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Thats IT..I have Had it!

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    Thats IT..I have Had it!

    If this is turning into a diet thread for the month then count me IN!! Got about 14lbs that needs to come off before I'll be comfortable again. Started the day eating healthily but got up after going to bed to do something else and ended up piling a whole load of sticky sweet things into my face. Would not normally do that. Something to do with not drinking I guess.

    Good for you Ripple. Posting any low fat, low cal recipes would be great.

    Bessie x


      Thats IT..I have Had it!

      Sorry guys but Its funny when i first try to stop drinking i could not eat i was lossing weight for a good few months..... BUT NOW! sh*t i know i have put on, just seem to be craving for sugar and buying all the old sweets i have not eaten for years since i was a little kid. lol:H

      I hope those craving will go away soon!

      family is everything to me


        Thats IT..I have Had it!

        Hey Losers ! (he he he) -

        My weight saga: After a SUBSTANTIAL weight gain during a drinking relapse 6 years ago (that was combined with health problems and a general meltdown) - I have slowly lost about 70 lbs. in the last couple of years. Where does that leave me? At about 155 (YOU do the math ). I am 5' 6" but big-boned with lots of macho muscle - my goal weight is about 145 I guess. I have been 135 lbs. before (okay once for about 5 minutes) and that was way too thin and I was much younger.

        I used the WW core program to lose the first 40, then there was a little up and down and then back on the core prgram, though without the meetings and weigh-ins at the WW place as gabby said. The core program is pretty much ingrained in my head now and it's how I eat for the most part. I like it because it has almost no weighing and measuring and lots of healthy choices and a good balance of all the different food groups. I did alot of mellow cardio in the beginning - walking with a slight incline on a treadmill, or just out in my neigborhood.

        I also have to 'force myself' to eat in the morning - usually a smoothie, eggs in some form, leftovers, whatever. Defintiely something with protein for me. I try not to eat late at night. I walk with my ipod sometimes. I go to the gym sometimes (though it's been a little while). Sugar cravings have calmed down quite a bit over time (a giant dose of L glut with a big glass of water helps in a pinch). The sugar/alcohol cravings are most definitely linked if you ask me, so getting off that merry-go-round is a good thing - whether you are Sugar-Free or Sugar- Modding .

        I hope when I get to my goal weight (this time), I will be able to relax for once and just 'be' without feeling like I have to 'fix myself'. I have never NOT felt that I needed to 'fix myself' on some level. (yes - I love and accept myself completely right now just as I am, but you KNOW what I mean ).

        Love ww xox


          Thats IT..I have Had it!


          Thats ME! 5'6"....i need to lose about 50 lbs...i thought L-glut would be helpful with weight also. Can you believe 50 pounds!!! To the grocery store, this AM and start on the Cabbage Soup to get the cleanse part going..grab some smoke candles..sleep and start shrinking. It can be done. WW does work once the taste buds adjust to less sugar and refine flavors. I don't need to be Barbie, but i would like to wear my clothes again from Chico's. I lost control with sobriety and knew it, now i have to change another one of my messes. :h


            Thats IT..I have Had it!

            another good thread!

            :Hok, ok, I am in!

            This is definately another area of my life that could use tending to!

            Apparently I have over indulgance, self control issues (food....booze...yessh).

            So, as of Wednesday, weighed at Doctors office, at 5'5, I weighed 179. BLAH.
            My goal is like wonders. 145, though I think I would be happy with 150, if I can get nicely toned, doing some free weights, and resistance training, and not just cardio (which will be power walking for me.) 34 pounds seems daunting...BUT not impossible!

            I am not a sweets girl, I like my salty crunchy snacks...chips, popcorn, etc. BAAAAAAAAD.

            My plan for now: NO MORE JUNK FOOD. Less bread, rice, pasta. More raw fruits and veg.
            Walk to and from work the "long" way. Free weights three times a week.

            We can do this!

            (I can NOT believe I told my weight to the universe....sheesh :H)
            Striving to live life without ALCOHOL


              Thats IT..I have Had it!

              Don't you just HATE that? You give up booze and all of a sudden you are stuffin' the mouth.

