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staying sober tonight...thank whoever

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    staying sober tonight...thank whoever

    It is sat. I had a big binge on Thurs and have at least resolved myself to stay sober this weekend...actually I don't even want to drink. I have done this many times before and it hasn't lasted, but there are some things shifting for me that are subtly different. I long ago stopped being a daily smoker, but when binge drinking, i am binge smoking...double the dopamine I suppose. I have just accepted this for a long time and still do and actually refused to even think about quiting, not wanting to fail, but lately I have found myself actually wanting to quit. I almost think the drinking is as much about the smoking as the drinking. Obviously a bigger part of me doesn't want to stop or else I would, but the part of me that wants to is getting bigger and I am hopeful it will get bigger yet.

    If Anthony Bordain can do it, so can I! He gave it up (smoking, not drinking) becaue he became a new dad. I sometimes think I need something that big to stop me..but I ain't having a baby anytime soon, unless the immaculate conception happens again

    I don't as of now follow the MWO program. I think it is only fair to tell folks that, so they can choose to read or not. I focus on harm reduction as I haven't been able to stop the binging and I decided that if I couldn't stop the binging, at least I could try to be safer and stop the self loathing. I am sometimes successful and sometimes not.

    You see I believe for me anyway that I have a compusivity problem, not a drink problem, although drink is a problem for sure. I know this based on long histories of both sobriety and use. I had some anxiety about my Thurs binge today and was just recently able to let it go for now. I check in here sometimes because there aren't many places where someone can be honest about their use and not be told to go to AA, sometimes I need support and sometimes I am in a place where I think I can help others, even when I am less than perfect.

    For today anyway I am smoke and alcohol free. Have a good weekend. Love to all.

    staying sober tonight...thank whoever

    Good Luck out, maybe this weekend Af will be the start to many more af days?


      staying sober tonight...thank whoever

      compulsive behaviour

      Hey Out!
      Good luck doing it on your own. I couldn't, and I know that alot of it is my compulsive personality. My daughter has OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder) and over the years and the psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, we have learned that this is an inheritied condition. Initially, I said I didn't know where she got it from, but it didn't take me long to admit it was from me. I never had it as bad, but I definitely have it. I am truly a creature of habit, needing to keep to a routine. Thus, my swimming routine never changes. My drinking routine was the same daily. 10:30-11:00 sit down every night, at least 1L wine, pass out, go to work and do the whole exercise/drinking routine all over again.

      So I understand what you are saying. Last night, I smoked and read as usual, but not wine, another AL-free beverage, in a wine glass. It was the same routine!!!! Even without the wine!!! I thought, "do I drink to smoke? or do I smoke to drink?" as I always need a beverage with a smoke and always need a smoke with a beverage. this has occurred to me several times in the past. So if I quit smoking, would I also quite drinking?? It is the combined habit and I can't seem to separate them. Being AL free (besides last night because it was friday - another routine!) I only smoke 1 or 2 ciggies. That's it.

      Hmmm.....Something to ponder!

      Good luck having a dry weekend!


        staying sober tonight...thank whoever

        One more thing. Even if it is a compulsivity thing, the MWO program still seems a reasonable step. IF you want to cut out the bingeing or at least control it. I am no expert - I am just completing my 3rd day AF, and am having a bitch of a time. I was so tired, I lay down, then a headache came on and I am feeling weepy a bit, been mad at my beau and his son for being lazy guys who can't cook for themselves (can't you just hear me?!) but I shall not drink. I have no craving for it. Oh don't think I don't want it - In a real low point about an hour ago, I was actually having that argument with AL that other describe. It's ok, just one bottle for tonight, then you will be fine, likely feel better, happier, etc.

        I need to get over this hump!!! And I don't won't to do it all over again!!!! Besides, I am hoping that this program will help me with my compulsive behaviour too and was thinking of incorporating it into the hypno cd's as a suggestion.

        Anyway, that's my two cents!


          staying sober tonight...thank whoever

          Hey Peanut, The "committee" is really having a meeting in your head. Mine too tonight! I hope we can wade thru all the bullshit that Al tells us:H:H
          All of us type A personalities, struggling with the compulsions and I'm a Scorpio to boot. Take care of yourself Out. Don't you just wonder what Anthony B. feeds his new kid? :h g.


            staying sober tonight...thank whoever

            That's amazing gelgit. My OCD daughter is a Scorpio!! What a combination!! You wouldn't have believed what life was like with that personality!!!!


              staying sober tonight...thank whoever

              Hey there

              feeling better for the chat, thanks peanut and gelgit. oh my peanut I know, I can't do one without the other too. I am actually thinking the best way for me to turn down drink right now from those who know me is to say I'm trying to give up the ciggies.

              When I am not drinking I am a workaholic and have body image issues., I just don't want to go back there either. Yes, MWO has a lot to offer and I have tried bits of it, but I must admit not all at the same time. I am right now trying to fill my life with things I like better than drink and see what happens. I am working on loving myself regardless and seeing a behavior as a thing I do rather than a thing I am. It is something those who believe in neuroplasticity in realtion to OCD find useful also, "That is just a small part of my brain creating the compulsion, it is not who I am". I'll definately stay sober this weekend...good night and a lovely week to you both.


                staying sober tonight...thank whoever

                Good night Out!
                Thanks for that insight into the OCD situation!
                We'll chat again soon!

