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Hysterectomy Advice

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    Hysterectomy Advice

    As part of my face up to problems that I thought may have been drink related I have had tests/scans at the hospital. I was releaved when my liver and kidney function came back normal but was diagnosed with multiple Fibriods. They have caused me a lot of discomfort and pain over the last year or so.
    The fact sheet supplied with questions to ask yourself includes "speaking" to people who have suffered and been in the same position.
    Despite coming from a very large family ,there is no one I can talk to who have had the same problem. Is there anybody out there that has had this problem?
    I would appreciate any input on this subject as I am very worried about treatments availiable and will be seeing a specialist in soon.

    Many thanks

    In life we can live out our dreams its true
    the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.

    Hysterectomy Advice

    Hi there, East!

    Long time no talk to. I hope you are well, other than you health issue.

    I know how scary the prospect of having a hysterectomy is.. I had one a few years back. I ddin't have fibroids, I had ovary issues. Nonetheless, I was terrified to have surgery. I just wanted to tell you that it was one of the best things I did for myself. I was relieved of so much pain and now they do it laparoscopically, so the down time is relatively short. I was only down for two weeks!

    Please stay in touch and let us know what you are up to. My thoughts and prayers will be with you..


    Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.


      Hysterectomy Advice

      I have only heard postitives from this. I really wish I had done it two years ago. At the time I felt I needed to hang on to my female parts, but I do wish I would have taken the plunge then. Like MM, I had different issues, which needs monitoring and is just a complete pain in the ass.
      Goal 1: Today
      Goal 2: Tomorrow


        Hysterectomy Advice

        I had totally different issues. Wish I had never let them my healthy ovaries but dr insisted that they would quite qorking anyway after removal of everything else. So glad the other parts are gone. Surgical menopause sucks. Some folk do better than others. I think if my weight were not an issue, I would have no issues.


          Hysterectomy Advice


          I suffered all the side effects of my mother having taken a drug called DES when she was pregnant for me. This was given widely to women who were bleeding during early pregnancy to stop the threat of miscarriage. However, it has produced a list of health effects for both the female and male offspring. One of which was unexplained heavy bleeding due to fibroid tumors. A had my hysterectomy when I was 39, which took care of the problem, obviously. There are hormonal trade off's, unfortunately. If I were to have a hysterectomy, I would be sure to have my ovaries removed, no doubt. "Ovarectomy". Ovarian cancer is called the silent killer. If they are left, after hysterectomy, by the time you experience the symptoms of ovarian cancer, it is generally too late. There is an ultra scan that can be done of the ovaries, and is suggested annually, which can detect any changes, however, the last time I checked it was still not covered under health insurance plans and the cost was significant.

          I am sure there are many dr. who can suggest other alternatives. I understand that there are homone injections that can help to reduce the fibroids. This is what I know, and I am by no means a health care professional.

          Ditto to what myra said, surgical menopause sucks! Then about the time they got my symptoms under control (several years) Dr. decided I should go off of HRT - went through it all over again. I didn't have hot flashes, I had power surges, and hub said I was "Evil"! And I was. Very unfun!

          Hope things improve for you! Be strong!

          Hugs, Best
          "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


            Hysterectomy Advice

            think about your options.

            Please look into alternatives, like less invasive treatments guided by radiology (imaging) exams
            Here is one link i found with a very quick google search:
            Major Surgery No Longer Needed For The Removal Of Uterine Fibroids, Study Suggests


              Hysterectomy Advice

              Hi East,

              I think it depends on your age.

              I had a hysterectomy for endometriosis at 42; i was in constant pain. If I knew then what I know now I wouldn't have done it. Saying surgical menopause sucks is an understatement......

              I agree with best regarding ovarian cancer, difficult to diagnose and deadly, but even though I had a maternal aunt die from ovarian cancer I wish that my body and brain had had the benefit of it's own hormones for a few more years.

              My best advise is not to rush into anything, ask a lot of questions and do a lot of reading.

              My best,
              magic xx
              ~Are you looking for the Holy One?
              I am in the next seat.
              My shoulder is against yours. ~Kabir


                Hysterectomy Advice


                Hi, I had a hysterectomy and one ovary removed from an extremely large fibroid tumor and multiple ovarian cysts on one ovary. The other ovary was fine, so it was left.

                Therefore, I am going through "natural" menopause right now, even though it feels anything but.

                However, I do wish I had had the hysterectomy done earlier. I went through several years of heavy bleeding and embarrassments from it. Once it was done, all that pain was gone.

                I do know now, however, that there are fibroidectomies as opposed to complete hysterectomies being done. I would have chosen that if it had been an option at the time. I figure we are given body parts for a reason.

                Oh, I did try the hormone therapies to shrink the fibroid. It didn't do anything. That may be try #1 for you, though.

                Good luck with it!

                (Oh, and the hysterectomy had no effect on my libido one way or the other. Which was a relief.)

                AF April 9, 2016


                  Hysterectomy Advice

                  I did not hesitate to have the surgery. Do regret the ovary thing even though I know how serious ovarian cancer is. The website that was very helpful to me was Hystersisters. Though just like any website, you can find great info and wacky stuff too.


                    Hysterectomy Advice

                    I wish I would have had the myomectomy [sp] which is to remove the fibroids. I am sorry I had the hysterectomy. Everyone I know has always gained wt and had trouble every losing it. Other than that... I have my ovaries... I'm going thru menopause forever. or it seems that way.
                    Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                      Hysterectomy Advice

                      PS I was not a drinker when they found the fibroids ... the size of a six months pregnancy...
                      Sunny Out Looks are Contagious!


                        Hysterectomy Advice

                        Hi East,
                        It is so interesting how different we all feel. I had a hysterectomy at age 40 due to endometriosis, but ovaries left intact. That was the best thing I've ever done. After the 6 weeks following the surgical procedure ( same as cesarean cut) I was up and running - never to look back.
                        Good luck.
                        make the least of the worst, and the most of the best - everyday.


                          Hysterectomy Advice

                          Hi East! Did someone tell you you needed a hysterectomy? Can't you have the fibroids removed? A close friend of mine had huge fibroids, but she had them removed and she is fine now.
                          Noelle sez "Do want you like, like what you do. Life is Good."


                            Hysterectomy Advice

                            Hi East, I'm a fellow from the planet fibroid! There is a treatment called Uterine Arterial Embolization which is available on NHS. It's really tiny pinhole surgery where basically they cut off the blood supply to the fibroids which shrink and die! I'm waiting for it to be available reasonably locally to me out in the sticks but iif you are in London or similar you won't have that problem.

                            I just didn't want to go hurtling into a surgical menopause and this treatment seems to be a good alternative.

                            See what you can find out


                              Hysterectomy Advice

                              magic;323049 wrote: If I knew then what I know now I wouldn't have done it. Saying surgical menopause sucks is an understatement......
                              YES, I have to agree with this. Surgical Menopause has been very difficult for me. The weight gain (20 pounds almost overnight), the balancing of the hormones, etc., have been very difficult. I'm only now able to start losing the weight after almost 4 years. I am on an estrogen patch and CANNOT be without it or I go completely nuts.. not a happy sight.

                              I think if you have fibroids I would definatley look into the other alternatives. For me, with ovary problems there really was no alternative.

                              The surgery was the easy part, for sure....


                              Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them, but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight.

