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Mental Health

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    Mental Health


    I've found something out quite interesting for me, and wanted to share.

    I've been taking 60mg of prozac since January. I'd started on 20mg in July last year, wasn't working so docs upped it to 40mg, then a psychiatrist, put me on olanzepine for bipolar, they completely knocked me out, I was struggling getting normal everyday things done as it was, I certainly didn't need knocking out. I didn't have the strength or confidence to ask for help, so I just carried on with 40mg of prozac untill my next appointment with the psychiatrist.

    I know drinking doesn't help depression and counteracts the anti d's, and believe me by this time I had cut back a lot. However, I felt so much emotional and mental anguish, I felt the only way to get some relief was to get drunk. And I did get some temporay relief in the first hour or two of drinking. I felt trapped on some sort of sick merrygoround. I saw the psychiatrist in January and told her about my drinking and that I hadn't been taking the olanzepine. She told me to stop drinking and upped the prozac to 60mg.

    I cut back more on my drinking but I really was up and down bingeing. The 60mg of prozac did lift the depression enough for me to phone a Drug & Alcohol centre for an appointment. I was offered one on the 14th Feb, guess what I did on the 13th, drank 3 bottles of wine and never made it to the appointment cause I was too hungover, talk about insane self sabatage. I felt terrible not just from the hangover but for not getting to the appointment and not phoneing them up cause I felt so bad & guilty for wasting their time. I bucked up the courage 2days later and phoned to apologise and make another appointment. They were very nice with me but said that they were quite booked up and I'd have to wait a while, they would call me when they had a space for me.

    In the meantime I received a letter from my docs surgery asking me to make an appointment for a thyroid test (I had borderline results a few years ago so they test me every year) I kept putting off making the appointment, I felt so low and only felt safe at home, anyway, I needed a repeat perscription for my anti d's so I thought I'd make the appointment same time I was on the phone. The receptionist told me they had a cancellation, could I be there in 20mins. Luckily I hadn't been drinking the night before so wasn't too shakey and didn't look like something out of the Rocky Horror Show so I went.
    On leaving I made an appointment to see the doc for my results.

    19th March went to see doc my thyroid results were fine. I hadn't seen this particular doctor for awhile, he knows my history of depression and was shocked a couple of years ago when I told him about my drinking. He was looking through my notes and could see what had been going on over the past 18mths and ask me how I was feeling, at this point I broke down crying. I told him my drinking was still a problem and that I was waiting for an appointment, the depression had got a bit better, I could get out of bed and wasn't having suicidal thoughts anymore, but I just felt so completely empty, like a shell of a person just going through the motions, and I'd felt like this since coming out of a manic high in July last year, f**king horrible. (sorry) I explained about the olanzepine for my bipolar and how it completely wiped me out. Then he gets out THE book of medications and suggested lithium carbonate and another med, can't remember the name, anyway we decided to go with the lithium because the other one was mainly for mainia, whereas lithium is for both mainia and depression, doc said it can boost the anti d's.

    Boost em, my God after a week of taking them I felt a lot better. One day there I was happily washing up and I thought I'm gonna phone that alcohol place and see how much longer my appointment will take to come through, about a minute later, no joke, the phone rang and it was the AL centre offering me an appointment:shocked: cool or what hey?

    My first appointment, at the very end of March was about getting a history of my habits, I was told my next appointment I would see one of the counsellors and be assigned a key worker. When I got home from my first appointment the AL centre called with a cancellation for the next day. I saw a very nice lady who is also my key worker now. I was offered rehab but because I don't have anyone to look after my children I had to decline, otherwise I'd have jumped at the chance. I have to tell you that when I came home from that appointment I drank and got wasted, my thinking was one last blow out kinda thing, it wasn't, I drank again during that week but not as much as I would normaly. I told my key worker next visit and we added it up to about 36units not bad at all for me. After that appointment I went home and drank, doh!! Am I completely insane, this was the night my daughter videoed me on her phone.

