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Thats IT..I have Had it!

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    Thats IT..I have Had it!

    All right, I'm in...

    A few years ago I ran about 20 miles a week - I also drank like crazy. I moved to an area where the air quality was so poor that running was not a great idea. Unfortunately I gave up the running but not the drinking. Have gained 30 lbs these last 3 years. Time to run again CONSISTENTLY. That is my downfall - good one week - not so good the next.

    Not really a bad eater. Will do no carb for 2 weeks and then low carbs.

    Thanks for the thread Rip - helps me to feel accountable. (Since I've joined MWO I'm that rare person who has only had one Day 1 - need to figure out how to use that willpower with dieting

    Off to watch my girls play soccer,

    Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


      Thats IT..I have Had it!

      Good day on the diet wagon yesterday. I walked the 3+ miles home from work, and had an hour workout at the gym. My weight has not dropped on the scale much, but I am so impatient with these thing! I think I should avoid that scale for a couple of days, step on it thursday morning instead, which will be the full week since going AF as I am now on day 6AF. Yay!!!!
      Have a grand day everybody!


        Thats IT..I have Had it!

        Good morning!!! I did 25 minutes on my elliptical trainer last night. Funny - I used it for the first time just over two weeks ago and could barely do it for 10 minutes. ALTHOUGH, last night I wanted to stop after 10 minutes but pushed myself to do 25. Helps that there is a tv in the room - or else I would of collapsed on my bed!

        I had spaghetti last night and did not give a rats ass - if you can't indulge once in a while then what is the point, eh? I even added extra cheese to it!

        Peanut you are doing so well! 6 days is awesome!!!! As is the rest of you!


          Thats IT..I have Had it!

          ACCOUNTABLE..yoo, whoo

          pump it up.. did you have WHOLE GRAIN PASTA...thats the way to go. had my veggie wrap after AA today at the local hangout where we all meet after. Love Wraps! :h


            Thats IT..I have Had it!

            here's a GOOD drink.

            SIMPLE SANGRIA

            1/2 cup water
            1 cinnamon stick
            1/4 cup sugar
            1 lime
            1 lemon
            1 orange
            20 halved green grapes
            20 halved red grapes
            1 cup pitted cherries
            1 bottle Grape Juice-White or Purple.
            2 cups ice

            Bring the water, cinnamon and sugar to a boil and cook
            for 5 minutes. Meanwhile, thinly slice the lime, lemon,
            and orange with the peel intact. Add the fruit to the
            sugar mixture and set aside to cool. Add juice and chill
            overnight. Serve on ice.

            Yield: 8 Servings

