If Anthony Bordain can do it, so can I! He gave it up (smoking, not drinking) becaue he became a new dad. I sometimes think I need something that big to stop me..but I ain't having a baby anytime soon, unless the immaculate conception happens again

I don't as of now follow the MWO program. I think it is only fair to tell folks that, so they can choose to read or not. I focus on harm reduction as I haven't been able to stop the binging and I decided that if I couldn't stop the binging, at least I could try to be safer and stop the self loathing. I am sometimes successful and sometimes not.
You see I believe for me anyway that I have a compusivity problem, not a drink problem, although drink is a problem for sure. I know this based on long histories of both sobriety and use. I had some anxiety about my Thurs binge today and was just recently able to let it go for now. I check in here sometimes because there aren't many places where someone can be honest about their use and not be told to go to AA, sometimes I need support and sometimes I am in a place where I think I can help others, even when I am less than perfect.
For today anyway I am smoke and alcohol free. Have a good weekend. Love to all.