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went 2 days af then....

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    went 2 days af then....

    i couldnt hold the urge back anyback and here i sit drinking a 24 pack maybe my life is lost and i will never het it back cause all i see now is a deep black hole,, to bad cause 10 years ago i wanted to go ti mnedical school and maybe be adoctor but well thats long gone now. Well sorry guys im just venting

    went 2 days af then....

    Hi Two,

    Well done on two days!

    Your life is certainly not lost ~as many of us here can testify. Just muddled up a bit.

    Straightening it up will take some work but it can certainly be done.

    Keep reading, you are not unique, that black hole has stared at many of us, many times.

    In order to make the changes you choose to make in your life you will need a healthy, sober brain and help with your depression. Once your thinking is clear the world will be in focus.

    Glad you posted. Maybe don't drink all the beer tonight, tomorrow is another day.

    magic xx
    ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
    I am in the next seat.
    My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


      went 2 days af then....

      Hey Two. I don't know how far you went in your "pre-med" studies, but there are other pathways to take. I got a 4 year degree in biology. One of my classmates went on to a medical school program. I stopped and worked in government agriculture for 10 years. Then I went back to school for a year to become a science teacher. (I just received my 10 year contribution certificate today). Regrets? Yes, tons. I should have gone on to grad school in ag. research. But the drink was in my way. So i guess what I'm trying to say is even though you haven't reached your dream of Med school, perhaps you can find another "calling" in life. One step at a time. Do you need to go back to school? Do you need to change your focus? or major? Do you need to clean your mind and body to make rational decisions? yes, definately. No one ever told me that. Congratulations on beginning this journey.


        went 2 days af then....

        I hope you read these responses sober. It was great that you posted. Everything seems like a black hole when we have a 24 pack in front of us. Many of us here have tried Af and slipped, I did. But then we pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, HUG ourselves and take a step forward. What direction forward is for you, is up to you. I hope your day today is one of recovery and I hope you will hug yourself and reevaluate why you drank, and what can you do to make things better? Med school is it something that you really have to quit dreaming about...really?
        Freshen up, breathe and meditate. Also, keep posting/reading, we are here and willing to support you on your journey!


          went 2 days af then....

          BLACK HOLE? i never looked upon a drinking event as a black hole? i thought of it as a PARTY! aftermath was maybe dim but never blackened..Think different and realise you are capable of being something? There are many other medical fields that don't require as much study as a doctor, become a nurse, like an LPN...take its slow. You have your entire life ahead of you. :l

