Thinking of you, Kerrie and Mr. Boop. Praying you find some answers, and life for all of you becomes a little easier soon. :l
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So sorry to hear this betty my heart goes out to you kerrie and mr boop...I will keep you in my prays.
I would not worry to much about the sats they do put a lot of pressure on kids now days. Its just to make the school look good in it area. when they get to secondary school they do have another test anyway.
stay strong your a good mum.:l
Teardrop.xfamily is everything to me
Thanks again all,
Wooflet, that is what is so good about this place, you don't have to 'know' someone to post on their thread ...... thanks ever so much .........
Greeneyes, she really is sweet .......... she is a sweetheart .....
LVT25, she is the only teacher in the school that has never witnessed a seizure, I really think that that makes a difference ........... thanks .......
Cindi, we already see three different consultants, still waiting to see an 'epileptologist' whatever they are ............ thanks .........
Myheart, thanks for your kind thoughts ............ it is appreciated .........
Youngatheart, I spoke to the head today and she really is on our side, and will do everything that she can for Kerrie ........
Hannah, thanks for your prayers .........
Teardrop, apparently the teachers would love the sats to be banned at this age ......... Look forward to seeing you next saturday ........
Love & Hugs to everyone .......... BB xxsigpicXXX
Hi Betty,
So sorry to hear about your precious daughters seizures, I can only imagine how awful that must be for all of you. Lots of prayers, love and hugs are coming your families way from my family.ray::h:l
Tell Kerrie not to worry about the SAT's they're not that important at her age, they're just so the schools can compete with each other in the league tables. Bloody stupid if you ask me. My kids are all at high school now, my son was the last one to take his yr6 SAT's last year. Thank God that's all over with, the pressure they put on the kids just isn't right. I hope they do scrap them for primary school kids. Things seem to be a lot more relaxed a my childrens high school and they do so much better when the pressure is off.
As for that teacher, can we not get a possie of MWO'ters to come and kick her ass :boxer: stupid woman.
I really hope and pray that things start to improve for Kerrie.
xxxAF since April 8th 2008 :kudos::rays:
Snake....... come crawling,
There's fire in your eyes,
Bite me, excite me,
I'll learn to realize.
The poison transmuted,
Brings eternal flame.
Open me to heaven,
To heal me again.
Want and Petweeve, I agree, I spoke to the head this morning and she said that there isn't a primary school head that actually likes sats and agrees that they should be banned .......
I have told Kerrie this but she is scared of the teacher ......... yes a posse of MWO'ers would be fabulous .....
Thanks for the comments about Kerrie I think that she is gorgeous but then don't all mums ........
BB xxsigpicXXX
God makes some children who need extra love because they are special he then choices them special parents xxxx Kerrie will overcome any hurdle because she has a great Mum and Dad...wishing you as a family all the best xxx
Jacqui xxxMwo,s worst speller....