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Ok the gay thing...

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    Ok the gay thing...

    I think in my last post...maybe I freaked people out by being so open about the gay thing. I wanted to talk about addictions and the gay much as I wanted to talk about my shit and say if you are here and are gay shout it out and if you are here and not gay shout out for those of you who love someone and is.

    I am well read enough to know that there is what is called a pycho-bio-social aspect to addiction or abuse and I try to understand and participate in the positive aspects of our community....while still relelating to that of anyone else.

    I love, you love.

    I wanted to say earlier that I understand...despite differences..That we all have resaons to do what we have done or do and that we all deserve love. So be it.

    Ok the gay thing...

    [ame= ]YouTube - Running with Scissors scene[/ame]

    I understand too out :h
    Patience has its limits. Take it too far, and it's cowardice.
    - George Jackson


      Ok the gay thing...


      We have had and do have several members who are gay. I don't think it is an issue.

      We are what we are. This addiction knows no social, ethnic, gender bounds. We are all in this one together.

      I went and read your post and it was not shocking. Just sincere.

      AF April 9, 2016


        Ok the gay thing...

        Out, you are totally fine. all is good
        nosce te ipsum
        (Know Thyself)


          Ok the gay thing...

          Hey Out - as you say 'we all deserve love'. And ditto Cindy on going back to read your post etc. All is cool hun!

          Take care
          The mind is in its own place, and in itself
          Can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven.

          John Milton


            Ok the gay thing...


            Ditto all on here.

            Bessie xx


              Ok the gay thing...

              Hey Out. My daughter is a lesbian. She was very clear on letting us know when she was in 11th grade. I figure the earlier you can get clear with this, the better. So. Does she have special alcohol, drug issues? No, they're just like every one else's in my family. She is struggeling into adulthood as far as college, work, social life, etc. I hope she finds her way, making positive healthy, choices. But there is only so much a parent can do. Any advice?


                Ok the gay thing...

                Out, I am sorry to hear of the struggles of your young friend. It sounds like he has a lot more going on besides being gay. Oppressive environment for one!

                I have a lot of gay and lesbian friends and relatives. I honestly do not think that they suffer from addictions any more than any other group. In fact most of them live very fulfilled lives, in every way. They have successful, careers, relationships and families. Some are not as successful and happy. Isn't this just like life in any other "group" if we must isolate people into "groups"? Quite honestly, I do not like isolating people with labels. We are, after all, individuals, all wanting love, security and happiness and fulfillment.

                I see no reason for anyone here to have to "shout out that they are gay", although they certainly may if they so choose. My point is this, we all drink for a miriad of reasons. The debate goes on, as to whether this is a disease, allergy, mental disorder. We really have no concrete answers. What we do know is that the addiction to drinking and, or drugs, does not enhance life. It does not make our struggles disappear. It does not bring us better relationships. Addictions destroy all that is positive and good, no matter who we are. Addiction leads to dispair, and lost potential. It is up to each one of us, whether we take control of our lives, or not. I wish for all to find their way!

                Hula, how wonderful that your daughter was able to come out to you. With your continued love and support, she will find her way.

                A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                AF 12/6/2007


                  Ok the gay thing...

                  let's just celebrate the incredible diversity of creation.
                  I have many friends that are gay and they are very dear and special to me.
                  *Definition of Insanity: doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result* Albert Einstein


                    Ok the gay thing...

                    oh dear.

                    out...sounds like 'conversations of life!" take care where ever you are. :h


                      Ok the gay thing...

                      Thanks all...

                      for your support and comments.

                      Hula girl...sounds to me like you are doing great with your daughter. If she was able to let you know in 11th grade, you two must have a strong as for advice, she is being herself, just be yourself too. Statistically, there is more drug and alcohol abuse in the gay community than general society, so much of our social lives have been relagated to bars. Fortunately that is changing, depending on where you live, and your daughter will have lots of other options for socializing and dating. I can't imagine being the parent of a 17 year old, must be a strong mix of pride and worry. Thanks for being a good mom.

                      Lately I have just been having a lot of pain in terms of identity, who I am in the world and who I want to be and "shouting it out" at the moment is important, looking at all parts of my addictions are important. Most people don't consider that someone wearing a wedding band "shouts out" to the world that they are straight, unless you happen to live in Mass. People don't know your gay unless you tell them and even if they think they do, no one is really comfortable talking about that part of my life until I talk about first...understandable. So I am talking about it first. and I apprieciate your welcoming comments. There is a lot of love and acceptance in this place...wish I could hug you all.


                        Ok the gay thing...


                        Totally cool w/ it, and think most of us here are open-minded enough for that........

                        love and hugs, best thoughts sent your way!:l:h

                        :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


                          Ok the gay thing...

                          Hi Out,

                          I'm gay too. I don't really feel a need to shout it out here, but just want to let you know you're not alone! And of course I understand the issues you're talking about and have my own struggles with them. I do wonder if my sexuality is a factor in my drink problem. Dunno, maybe it is and maybe it isn't, maybe another million things are and maybe they're not. I don't have any answers - but I'm working on it! I'm sorry you're having a hard time at the moment. I hope things get better soon.

                          Hulagirl - It's great that your daughter can come out to you. She obviously feels loved and secure - you must be doing a great job!
                          AF since December 22nd 2008
                          Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


                            Ok the gay thing...

                            Out ,
                            We all live with one thing or another ! The main thing is to live ! Give something of yourself to your fellow beings that is positive ! LOL IAD !
                            ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                            those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                            Dr. Seuss


                              Ok the gay thing...

                              Out - a couple of my best friends are gay and I love them to pieces. I'm trying to convince one of them to join MWO.

