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How is everyone?

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    How is everyone?

    To be quite honest, I am so very tired. Between my child and the problems I am going through, and my personal side (which is not a problem, but relocating is...) I am needing a rest; I know I've said this before. I've slipped a couple times..and a pick me up would be so much appreciated. I've actually been doing really well, but I found something which kind of took me down a few pegs, and I need a minute to strengthen.

    How is everyone?

    Hi Gia,

    Sorry to hear that you are so weary. Life gets a bit too hectic and tiresome some days doesn't it?

    My wife and I are expecting a baby at the start of November, so sleepless nights here we come!!!

    I hope you get everything sorted out soon and can relax a bit. I'm sure that when everything is sorted out you will feel much better.

    Look after Yourself.

    Warm Regards



      How is everyone?

      Hi Gia,
      I hope you find a little rest and respite from the struggles and worries that you're going through. It can all seem too much at times, but there is light at the end of every tunnel. You're doing great honey and I am so proud of you. I know your situation and I know you're Holding out for a hero to share life's burdons as well as it's undoubted pleasures. He'll be there soon.

      Congratulations on the new baby.


        How is everyone?

        Did I hear someone calling for a "hero"?!!!!lol

        Well I hope at least that brought a smile to your face Gia!!

        I've been feeling a bit 'blue' of late myself and I've been doing a lot of 'questioning' regarding my future. I think when I start to question myself I start to doubt myself and thus the circle is created!!!lol. I guess this is where most AAers would say they hand things over to their higher power and in some instances I tend to agree with them on this. Just let things take their natural course and try not to worry too much about what the future holds. As popeye says there is light at the end of every tunnel.

        Love and Happiness
        "Keep me away from the wisdom which does not cry, the philosophy which does not laugh and the greatness which does not bow before children." Kahlil Gibran
        Clean and sober 25th January 2009


          How is everyone?

          Man but some of those tunnels are long!! Keep your chin up Gia dealing with stuff long term is so much easier sober.


            How is everyone?

            when things look their darkest always look for the brighter side of life . in time it will all get better.peace and god bless
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              How is everyone?

              Thank you're right, it is definetely easier to handle when sober. You're all wonderful, thanks so much.


                How is everyone?


                I hope that peace and replenishment finds you! Take care of yourself!

                Hugs, Best
                "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


                  How is everyone?


                  thank you for sharing, being sad is better if you are not both sad and lonley. Sometimes when I am not hungover and remeber to do it emotional freedom technique is a form of accupressure...i think the website is take care


                    How is everyone?

                    Gia sweetie ........... deep breaths, you will get through this ........ and btw, if you have a hero going spare be sure to send him my way ...........

                    BB xx


                      How is everyone?

                      just O.K.

                      "darkest before the dawn" I've always been fascinated by that one. More people die during predawn that any other time of day. Oh well, NOT my thought for the day.
                      Getting AF certainly has wiped out the biggest problem in my life. But, as I make progress, the other problems are becoming clearer. :H I hope it's just a phase, 12 days AF, that things seem just as hopeless and screwed up. Now, I have sober sinuses and allergies:H and AF back pain.
                      . Just writing it down makes me realize what nonsense...only me wanting instant magic again. Hey, here comes the Sun. Some good physical work, like more digging in the garden will flood me with happy endorphines: I know. Thanks everyone and happiness all around.:h g.


                        How is everyone?

                        Ripple is doing really good. I know i am. Doing this takes all my time and i am giving it my all.. i am so blessed to have all the time it takes until i am ready to get off my :h:SS and do something other than think about soberness! new word-eh? Today i am a little tired. That shall pass...:h


                          How is everyone?

                          Gia dear, perhaps something as simple as a hot bubble bath, a homemade cup of hot chocolate and a good book can help to break the dark mood.

                          And by the way, if you should come upon that hero, please clone one for me too, don't let Betty have him all to herself.
                          Hugs Lori
                          *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                            How is everyone?

                            Gia, you asked how everyone was doing? Talk to someone, a counselor, a close friend or an AA meeting..there are people of all walks of life going through the same who reach for help every day. :h hugs to you, things will turn around soon, you will are trying hard.


                              How is everyone?

                              Thanks everyone. Just a bad day, I don't normally feel like I am in a dark mood or anything. I have a good support system, and he's made it all better. You're all great! I'm baking a cheesecake later this week so I'll send cyber pieces to you all.

