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these two words can make or break you

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    these two words can make or break you

    do you have any idea how to use these simple words and it is yes and no.
    these are the answers you have been looking for .after all the whining and complaining we all talk about and its all the same . we cant do it because he drink, she drink.but ask yourself how easy it is to say yes . yes please lets have another one or do you want to have sex yes or do you want a new car oh yes , too quick on that look at these two words . this is a positive and a negative. but both can mean the same in one way or the another . like say no thank you . positive way of no. now yes is not always positive . like using it when someone ask you. if you would like a drink your answer is usually always yes . but in the back of your mind. you know you shouldnt . now here we go .
    yes but no thank you i shouldnt .trying to stay away from al for awhile .
    can it be this easy to yes and why if you are tired of fighting and you want more to life then just waking up in the morning . say to yourself what the hell did i do last night and you cant remember why you drink in the first place . or my family is going to hell because i am drinking too much and why am i drinking too much because i only start with one and then two , then the whole bottle and i only do it to feel good to get rid of the pain of life . the bills ,work. my husband, my wife and the list goes on and on .but when it really come down to it the answer is easy NO very simple
    and yes its a hard road to cross. but if you want to change .you have to work hard and long for it .and yes it hurts at first but it does get better and better . your body goes threw a change you have never seen before .you start to feel stronger then ever. you feel better about things and look at them in a positive way
    my road hasnt been easy in no way it took a near death experince.
    and my child hood was hell. and yeah i could use some more improvements to my life now . like more work , money , spend more time with my kids but life goes on .
    and this is" the long road getting sober"
    and it all started with NO
    peace,love and god bless
    please let me know what you think
    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..

    these two words can make or break you

    I Love it tlrgs

    I read all your posts tlrgs and you are a inspiration to me so thankyou very very much. I am on day 1 again. Day 2 tomorrow and so on.
    And yes it really is that simple yes or no I choose no no no thankyou :thanks:


      these two words can make or break you

      The truth can be so simplistic can't it?? Shed all the psycho-babble and in its raw form it's down to simple "Yes" or "No" answers and no "buts" in between. No! I cannot drink I am an addict and Yes! I will do whatever it takes to continue living a happy and sober life.

      Love and Happiness
      "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
      Clean and sober 25th January 2009


        these two words can make or break you

        So true .............. It's down to us at the end of the day ...............

        Thankyou trlgs ........

        BB xx


          these two words can make or break you

          I agree. I'm very tired of making excuses for myself. It's either yes, or no. There are no inbetweens.


            these two words can make or break you

            "No thanks" is all it takes to set yourself free. You do not owe anyone an explanation.


              these two words can make or break you

              Great post.


                these two words can make or break you

                [ame= ]YouTube - If I Could Turn Back Time[/ame] Love to you Roger! :h


                  these two words can make or break you


                  "Be still and know that I am God"

                  Psalm 46:10


                    these two words can make or break you

                    Great post tirgs as always...

                    I had this on my plan list yesterday funny enough, if you say the word no and dont mean it it is so easy to give in (like me)
                    saying the WORD NO..... to MEAN it..... and to STICK to it. it WORK for me.

                    family is everything to me


                      these two words can make or break you

                      thank you t

                      Thank you t, great post. I could see this post turn into a great poem....and YES, I am saying NO to gray area, just a simple yes to no!!!! thank you for sharing!

                      All philosophy lies in two words, sustain and abstain.



                        these two words can make or break you

                        Like they teach the kids: "JUST SAY NO!"
                        NF since June 1, 2008
                        AF since September 28, 2008
                        DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
                        :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
                        5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
                        The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


                          these two words can make or break you

                          Great Sunday Morning thoughts Mr. T! And what I like the best is even when saying no to myself or others I can put a positive vibe to what can appear as a negative just by simply saying to myself or others....."No, thank you!"
                          "I've done it. I don't need to drink anymore. I'm free!"-Jason Vale


                            these two words can make or break you

                            :bowT: awesome!!!!:rockband:
                            :boxer: Get the hell out of my house, Al, you worthless bastard!!


                              these two words can make or break you

                              Trlgs, I like your post, just down to the nitty gritty, yes or NO... No to AL, and yes to LIFE!!
                              The more we appreciate life, the more life appreciates and bestows us with more goodness.

