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Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

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    Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

    I am sober and it is really hard some days. I am going to stay this way as long as i can. And yes, to who ever said the GRILL, that is RIGHT...hubby has to hold a drink at all times grilling...he doesn't cook much anymore...i do the cooking now! Love to all...:h


      Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

      Hi 1 morechance and welcome to the sober living thread! Congrats on day 5!! Yep, I get you, things begin to clear by day 5! As my sober time moves forward, I am ever amazed at how really good this feels. Glad that you are enjoying reading and finding encouragement here. Please stay around and share with us!

      By the way, I love that Jennifer Beals quote!

      xxx Kate
      A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

      AF 12/6/2007


        Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

        Hello Friends-

        Good news - I got a new computer today. Bad news - I have to set it up :upset:. Maybe a little later.

        Where the heck is Wooflet please?

        Hey Jaded. That's a situation. I wonder if your boyfriend could put into words why he does not want you to stop drinking. Seriously. I'm curious what he would say. It's not the first time I've heard that story - people in relationships with 'problem drinkers' who are not 'problem drinkers' themselves, but are not comfortable with the 'problem drinker' quitting all together. Why? I'm honestly curious and would love to hear anyone's thoughts on the subject. I have been in relationships where my significant did not want me to quit because he wanted me to 'keep up' with his own bad drinking - but that's different.

        ntcentral - sounds like you're feeling a little better. good. And yes - the summer grill - I know - another 'staple' in the list of favortie spots to imbibe. I know. I know. But what if you actually didn't MISS AL a littel further down the road? What if you were at the grill, and you weren't hankering for a cold one like an amputated limb ? (like I said - I know !). Okay - so the thought may drift through your mind now and then, but what if it doesn't 'hook' you and you know just what to do to 'let it go' and move on quickly? What if it's a small thought in a world where you're happy doing lots of other things and don't want to give that up for a drink? Your imagination may have a very hard time "going there"completely right now, but try it a little. (first of all - you LOOK fantastic ).
        Don't mean to make light. Just keeping you busy while we beat that beast out of town.

        Ollie - how'd you do today? Sleepless nights are rough. BIG hugs:l:l. I'm going to post after this about some other supps that help me with calming and sleeping - maybe they will help. Please check in ASAP.

        1morechance!!!!! Day 5!!!!! that is SOOOOO sweet. :goodjob: You are over a MAJOR hump. For me, after day 5, the next big upswing came at day 9/10. Turned another major corner there. So cool !!!

        Cowgal - way to rack up the day 2!! Right On!!!!

        Bestlife - we are PARTYING tomorrow ............... shhhhhhh........can't wait !

        Back in a minute-

        WW xox


          Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

          Hi All

          I'm still here and going strong (on day 7 today) just been busy and also to be honest I've been feeling like it would be insensitive of me to post an update because things are going (relatively) easy for me in terms of physical withdrawals and cravings. Maybe it's that x-factor WW was talking about, I dunno. But I see now that we all have different experiences and perhaps it would be good for those considering going AF to know that it isn't always a completely horrendous experience. Then again perhaps the horrendous part is yet to come for me - not physically but mentally, emotionally and spiritually - as I find out who I am without Al.

          I've got lots of reading here to catch up on and will post properly again later once I've got my work done for the day - just wanted to catch you all before you go to bed and say I'm still here and still loving this thread and all of you on it, fellow newbies and wise ones alike



            Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

            Hey Wooflet, So glad to hear that you are on day 7 and doing really well!! Never every feel guilty about sharing your experiences. It is different for all of us. I too, did not have any real physical issues with withdrawl. But, I sure did have many challenges along the way, with the mental and emotional comittment it takes to stay sober. I fully admit, there was and deep inside, still is a part of me, that likes the buzz, the zoning out, the hypnotic part of AL. But, I like sobriety far better! The longer we are sober, the more we understand the hard work we have to do in order to stay that way. We must learn who we are, we must deal with the stresses and celebrations of every day life with new skills. This is an adventure for sure!!

            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

            AF 12/6/2007


              Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

              Okay - so, supps./natural remedies for calming the nerves and sleeping:

              The 2 that I take nightly that I swear by are:

              1) Source Naturals brand only: L-Tryptophan in 500mg CAPSULES (not caplets or whatever). I take 3 an hour before bed. These were recommended by MM and they are better than any others. I order this from

              2) Twinlab brand 'GABA Plus' (the amino acid GABA, plus Inositol and Niacinimide). I take 2- 4 of these an hour before bed also. I get this at the local healthfood store, or online when they're out.

