the thing is its next door, other wise i would of been doing the driving.
I'm 20days AF... people always say we need a plan so mind is:
To take a bottle of AF wine with me.
If im struggling to come on here for support. (only next door

If i need fresh air to take the dog for a walk.
If someone pressure me....when saying the word NO, MEAN IT,AND STICK TO IT.
I hope im not over reacting. just getting a bit worried.
I would like some other people experience on mwo how they have handle the situation when going out were there are lots of people around with drinks in there hands, any other advice PLEASE would HELP ME A LOT..... This is a big test for me, if i get through this it would mean more to me then 30days. If you know what i mean!
Thanks for taking your time reading this, hope it helps someone else as well.x