              Exercise - yep. All I can say! I have lost 7 pounds in the last two weeks! :see: Staying sober has it's price in the beginning! BUT IT IS WORTH IT IN THE END!


                Thats IT..I have Had it!

                I love this - the weight loss thread!!!

                I weighed in a little heavier today for some reason on my bathroom scale, 167 lb. Wonder what that would be on WWatcher's scale - they are always a little heavier. At 5'7", I have heavily muscles legs, always said I have soccer player legs!!!! So my goal is 150lb. I decided today to cut out sweets - not that I eat them so much (I think my wine drinking took over as my sugar intake, as I used to have a real sweet tooth) - and I didn't bring my requisite 2 cookies for my lunch dessert today. Plus, I will try to eliminate all white flour products, like bread and crackers (another real problem for me) and cut back on cheese. I want to try to Core Plan, but haven't got it yet. Might be a good one for me. Exersice is not a problem for me if I can get more rest. I used to do marathons, then triathlons, and now just swimming, some running and walking. I used to pump iron too!! Got so strong, but man!! Did I feel beefy!!! Gave that up after 3 years, now do lighter gym weights and cardio at the gym.

                Drinking has resulted in a decline in my physical fitness. Too tired sometime. I can't swim as fast, as I am always tired and I think my muscles must be somewhat poisoned from AL. plus I smoke when I drink, which doesn't help with running conditioning.
                This is all going to stop!!!!!!!!! I only had 2 ciggies last night .

                Good luck everyone, in both weight and AL!!


                  Thats IT..I have Had it!

                  It works QUICK.

                  Better eating means easier coping with AL. Accountable is already kick-started with 7 pounds-LOST! I don't believe in strick dieting in the start. :h

                  Breakfast Ideas..* :lilflower:

                  Layer Vanilla Yogurt with Granola and Berries~Cool Whip
                  Soft Boiled Egg On Dry WW..whole Grain Bread
                  Veggie Omelet / use Pam in Pan..Fat Free Cheese~Salsa
                  Raisin Bran Cereal and Fat Free Milk~Banana Slices
                  Fruits, Water, Tea, .... you know the routine.

                  morning snack..more fruit..more water..


                    Thats IT..I have Had it!

                    i am just so sick of being overweight, i am 14-20 pounds overweight and it really gets me down. In fact i get so depressed about it that i end up drinking and lke peanut i never eat when drinking but it is the bingeing the day after. recently i have lost 8 pounds in a detox in thailand but it is bound to go back on again if i don't stop drinking.

                    Anyway, i am positive now that i have found this site and feel i have people to talk to!!

                    Thankyou!! xxx:new:


                      Thats IT..I have Had it!

                      Lost about 22 lbs when I first went AF and I think I gained most of that back because of the sugar cravings! uggg! Taking me too long to figure out supps and whens the best time to take what, etc.
                      Ok, I do feel a little better today. The weight gain wasn't as bad as I thought. But I still have a lot to lose. So that's it. I am commited also! (Or should I be commited? I keep getting that confused! :H)

                      It's so hard to change my diet because there are 5 people in my family and some fussy eaters. This house is all about carbs and no one here but myself is health conscious. They are still very, very heavy drinkers in fact.

                      But anyway, here is my plan:

                      Cut back on caffiene: This really curbs the appetite too much for me and it used to trigger anxeity which triggered nasty AL.

                      Try to eat first thing in the morning: I really need to kick start the metablolism first thing in the morning. And I would be able to take my vitamins and supps earlier.

                      Try to eat at least 3 meals a day. I usually eat once or twice a day and I go way too many hours in between.

                      Cut back on carbs:
                      This is going to be one of the toughest things because of the food choices of everyone else.

                      Try to cut out the late night snacking:
                      I think if I get my 3 healthy meals in, then hopefully this won?t end up being so bad.

                      Not gonna lie, this has not been high on the priority list. It will be starting tomorrow! Going to use the resistance trainer, dumbbells and the BodyFlex tapes. These have worked in the past for me. Just have to dust them off. Lol

                      Here to us!! Good luck everyone!!!

                      Thanks, for kicking starting us Ripple!

                      Love, Me
                      Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                        Thats IT..I have Had it!