              The combo of these 2 makes me feel calmer and sleepier. If I skip the routine for a couple of days, I notice. I also (grudgingly) switched to half caf in the morning and just 2 cups. As much as I hate to admit it, it makes a big difference for me.

              I have found from reading around on this board, and experimenting myself, that natural remedies effect people differently. Some other safe and natural sleep stuff that could help:

              Calms Forte - a naturopathic formula (you can get here on MWO or at the local store)
              Valerian Root (tastes like toe cheese but some people love it)
              Kava Kava
              Large dose of Calcium with Vit D ( I do this and the calms forte sometimes too)

              I know there are more, my mind is going a little blank however

              The general multi vite is key too I think. The a, b's, c d, etc. They heal your cells all over.

              I know that supps are expensive and hard for alot of us (me) to afford. But, if it may help you get where you want to go with less discomfort, try to get them! I also have taken them very, um, inconsistently at times. I give myself about a c+ in the supps category overall.

              And the old standby's - the hot bath or shower, warm milk, sleepytime tea, a sledge hammer........

              And where's LVT? Huh? Whassup David Cassidy lover?

              Okay - going to crack the new computer box (another item I could NOT AFFORD, but I had no choice).

              Love WW xox


                Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                Hey gang!

                OK - interesting about Jaded's boyfriend not wanting her to quit drinking. This is something I am sort of experiencing. I got home just over and hour ago, and immediately posted, as I was having wicked cravings!!! Not even my usual time for slurping wine, but so tired from work and so hungry from dieting. I posted, got up and took some L-glut and lay down in my room with the Subliminal CD (I really like that one!!) My beau came in and I said I was dying for wine - I'm trying to calm down. I hadn't made dinner for myself or anybody - next thing I know, he drives off. His son was making some food and I finally got up and made some low cal veggie filled supper for me and the big guy comes back with 2 bottles of wine. Ugh!!! See?? Totally an enabler!!!

                Last night again he said he was nervous. I think he thinks if I stop drinking, even though he doesn't have the problem I have, that I will be more critical of him and his messes (rather than tired and lackadasical - sp?), mechanic that he is with all his old vehicles cluttering up my driveway - like Sandford and Son - I always tell him I am not Louise!!! -and that I won't want to stay with him. This is my home, puchased with my ex, which I have let him come and live in, and now his son too!! Might be hard for him too, yes? Plus, let's face it - I am alot of fun when I drink - and there seems to be alot of "you know what" (the sex word!) - a bit personal I know, but Out started that!! So, there are many reasons why he is scared of me stopping drinking - when I suggest them, he says no, he wants me to do whatever I want or need to, but then...... why nervous?? What are you scared of? He can't answer.

                I don't know if this would pertain to Jaded's situation, but that's my experience anyway.

                He is roaming around, so I better sign out. We are off to the pool (he goes to the gym while I swim) and hopefully, the exercise and Kudzu will do the trick and I can be strong upon my return to my home.

                Thanks to those who responded on the desperate thread I started earlier! I really was in a panic!!!



                  Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                  EXCUSE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Wooflet is rounding out ONE WEEK AF!!!! NICE!!!!
                  And listen here you - if you're gliding along, well..........spill it !!!! I want to hear about it!!! We need to see every which way this thing can go down. That's reality. And you know - there are many people who read on MWO but don't post. You never know when someone 'out there' will relate to YOUR story. We are not all the same! Speak your truth my friend. You don't have to 'wait for 30 days' to feel good!!!! And besides, there's a few coming up behind you - you won't be lonely long . You are very sensitive and caring :h, and I know exactly what you mean. But I miss you!!!
                  Love WW xox


                    Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                    Peanut thank you. You said a mouthful. Very interesting stuff. (and you're NOT the first person to mention a beau liking AL around 'cuz there's more nookie ! ). It will be intersting to see what happens. Keep us posted. And......don't let yourself get too hungry okay? You're taking on ALOT all at once. Can you stock the house with 'easy' healthy snacks that you can grab? Glad you got some relief from your emergency thread. I've started a few of those myself. Way to go. Way to fight. You're a champ!!!!