    This is the point I gave myself a really good talking to I was really angry with myself and with AL, the sick twisted bastard. I knew if I was to get anywhere I had to get a good run of AF time behind me My goal is 30days I'm at 23 today and I KNOW I'll make 30. Then it's on to the next 30. I think I'm at the stage where I can handle 30 days at a time, ODAT isn't a big enough commitment for me, my brain and AL trick me with that concept, yep, 30days is better for me.

    Anyway, what I was initially trying to get to was about the lithium. I think had I not started that medication I'd still be struggling. Its help my depression so I have been able to think more positively, I feel so much stronger mentally, strong enough to put up a good fight. Because I've managed to get Al out of my system I'm now getting self esteem, self belief and trust in myself, and it's real it's not mania, drugs or alcohol. How cool is that?

    I googled lithium carbonate the other night and found out that they have been doing research into using it to treat alcoholism. A number of double-blind placebo controlled trials have been done with very good results for the patients taking the lithium. I don't know if my doctor know this but I'll be telling him next week.

    You really do need that mental strength to fight this, I've heard many times it's a disease of the mind, of your thinking and it is. A very insane disease.
    Coming here every day has helped enormously. My pc broke last oct/nov, I only managed to get it fixed at the beginning of April and the first thing I did was log on here. It feels weird to me, like everything has come together, perfectly timed.

    Do you know what? I'm feeling really blessed right now and all loved up :l

    If you've managed to read to the end :clapclap: you've done very well. I never intended for this to be so long. I have a hard time condensing things and tend to go all the way round the houses before I get to my point, another affliction I inherited from my mum, bless her.

    I don't even know what my point is
    Everybody should get their mental health check out so and give themselves the best possible chance of beating AL with another tool for the bag, that all important power of the mind.

    I hope lots of blessing rain down on you all and that your in the right place at the right time to recognise them and take full advantage.

    AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

    Snake....... come crawling,
    There's fire in your eyes,
    Bite me, excite me,
    I'll learn to realize.

    The poison transmuted,
    Brings eternal flame.
    Open me to heaven,
    To heal me again.

    Mental Health

    It does sound like things are coming together. I truly believe the old saying "everything happens for a reason". Keep posting I know it has helped me tremendously to be here also. Good Luck and keep us posted. I am only on day 3 this time around, but i intend to not have to do this again. Thanks for sharing.


      Mental Health

      So glad you have come to a good place in your life. Stopping drinking generally does mean you get your self-esteem back - along with a lot of other things.

      Just as my drinking started to increase - but I thought it wasn't a problem as I 'only' went out to get drunk maybe 3 nights a week, but that would always be at least 10 units - I was diagnosed with clinical depression. SInce I had already had counselling for my Bulimia I was put on Prozac and referred for more counselling. I carried on drinking though, it increased and 5 years later I decided to stop taking it. I kind of felt it was a waste of time and it was the drink that was making me depressed. I noticed no difference when I came off - life just felt the same, usually cr@p.

      Finally now I have gone completely AF I noticed my mood has improved dramatically - I have self belief and confidence. My GP told me this morning I look like a different person.

      So, I suspect the depression - AL cycle could be a bit chicken and egg. Often moderate drinking can lead to depression, then we drink more to make ourselves feel better. Medication doesn't work, feel more depressed so drink more again.

      You have come a long way and broken your cycle.


        Mental Health

        wow that was a good read..

        how do you go about getting your mental health checked?
        My ex girlfriend also has bipolar. so i kinda understand where your coming from. she didnt drink that much but smoked pot instead.. she is also on lithium. but she seems to self medicate. as in only takes the ones she wants too..:upset:

        its hard but congrats on nearly reaching your 30 days thats great:goodjob:

        all the best..:upset:


        an alcoholic is someone you don't like, that drinks as much as you do


          Mental Health

          Dear Want,

          Thank you for sharing. You are doing a great job and should feel very proud of yourself, I bet your kids are really proud of you too. I am glad everything seems to be falling into place for you!

