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A small victory makes for a happy girl

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    A small victory makes for a happy girl

    Hi everyone!

    I just joined a couple of days ago, and am still waiting to receive the book (can't wait) and looking at med/supp options, but overall I'm so excited about having found this site and such a great community!

    So I wanted to share my evening last night with you all, as for me it was really a big step in the right direction and I am feeling so good today.

    Usually when I get home from work, the first thing I do is have a drink. Last night my boyfriend and I were planning on going out to dinner. While I was waiting for him to get ready, I was about to pour myself a drink - but then stopping and making myself think, I just had a Sprite instead. I would've usually had at least 2 drinks before going out.
    I had two glasses of wine at the restaurant - and then when we got home, instead of opening another bottle of wine and drinking the whole thing myself (which is what I have been doing practically every single night), I made tea. This is one of the first times I can ever remember that I STOPPED drinking once I had already had a couple of drinks. Usually I just carry on until I can't stay awake anymore.

    I know that it's a small step, and that I have a HUGE journey ahead of me. But I wouldn't have stopped myself last night had I not joined MWO, and I feel like I've had a small victory. And the prize? I felt ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC this morning and still do.

    I can't wait to get my hands on the books and to carry on with this journey.

    Thanks everyone for being there - I am no longer ashamed or embarrased now that I know I am part of a community where we all struggle with the same things.

    Love to all of you and have a safe and sensible weekend!

    A small victory makes for a happy girl

    Im really happy for you Hermit, I have been here a year and its really changed the way I face up to my drinking .Im a work in progress but doing alot better than this time last year. Well done on last night...the first battle won in this war !


      A small victory makes for a happy girl

      well done Hermit !
      I did similar last night - then this morning sent you a message saying WOW just from being around everyone felt a lot less like drinking... YET this morning got in my car and found the bottle of wine i did not drink last night and opened it... !!!!
      I have a busy day and lots of work to do ... so am now forcing myself sober and drinking tea, feeling pissed and pissed off, aaarrgggghhhh
      i was thinking to resist any tablets and just being strong - CRAP thought.. going to change mood to CONFUSED
      glad you are here - glad you are in my time zone !


        A small victory makes for a happy girl

        That is fantastic news hermit.

        Never feel embarrassed around here.

        There is always someone here who will relate to what you are going through, so feel free to say your piece.

        Good luck with your decision.

        Keep up the great work.

        Warm Regards



          A small victory makes for a happy girl

          Congratulations!!! AND Welcome!!!
          Wow, you stopped drinking after two at the resteraunt....i am impressed! I too used to drink till I am no longer awake. Mwo is a great place to come if you are trying to mod or go af. I encourage you along on your journey and look forward to reading more posts from you. If you can mod, and truly mod....more power to you. It is a struggle for many people here and we realize that we have to go AF. Well, welcome again and keep reading/posting!


            A small victory makes for a happy girl

            Thanks everyone, your posts are encouraging. Although my goal is to be succesful in moderating, I would love to go AF for a while, but I want to wait until I get the books and supps etc. I don't want to set myself an unrealistic goal (of going AF without meds, supps or literatture) and set myself up for failure - I'm scared that might make me drop the whole thing. So for now I'm trying to get some control, and once I get the book and supps I'm going to kick this thing into high gear! I will do it!!!

            To Cedar - I'm sorry to hear your day got off to a bad start - but then again, well done for last night! It's just a stumble - but you're on the right path. I'm here for you if you need me, we can keep encouraging eachother. Get back on that bicylce and hold your head high - you are still visiting MWO, right? That's the right path!!

            Good luck everyone and have a great day.


              A small victory makes for a happy girl

              Good going Hermit!

              Seems like a small step, but it is all the little steps that add up in the end. I know I do the same thing -go out for the evening, or for however long, and have to open a bottle of wine upon returning home, and drink it until it is done and I crash. What's up with that?!?! Coming to MWO really does help - I think these forums help pretty well as much (maybe more?) as the supps and cd's and book!!! I kinda slipped last night, and finished the last half of a bottle of wine - hmmmm....... wrecked AF streak, and it would have been 8days AF if I had been stronger. What to do?!?!? Not have that wine in the house in the first place!!

              Good luck and keep up the positive attitude!


                A small victory makes for a happy girl

                I did it again last night! Had one drink before dinner with my boyfriend, and one small glass of wine with dinner. I then put the rest away and made us a big pot of tea. I swear, this tea thing is doing wonders. So nice to have a whole pot sitting there with a little cup, cause I can keep filling up my tea cup without venturing to the dreaded kitchen, where the wine resides, lurking in the cupboard sending magnetic vibes towards me!
                The tea is called Rooibos - it's a great South African non-caffeine tea. I've heard it's being exported - if you can get it where you are, try it! It's full of antioxidants and really good for you, and it tastes yummy!

                Tonight we go to my friends for a dinner party. Usually they have lots of wine, but I'm hoping that because the one set of friends have a newborn baby, and the other set are trying to get pregnant, that the wine won't be so free flowing. Besides, it's usually always me that drinks the most out of this group of friends. I've found my boyfriend to be a good guide to moderation - I'm just trying to drink less than him. He rarely has more than two.
                I still haven't told him about MWO - I know he knows something is up because I'm not drinking all night. For some reason I don't know what to tell him??

                How is everyone else out there?


                  A small victory makes for a happy girl

                  And thanks so much to Peanut, Flyinghigh, Brett and Limers. You guys were the last thing on my mind last night before I went to sleep (I can actually remember what I was thinking before I went to sleep!!!!), and checking in here is the first thing I'm doing this morning. Hope to hear how your Friday evenings were....