                    Love ww xox


                      Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                      Yes WW - always a mouthful from me! You should hear me when I have a few glasses of wine. Blah blah blah! No wonder I get myself into trouble!!! A little too honest sometimes!! Oh well, c'est la vie!!

                      By the way, I cut 30 seconds off the 500m sets in the pool tonight - doesn't sound like much, but it is great!!! What a great swim I had.

                      Talk to you all tomorrow!


                        Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                        What do you mean where have I been, i been here all day, where you been? Out buying a new computer?? :H

                        I'm waiting for my veggie supper to digest so I can take my Oxypowder and go to bed. I shouldn't eat this late, but time gets away from me in the evenings anymore. Used to be sooo much easier when I drank my supper!:H

                        I do have a confession though. I posted this somewhere else---this hasn't been that hard for me. So far. I still drink if I want--but I really don't want. It's kind of a relief, because maybe I'm not as bad of an alkie as I thought. I think mainly it was the ciggie addiction, and honestly without a ciggie to go with my beer, it just ain't the same.

                        Sorry to repeat myself, but you asked!

                        Hope you get your computer hooked up!

                        Good night everybody--"see ya" in the morning!
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                          Hi my lovelies!!
                          At last a slot on my computer when the kids are not on it.
                          A beautifull sunny morning,and doesn't it feel even better when your head is clear.Well maybe not so clear,but without the AL haze.Its day 7 for me,and i am really taking notice of how i am feeling.Was not too bad over the weekend,not having to go to work meant i could do as i feeling tired -just rest,nervous energy-clean,walk.Yesterday was a strange one felt,a little disconnected,weary,numb.The good part though was i slept...really slept.Yipee!!
                          It really helps to read everyones post on this thread.So thanks,thanks thanks.Great to hear that everyone is doing good,irrespective of the stages.
                          Have to get organised for the day.
                          Wishing you all a calm,peacefull,and AL free day xx


                            Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                            Hi I have received so much support and advice from this board.I'm on day 11 after drinking for too many years to count!. I quit after a hellacious hangover followed by 9 days of a terrible headache. I found it fairly easy to avoid the booze then but now that I feel better its getting tougher.I have a 15 year old that I really need to keep an eye on. I have been in a functional haze for so long - now she's going to find she cant get away with as much anymore. No more Mom sleeping on the couch!! I'm curious how everyone deals with going to a party where you are known as a drinker. I'm not sure I want to announce I've quit in case I don't succeed.


                              Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                              Great Job everyone!

                              Wonder-thanks for asking about me! I did fine and am on day 8 (I think, it's still early here). I had a mother's club meeting last night and did not get home until 10. I would normally poured a drink anyway. But, I thought the drink through for the first time.
                              Have book club tonight so should stay AF tonight as well. It really does help to change your routine up.
                              No sleep again last night. I believe my son is teething or else has turned into the devil's spawn. I 'm going on 3 hours of sleep.
                              Hope everyone has a great day!



                                Days 1-30: Hello Sober Living

                                Good morning all!!

                                I really wish I had the creative writing skills of some here! I guess it's a little early for that.

                                Molly, I'm glad you got rid of your headaches. I'm still fighting a sinus problem--I know that's what's causing my low energy levels. The headaches seem better though.
                                As far as how to handle parties. Hmmmm. I understand not wanting to tell the whole world. When I quit smoking this time I didn't tell too many, because I didn't need the "sure, uh huh" looks. Some suggest you do tell, makes you more accountable. You could either fake it, depending on what you usually drink and make it AF. Or just tell people you are not drinking right now because of medications or dieting.

                                Peanut--I'm so glad you made it through yesterday--wouldn't have been able to swim if you were drinking, right?

                                On the subject of our significant other's not wanting us to quit drinking:
                                My hubby is having a little trouble getting used to it also. I was his best drinking buddy. Last night he offered me one, and I told him "I'm not going to drink while you're off doing your work, just so I can drink with you when you're done." I used to. I wanted to be on the same level. It just didn't make any sense. If I'm going to drink, it's not going to be alone. Damn I wish I could make this come out the way I hear it in my head!!!

                                Oh well, have a great day everyone--busy one for me. Yoga today.

                                (Just ignore this post if it makes no sense to you!!) :H
                                NF since June 1, 2008
                                AF since September 28, 2008
                                DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                                :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                                5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                                The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:

