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24 Days who would have thought!!!

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    24 Days who would have thought!!!

    Hi All,

    I can not believe i am saying this - I am 24 days AF!!!!
    For me that is JUST AMAZING! And i must say i feel GREAT!
    I will be honest - it has not been all will & determination - i am on antabuse - but i felt i needed it to get me thru the first month so i can begin to enjoy life without booze!

    It is not only the medz that have helped me - but reading all of the positive posts that everyone writes.
    It is sad that i feel i have an amazing group of supportive 'friends' that i will probably never get to meet.

    CG x
    Charlie Girl:wings:

    24 Days who would have thought!!!

    Charlie Girl

    I am on day 7 and also taking antabuse. i too felt that I neede it to get me through the first days AF. It has helped because it has taken away the option of drinking. I think that it will help with the thoughts about AL when i come off the antabuse.

    I also credit the positive posts. I too wish we could all meet but am so happy to know you all on this site.


      24 Days who would have thought!!!

      good for you what ever works thats all that matters great job 24 days..go girl go
      :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
      best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


        24 Days who would have thought!!!

        Well done Charlie Girl,
        I didn't end up going down the antabuse road. My dr wasn't so keen on it, so I am still doing Campral and L-Glut. I am on day 10 and also feel great. Isn't it a big difference. My head is in the right space I think this time. I did give myself a hell of a fright on Anzac Day. I had 2 glasses of wine over 2 hrs at our local and I don't remember anything after that. Got home at 7pm, don't know how or where from. Has this happened to anyone else?
        Have to say though, that in hindsight it is probably a blessing as it has scared the crap out of me and I now don't want to drink at all if it is going to have that effect on me!!!!
        I have been having so much fun without it though and I have been told by hubby and some friends that I am such a different person (nicer) without the dreaded AL.
        Well Charlie Girl, sorry I have prattled on about myself now and it was supposed to be about you.
        Good on You!!!!


          24 Days who would have thought!!!

          Hi CG,

          Great to see another Aussie doing so well.

          WE could start AAA. Aussie Alcoholics Anonymous.:H

          24 days is fantastic. I'm only a week or so behind you. Day 15 for me.

          It's funny you know, before I found MWO, I didn't actually know a single Aussie over the legal age who did not drink. Pretty sad hey!!!

          I don't know about you, but I've done enough drinking for nearly 2 lifetimes!!!

          Great to hear you are doing so well. I'm really starting to feel amazing as well.

          Keep up the great work.




            24 Days who would have thought!!!

            Thanks every one...
            Hey Fresh - how about AAAA - adult aussies avoiding alcohol.
            Hey DB - what ever works for you sunshine - different horses for different courses - as long as you are feeling great.
            Tlrgs - thanks - one questio - what does that stand for? (if that is not prying x )
            Hey Time - how great is it. i was really nervous about it - but it has prooven to be a lifesaver and i think my mother has stopped getting grey hairs now.

            Wooooo hooooo xxxx
            Charlie Girl:wings:


              24 Days who would have thought!!!

              Good job girl

              no matter how you got there. Good wishes.

