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Hysterectomy Advice

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    Hysterectomy Advice

    Thanks for all your responses,I must admit I pondered for ages whether to post it here.I am very glad I did!
    MM Hi, I am good thank you. Hope you are too. I am today 48 days AF and feeling proud of it. All due to folks like yourself!:l
    My youngest of 3 children was born almost 18 years ago my periods returned with a vengence after a year( breast fed for 9 months) after being heavy and irregular my GP gave me hormone tablets for 4 months to regulate. I had never had weight issues all my life until I started these! I gained 20lbs but was assured this weight gain was temporary and would go in time.NEVER DID! I had a further D & C to clear my "thick uterus" that was causing the bleeding. After 6 months the heavy bleeds returned that was 15 years ago. My Doc said that a hysterectomy would be my next option. I had two schoolkids one baby and two jobs! was the wrong time! I stayed away. For years I have been asked if I am expecting my weight is all on tummy just like a pregnancy,Annoyed in the past but flattered now that I might look young enough to be pregnant!
    I medicated with AL and probably would have now if I had not found this place.
    It has encouraged me to start to look after me, and concentrate on dealing with issues, not bury them.I am 51 this year but my bloods reveal normal levels so not menopausal yet,although Mr East would disagree,he finds it difficult to tell the difference these days:H
    I have always had PMS from a young age,so dread surgical menopause.
    My Doc implied that I may need to have Hysterectomy this time,but reading your posts maybe that is not my only option,I would like to be armed with as much info as I can get.

    I appreciate your responses more than you could know.

    Love Eastx
    In life we can live out our dreams its true
    the one who decides,takes chances,makes choices is YOU.


      Hysterectomy Advice

      Hi East
      I had fibroids too. I chose to 'wait it out' til menopause because that's when they start shrinking due to lack of estrogen. I just had very heavy periods, no pain or anything like that. My choices were to wait til menopause or have them removed. If removed, they could come back. Just my thoughts. The best to you.

      Love and Peace
      When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on.
      -- Franklin D Roosevelt --


        Hysterectomy Advice

        I know I can be aasinine,
        But here I go.....If your a man don't have one ! Sorry ! IAD !
        ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
        those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
        Dr. Seuss


          Hysterectomy Advice

          Oh IAD, I'm sure we can come up with something to surgically remove from you!!! And I don't think any of the ladies here would disagree.
          Goal 1: Today
          Goal 2: Tomorrow


            Hysterectomy Advice


            I would certainly be guided by what your doctor suggests as everyone has a different story to tell - but the more information you can glean makes it easier to make an informed decision. Being able to talk to folk that have gone through it before is an immense advantage and insight to what you may or may not be faced with.

            I had a hysterectomy because of fibroids and endometriosis. I never regretted going down this route as my grandmother died of ovarian cancer. The only thing I do regret is that I did not insist that they took my ovaries at the same time. Age and hindsight is a wonderful thing but I have had to endure another 3 major operations due to them not doing the whole thing at the same time. My problems were probably compounded because I had my kids by Cesarean section so I know I have been very unlucky and my experiences should not be taken as the norm.

            I have only quickly read all the posts but the one thing that has not been mentioned (I think) is that you will feel extremely tired for about 6/9 months. I wish someone had told me this when I was going through it because I began to think that there was something seriously wrong with me. I had after all had my children by Cesarean so an abdominal incision and the after pains etc was not new to me. I could have slept on a cloths line some days for hours on end. Having gone through it and subsequently talking to other people I found that it is quite normal to feel so tired. BUT it is very important for you to know but also Mr East and the rest of the family. It is not something that you can do anything about but at least for warned is forearmed

            Hope this has been of some benefit to you and anyone else that might be faced with the prospect of a hysterectomy.

            Regarding weight gain yes I did put weight on but I think I am just naturally disposed to putting weight on - a family trait :H but a good excuse nether the less :H

            If you do go down this route hormone replacement has made such great strides over the last few years that some of the discomfort may be alleviated. Whatever, you have to go through the menopause sooner or later so it has to be measured by the benefit of not being in pain all the time

            Loads of love Sweetpea xxxxxxxxxx:l
            :flower: Keep strong and focused things do get better and you will find your happy :h

