I could not have gotten this far. It has taken longer than I thought it would so I say to all, keep reading and posting. There were many times that I thought I would just carry on drinking, but something switched!!

            ALL of you :h:h are an invaluable resource and I am VERY grateful that I found MWO and let?s keep it going for all of our friends here and those to come.

            Happy and clear headed and appreciative :thanks:


              Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

              Well, guys, I hate to be posting this, but I crashed last night. Hard. My dad came over for a visit, and he is quite the beer drinker, and of course since I hadn't told him about my little non-drinking experiment, and then hubby decided to go out.... so I had the whole evening to myself. Fuck. I am trying to keep the guilties at bay, but plan on jumping right back on the wagon tonight and proceed with the rest of my 30, if it still counts. That halfway point seems to be a tipping point for a number of people. Again, I kinda debated posting this here but figured I needed to be honest.

              Larisa and Fresh Hope, welcome! Wish I had better news, but I'm not going to let this get me off track.


                Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                Hey CS - no guilties allowed!!!! You just get right back up on that wagon and carry on down that trail! You've gotta count the good days and there are so many more of those to come, right???? Look at the big picture! I've stopped taking all supps, and my headaches are gone, but to tell the truth, I've been dreaming about that bottle of champagne in my closet. Wondering when I might be able to drink it. Hmmm..... I think I am going to start taking the Kudzu and the L-glut again - just to be on the safe side!! On a bright note, my technician did notice that I've lost weight - it's a sure 10lb today. I feel like it's more, but the scale says 10lb, so that's it! OK - I must get out for my run now! Feel good today, rest and drink lots of water!

                Welcome to Fresh Hope too - congrats on Day 2AF and good luck with the Low Carb thing. May as well, hey?? And I agree - it feel good to set a good example for the kids. I have been talking alot with my 16yo about drinking and he is always stealing sips off my AF beer - he doesn't mind it!!! But does prefer the real stuff. My older daughters are also rooting for me in my quest, being quite aware of my excessive consumption of wine over the years - the older one has become quite a wine-o herself - I do hope she doesn't become dependent like her old ma!!! Must have a conversation with her about it when she comes to visit!!

                OK - I'm outta here!
                xoxo Peanut


                  Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                  Thanks, Peanut -- at least I know that this is no longer going to be a daily pattern for me. Glad your kids are supporting your efforts. Good job on the weight loss, too -- no more empty calories from AL!

                  Fresh Hope, I remember reading an old post from someone who did really low carb and had "monstrous" AL cravings, so maybe watch out for that.


                    Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                    Thanks for the welcomes! :thanks:

                    CS04- IMO 1 day is just that 1 day and it is in the past, get a few more days under your belt and you will know that it was just a blip. I had mant stops and starts and I think I learned something about my self from all of them...part of the process.

                    Well cravings not an issue so far, thanks Goddess....I have always been successful at losing weight, post babies etc . For some odd reason it seems easier to be AF because I am dieting.... kinda weird ....I guess if I am depriving myself of food I will not mess up diet over AL. I have 40 lbs to lose so big motivator there as well.

                    Peanut- I too have an older daughter that has a wine habit that I worry about. I secretly hope she decides to have a family sooner rather than later because I know that will stop her habit. I foresee drinking being a problem for her and most of her peers; they all have high levels of education, they worked hard to get undergrad and grad degrees yet they party and binge almost every weekend.

                    I did not start drinking heavily until I was in my mid-forties. I had too many responsibilities, I resented spending the money, thought it was frivolous etc. Well maybe when I have 30 days AF and am 10+ lbs lighter my example will have an effect on her too. Did you lose your weight just from being AF?



                      Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                      HeyFresh One

                      My "older" daughter is only 20 yet - so please, no family yet!!! And I hope she nips that wine habit in the bud before it takes over. She is very bright and intelligent, doing brilliantly in university (little brainiac), but also alot like her party-animal mother, I must say!! My daily drinking really started when I was about 40, about the time my marriage started really going down the tubes! Well, that was almost 7 years ago now, and I'm finally doing something about it, and it's about time too.

                      Did any of you read that post put up by Prest4time on the 16th of June about the article on Changing Addictive Habits? I am finding that ariticle has been helping me, especially the part about "Decatastrophizing". I keep re-reading it, and finding other areas in my life where it applies, and areas in the lives of people around me too. My BF's son has been skipping way too many classes - I think he could benefit with the kind of rational in this article!!! Anyway, it certainly has helped me when my mind starts to wonder toward feelings of possibly wanting to have a beverage like everbody else! Nothing bad will happen if I don't! LIke with this boy - your friends will still be there after your class, don't worry, they won't run away and abandon you!!! Yeesh - the kid is impossible sometimes!!!



                        Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                        hi peanut you are right it is day 18 can you believe it, never would I have felt this good without all of my support at MYO. I just want to say thans for everything keep it up
                        :heart:AF since May 31 2008.....Happy and Healthy


                          Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                          [ame= ]YouTube - Michael Jackson - Thriller live (1987)[/ame]

                          Good day all! Hope everyone is feeling hopeful and strong today!:h
                          NF since June 1, 2008
                          AF since September 28, 2008
                          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                            Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                            Hi all, It's been nice to catch up and read all of the posts. Hello Larissa and Fresh Hope--welcome. Welcome back Rusty.

                            Hey skinny Peanut---10 lbs is AWESOME! I imagine you're running and swimming faster than ever. The house is still for sale, although we had a few nibbles last weekend. We're having another open house this Sunday while we are out of town. thanks for asking.

                            I had the "wine talk" with my 20 yr old daughter yesterday. I told her that she has a family propensity for abusing AL, and that she doesn't want to get in the nightly habit that I fell into, etc. She said,'Don't worry Mom, I'd never want to get like you where drinking is concerned." Hmmmm, I guess this is good? I honestly thought they had noticed so much but obviously I'm wrong here.

                            LVT, how are the kids? It's been a long, long time since I watched that "Thriller" video. Watching it now brought back a slew of memories. I found myself smiling, so thanks.

                            CS04, hang in there. One night does not an abandonment make. Whatever you do, don't beat yourself up. I think it's your AV talking. It starts yammering after a slip and you start to feel so bad that the only way to alleviate the guilt is to drink again--exactly what that sneaky AV wants you to do.

                            Fresh Hope, I read somewhere that the younger you are when you start abusing AL, the harder it is to stop. That means the prognosis for you stopping is excellent because you were in your forties. Mind you, mid-forties is still quite young---right everyone?????

                            I'm heading to Canada this afternoon for the family reunion so I'll be out of touch for the next while. I'm hoping to hang on to my resolve. We have my husband's college reunion on Friday night, the family reunion on Saturday night, and then there's the nightly-sit--on-the-back-patio-and-watch-the-river-flow RUM and coke ritual that we usually follow every visit. Right now, I'm fluctuating between having an inner cheerleader pep up by saying, "Hey girl, you can do this!" and a gloom and doom voice making me a white-knuckled nimrod, saying, "You're going to be in deep do-do up there." Wish me luck.

                            In the mean while, best wishes to all you guys, NTC


                              Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                              Trying to move forward

                              Hi all,
                              I know I said I wasn't going to feel guilty about my big slip on Tues. night, but I am feeling really guilty. I feel like I'm back on track, but was really stupid the other night. And, hubby and I had a brief "discussion" this morning about bills, so that is hanging over my head as well. Feh. I tend to beat myself up -- I know it's not productive.


                                Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                                Hey CS04--we must have cross posted. I'm sending you POSTIVE vibes, hope the rest of your day goes well.