                        Ummmm.....everyone give up already? :H

                        I'm about to jump on the Trim Rider. Have fun all!

                        Love, Me
                        Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


                          Thats IT..I have Had it!

                          future skinny minny

                          No way- not giving up. I'm feeling way to stubborn these days for that.

                          I got up and had a bowl of bran flakes with sweetie and skim milk, chicken breast and a healthy brown rice salad for lunch(more veggies than rice, boy - I think I put enough garlic in that - I think I should hide out for a while in my office and not talk to anyone!) with an orange, and I have a bit of fat-free plain yogurt with a couple strawberries for when I become suddenly hungry this afternoon. I actually got a pretty good start this weekend, but ate some wonderful finger-food last night that was definitely NOT condusive to weight loss! I have planned 2 gym days and 2 swim days for the next 4 days too, before I have to take off on a road trip (which are very long going from city to city here on the prairie!!).

                          Thanks Ripple for the recipes. Anybody have a super-low cal recipe for granola????



                            Thats IT..I have Had it!


                            Good Job PEANUT...I was BAD last nite..had veggie wrap today and tiny candy bar..AA walk meet tomorrow, then meeting. Let me find a recipe. Thanks for the motivation! :h


                              Thats IT..I have Had it!

                              LOL - no strict dieting... actually no dieting for me. (why I have dropped 7 pounds in two weeks) I have always been a good eater - except when extremely hung over. I have never been a big fan of breads, pasta (except spaghetti), etc... I cannot stand most fruit either. So if I could dine out at a salad bar with some good select meats, I am all there. Not to mention I have been keeping busy, busy, busy & exercising seeing I am 14 days into sobriety (again - ho hum) and the no smoking thing.

                              The biggest thing for me is water gain when I drink. It usually goes away within a few day.

                              I still have a lot of jiggle to rid of ;-)


                                Thats IT..I have Had it!

                                way to go is that simple! although Recipes keep us BUSY!!!! okay i found one since Asparagus are in season: Oh i am so smart...
                                Asparagus, Bacon and Cheese Stratta

                                POINTS? Value: 5
                                Servings: 6
                                Preparation Time: 15 min
                                Cooking Time: 20 min
                                Level of Difficulty: Easy
                                Strattas make an excellent breakfast or brunch, and they give you the perfect opportunity to use up leftover vegetables, lean meats and day-old bread.

                                2 tsp olive oil, or vegetable oil
                                4 slice uncooked turkey bacon, diced
                                1/2 cup onion(s), diced
                                2 cup asparagus, fresh, or frozen and thawed, cut into 1-inch pieces
                                1 sprays cooking spray
                                6 slice light whole wheat bread
                                4 large egg(s)
                                5 large egg white(s)
                                3/4 cup fat-free skim milk
                                2 tsp Dijon mustard
                                1/2 tsp table salt
                                1/4 tsp black pepper, freshly ground
                                2 Tbsp grated Parmesan cheese, divided
                                1 cup low-fat shredded cheddar cheese, about 4 oz
                                Heat oil in a large ovenproof skillet over medium heat. Add bacon and cook, stirring, until golden brown, about 4 minutes. Add onion and asparagus; saut? until vegetable are soft, about 3 to 5 minutes. Remove vegetables from pan and set aside.

                                Preheat broiler, i would..

                                Off heat, coat same skillet with cooking spray. Arrange bread slices tightly in bottom of skillet.

                                In a large bowl, whisk together eggs, egg whites, milk, mustard, salt and pepper; pour over bread and allow milk mixture to soak in entirely (like when you make French toast). Sprinkle bread with 1 tablespoon of Parmesan cheese.

                                Place skillet over medium to medium-high heat. Cook, shaking pan frequently to promote even cooking, until almost cooked through to the top, about 4 or 5 minutes.

                                Place skillet under broiler to set eggs, about 2 minutes. Remove skillet from broiler; top with bacon-vegetable mixture, cheddar cheese and remaining tablespoon of Parmesan cheese. Place skillet under broiler again until cheese melts, about 1 to 2 minutes. Slice into 6 pieces and serve. Yields 1 piece per serving.

