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So, about that Drink Tracker thingy....

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    So, about that Drink Tracker thingy....

    I hear there are some issues with it. It's not my code so I am not sure what it does, doesn't do, and should do.

    So as far as you are concerned, what is the Drink Tracker? What does it do and most importantly, what would you like it to do? What did it do before that it's not doing now? What kind of errors do you get. That's a broad range of questions because an app can mean different things to different people. And it should be made to suit many needs without giving up it's purpose.

    So, spill the beans.


    So, about that Drink Tracker thingy....

    Hi C. Monkey

    I'm not sure what problems others have had - I haven't had any

    I used the tracker the first 4 months more for my own personal motivator. I am not using it currently - as I'm at the point where I don't count like I did in the beginning ... but I do believe it is a great TOOL when you first start out abstaining, or for those who moderate - as well

    Thanks Monkey for all you do here!
    AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

    Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

    (from the Movie "Once")


      So, about that Drink Tracker thingy....

      Hmm, I am not getting all the info I need. Perhaps I should throw bananas!



        So, about that Drink Tracker thingy....

        Hi there...i wish it would total your 10 abstaining, 10 moderating or has always worked great for me...Thanks and let me know what else you want to know...buckle


          So, about that Drink Tracker thingy....

          I had problems when I first got here with the Drink Tracker and just chose not to use it. At the time, it wouldn't let me change the background color (drinking option I guess - mod or af - not sure). And some days it let me enter a number and then some days it wouldn't. It wasn't worth the struggle. But that was over 4 months ago.

          You must be the hardest working monkey around. We appreciate your work in keeping us running as smoothly as possible. But I was just was wondering if the chat room thingy is on the list of things to do?


          Love, Me
          Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


            So, about that Drink Tracker thingy....

            So why would you need to change the background colors? These are things I need to know. I have no idea what this script is supposed to do or how to use it so it's hard to fix it. So the more detailed info the better I can update it to be a first class application for you guys to use.


              So, about that Drink Tracker thingy....

              HI Codemonkey:

              The drink tracker has several options:
              First is whether your record will be public or private. I have heard from some that they are never presented that choice, and those with that experience are not able to post or see their results.

              Once you have an "account" (actually a row in a table) you sign in and are able to put a value into the drink tracker for each day. If you are an AFer (abstaining) you use yellow as your background color; if you are a moderator you use turquoise or blue. Those of us who do moderating (AF some day, mods others) alternate the yellow and blue colors for an easy read of how many days of each.

              I have experienced problems in posting for a day; I will put in the day, the amount and the background color (Yellow or blue) and lots of time when the values post the background color will not show. I do find that the next time I log in the right color is there.

              One "fix" I think could be made is that once a month has closed out (Say it is May 1st) you cannot go back in to the last days of April and post your data. Since I don't sign in every day that is a minor inconvenience.

              Another feature of the Tracker is a red-lined box to indicate your planned start date (if for instance you were planning to start AF on May 10th you could set the red box on that date.) I've never used that feature, so I don't know how if it it works.

              Lastly (you said you wanted this detail, right?) I've always wondered how some people's rows are "precolored" (ie all yellow) for the entire month. I think that is their statement of intent (ie I plan not to drink this month. )

              I think that might be a good tool for the Mods folks to be able to plan their mods days by pre-coloring their planned drinking days blue, but I've never been able to figure out how to do it.

              Hope that helps. Feel free to PM me if you'd like any clarification.



                So, about that Drink Tracker thingy....

                Very good info. Thanks for that.

                Anyone else have opinions or observations on this tool?


                  So, about that Drink Tracker thingy....

                  Hi Codemonkey,

                  I'm very happy to see this thread. Unfortunately, the drink tracker as it is now hates me.



                    So, about that Drink Tracker thingy....

                    What is all that future stuff supposed to do?


                      So, about that Drink Tracker thingy....

                      I still cannot log into drink tracker with my bbs username/pass combo.

                      I get:

                      "Wrong name or password, please try again! "

                      However, I am certain that I am typing the correct username/combo. Is there any hope this can be fixed?


                        So, about that Drink Tracker thingy....

                        I had trouble logging in several months ago, then the problem disappeared. It seemed more difficult to log in when the boards were busiest (evenings USA east coast time).
                        My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.


                          So, about that Drink Tracker thingy....

                          After I found it last night I had trouble putting in my numbers starting from last month. It may have been a user issue though
                          Give a man a beer, he'll waste an hour. Teach a man to brew, he'll waste a lifetime.


                            So, about that Drink Tracker thingy....

                            I believe that after a month has ended, you cannnot enter numbers. AskForHelp requested that this feature be changed, and I agree.
                            My life is better without alcohol, since 9/1/12. My sobriety tool is the list at permalink 236 on the toolbox thread under monthly abstinance.

