I just need to vent to people that I consider friends ............
My wonderful daughters seizures are getting worse rather that better, back to one a week again .......... last week I had to watch her fitting for 20 minutes .......... the doctors said not to let it go for that long, and to give here a muscle relaxant (diazepam) after 5 minutes ..........
So that is what I did this morning (for the first time since brain surgery 21months ago) I administered diazepam after 5 minutes, the seizure stopped instantly .............
I've then had to watch her drift in and out of sleep all day with slurred speech and 'drunken' legs ............ had to carry her to the toilet and up and down stairs ........ had I not given diazepam she would have been back to normal within an hour ...........
She sits her year 6 sats next week and the teachers are telling her that no matter what she can't have any time off ............. and she is worried about that ......... the more she worries the more prone to a seizure she is .....

I know that there are people out there with far worse problems but I just wanted to vent ......
Thanks for reading ...........
BB xx