Good morning!! I'll need to do some reading to see who's around here, but I wanted to say a general hello to all my friends on this thread ASAP. It's been a while, to say the least. I have been doing really well. An incredible short term job with travel followed by a house full of out- of- town family for a week-long visit kept me away from MWO, and, well, all my day to day routines, for, oh, like 2 months?!?!?!
Anyway, I am slowly easing back into my regular life. I have been AF this whole time and, well, it has been fascinating, gratifying, challenging here and there, but mostly an awesome freedom, to be honest. There have been maybe 3 times when I really felt an urge. This was usually when I was hungry, tired, anxious, and/or out of sorts in some other way. A good meal, a rest, a hot shower and change of clothes, a phone call to a friendly voice, making a little time to just have fun ...... those kinds of things helped me shift my perspective. And, as far as the drink and actually crossing the line and having one (as if there were such a thing as 'one'), well, I found I was "thinking it through" in a about 5 seconds flat. The trade-off was just so clear, it made the decision easy. I knew exactly where it would lead (AL's shackles and shame and depression), how I would feel the next day (YUK doesn't even come close), what I would lose. I knew that - bottom line - I would actually be risking my life, not to mention instantly throwing away whatever good health, peace of mind, self esteem, hope and happiness I have gained since January whatever. I just couldn't bullshit myself. I couldn't even try. With a lifetime of disastrous 'experiments' in the laboratory of AL, and now this wonderful new life, AF and happy once again thank God. I just know too much. I REFUSE to let that slimy AL run my life. REFUSE.
wow. That was a mouthful. I don't want to make anyone feel bad who's struggling, or for it to sound like I'm bragging. It's just that I hate what AL does to us so much. And when I got to MWO last October he was kicking my ass for the 90 billionth time and I was sure life would never feel good again. That's all I'm saying. F the beast.
Love you guys. Going to do my best to catch up around here this weekend.
WW xox