          Keep Going!
          Hugs, bambi
          "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


            Mental Health

            Want......I can so understand what you mean about having the mental strength to fight this can have all the "tools" around you ie vitamins, supps, cds, mwo, but if your "head"is not in the right place then you're not going to get anywhere. You should be so proud of I've said before it is a real pleasure to read your posts and feel your positivity and motivation coming through. You are truly inspiring.

            AF since 9 May 2012
            Quit trying to control something that is uncontrollable (Bear February 08)


              Mental Health

              My dear Want.....

              Thank you for letting us know how you are, I rememeber you well!

              Sometimes things happen for a reason, as you have just seen, it doesn't matter why or how, just keep on keeping're walking in the right direction.

              Congratulations on 23 AF days, that is a wonderful achievement!

              Give your kids a big hug,

              magic xxx
              ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
              I am in the next seat.
              My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                Mental Health


                Magic, Janice, Bambi, Karl, UKblonde and Time2change, big thanks for all your replies :l.

                31 days AF for me today, going for 60 now.
                I went to see my doctor on Tuesday to check my Lithium levels. I told him about what I had found on the web about lithium therapy for alcoholism, he didn't know anything about it and was very interested. He was also very pleased to see me doing so well. He's told me that I will probably have to stay on 60mg Prozac and 400mg lithium carbonate for the rest of my life. I have absolutely no problem with that, maybe now really will be the beginning of the rest of my life, I hope so. So long as I stay stable I only have to go and see him every 6mths to have my thyroid and lithium levels checked.

                Karl, how are you and how's your ex. I started smoking pot when I was 13 and after I had my son I smoked it 24/7 up untill about 2 1/2 yrs ago, so that was a good 10 yrs. Last year, when I was manic, I started smoking it again to try and calm me down and to be honest it really didn't work and I was smoking loads, I could of smoked Bob Marley and Snoop Dog under the table. The only thing it did combined with the alcohol was make me worse, dangerously so, didn't feel like it to me at the time but I can see it now. Wow, I was completely off my head, "shudder". The best thing your ex can do is take her meds, eat a good diet with plenty of omega 3's and B complex vitamins and try her best to lay off the pot, which I think like anything, is ok in moderation every now and again. Having said that I haven't had any since last year, I just don't seem to be able to do anything in moderation. If you have any ?'s just PM me. Hope your keeping well :l.

                Magic, it's like a hug fest at our house lately, those negative barriers have come down and hugs are flying around left, right and centre :H we're all loving it.

                Janice, you are truly inspiring to me

                :l:l hugs to you all......
                AF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:

                Snake....... come crawling,
                There's fire in your eyes,
                Bite me, excite me,
                I'll learn to realize.

                The poison transmuted,
                Brings eternal flame.
                Open me to heaven,
                To heal me again.


                  Mental Health

                  I am so glad to read of your progress Want!

                  It's great that you found the right medications and that you are on good terms with your family again!


                    Mental Health


                    What a great read! I am so happy for you Want!! Congrats on your 31 days!! :goodjob:YAY, sounds like the first day of the rest of your life, I am SOOOOOOOOOO happy for you!!



                    HUGS :l:l and LOVE :h:h
                    :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                      Mental Health

                      I just love reading about your success.:goodjob:

                      Keep us posted!

                      "Be still and know that I am God"

                      Psalm 46:10


                        Mental Health

                        Hi there wantrealmeaning
                        that is certainly some story.I am so pleased that you finally managed to get the right meds to help you. ):imglad:
                        Having been on all sorts of meds myself for depression and bipolar at that I really sympathise with your journey. There is no way you can fight the al unless you have the mental capacity there. It can be a chicken and egg situation. For me I am on carbomazapine and venlafaxine together and these are the 2 that work for me ( having tried many many other combinations.
                        Keep up the fight! You sound like you are doing so so well!:goodjob:
                        Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
                        Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
                        For my yolk is easy and My burden is light

