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Hope this was my wakeup call

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    Hope this was my wakeup call

    Why am I so stupid? Last night I had to bartend (not a good job for me but we needed the money)
    After I decided to go to the next town for one beer. Going to that town at night is stupid enough. I thought I had two. Guess not. Went to my car, I guess I passed out b/c the next thing I know It was like 5 am and My window is busted out. I go home sneak in and my son wakes up. I find out soon after he came down with a stomach virus. My husband had tried my cell which is off b/c it is a track phone. He siad he couldn't find the number to the restaurant and DS was up at 4:30 so he knows I wasn't here. The phone rang at 8AM bank calling about my card. Now I find out my wallet was stolen. So they broke in and stole my wallet while I was out I guss. I could have been killed they used a hammer.
    He has had it with me and in our argument about everything b/c of course I thought I did nothing wrong...i said I hated him. This is the part where again I feel like I have no hope.
    STUPID STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends...If they seem OK then you are the one.

    Hope this was my wakeup call


    I'm so glad they ONLY took your purse. You could have been sooo hurt, raped, beaten, who knows. No matter when hon, call for a taxi or your hubby when drinking.:l


      Hope this was my wakeup call

      Thanks. I can hardley believe it. I don't have any clue where to begin with him. I know he wants to leave and I told him my wallet must have been stolen in the bar and that I got lost coming home. ( we are fairly new to the area so that could happen) I am so lost and scared right now.
      One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends...If they seem OK then you are the one.


        Hope this was my wakeup call


        Glad you are unhurt - truly scary stuff. This can be your wake-up call if you allow it to be. Or you can stay on this path - it is really your call. I'm with Janie on telling your husband.

        Best of luck to you,

        Sometimes you get there in spite of your route, losing track of your life and what it's about, the road seems to know when to straighten right out...Mary Chapin Carpenter


          Hope this was my wakeup call

          twinsmommy;323970 wrote:
          He has had it with me and in our argument about everything b/c of course I thought I did nothing wrong...i said I hated him. This is the part where again I feel like I have no hope.
          STUPID STUPID!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
          :l - I KNOW this was very scary for you and, that it should of been. Oh my word, I almost had a heart attack reading your post. You are indeed, a very LUCKY woman.

          You really, really, really, need to go and see a doctor. PLEASE!

          If I am reading the part I took out of your post correctly, saying, you think you didn't do anything wrong, then I believe in your best interest, and for those around you; you really need to go and see someone. I am not being mean or passing any judgment. I am saying this because this TRULY was a wake up call and you need to do this for your own safety. Your kids need you - they need for you to be there, at home, safe, and eventually healthy.

          It is time for you to grab every ounce of energy in your body and mind, and start fighting this. Do whatever you have to! Let your husband know that this is way beyond your control now, and you need for him to help you. Arguing and getting defensive is part of the disease. Let down the wall - get the help!!!

          Please keep coming here for support too.....


            Hope this was my wakeup call

            Twinsmommy - Please, please, don't do that again. What is most upsetting about this is that you actually made the decision to go to the next town while you were still sober? Don't sabatage yourself like that - you are worth more than that. Please be carefull, hon.
            The furture lies before you like newly fallen snow - be careful how you tread it, for every step will show.


              Hope this was my wakeup call

              Twinsmommy, ditto to all the previous comments. Take great care.
              Love Paula.xx


                Hope this was my wakeup call

                and.... sorry I didn't mean to sound so anxious or harsh by any means.... just scary stuff!


                  Hope this was my wakeup call

                  Twinsmommy first of all well done on having the courage to post that story, it would have taken something to say that. I must say though that it totally freaked me out as I imagined how much worse things could have been.

                  I guess the thing that upset me the most about your post is the fact that you named it "hope this was my wakeup call". "Hope" shouldn't come into it - you and only you get to decide whether or not it was your wakeup call and whether you're determined to do whatever it takes. Sorry if that sounds harsh, it's coming from the best possible place. :l

                  I'm with the others on having an honest talk with your husband and getting some outside help.

                  Take care and be safe and well, and please keep posting here.



                    Hope this was my wakeup call

                    hi there..twinsmommy.. you are one lucky women . but you already know that . thank god you are alive and well.. peace and god bless
                    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                      Hope this was my wakeup call

                      Wooflet;324043 wrote: Twinsmommy first of all well done on having the courage to post that story, it would have taken something to say that. I must say though that it totally freaked me out as I imagined how much worse things could have been.

                      I guess the thing that upset me the most about your post is the fact that you named it "hope this was my wakeup call". "Hope" shouldn't come into it - you and only you get to decide whether or not it was your wakeup call and whether you're determined to do whatever it takes. Sorry if that sounds harsh, it's coming from the best possible place. :l

                      I'm with the others on having an honest talk with your husband and getting some outside help.

                      Take care and be safe and well, and please keep posting here.

                      I agree. Only you can decide what is your wakeup call. There is no hope or chance about it. We all need to hit our own rock bottom. If you are questioning it perhaps it wasn't yours.The fact that you are making up stories to excuse what happened speaks for itself. I'm not judging. I made up some whoopers. Until you can admit what really happened it will not be a wake up call. It will just be one more moment in an alcoholics life that will fade shortly.


                        Hope this was my wakeup call

                        Hi Twinsmommy,

                        Thank God for your children and your husband that you are OK.

                        I'm with Wooflet. This must be your wake up call!

                        Your poor little children need you. I'm sorry if I sound harsh but I am really concerned for you and your children.

                        You can turn your life around.

                        There are so many people here to help and support you.

                        I'm just so glad you are O.K.

                        I urge you to really consider your relationship with AL.



                          Hope this was my wakeup call

                          assessing what is going on

                          Hi Twins Mommy

                          Do you know how many drinks you had?

                          Everyone here knows that people with drinking problems put themselves in dangerous situations over and over again.

                          Will this be your wakeup call? Well some would continue until something worse happens, when that imaginary angel isn't looking over your shoulder.The accounts in Drinking: A love story are pretty horrendous. I have seen things worse than this happen.

                          Life is full of random events and in my experience, people can have these things happen for years-- close calls-- and others can have disastrous consequences fairly soon (DUIs with damage to others, broken bones, incarceration, HIV, pregnancy).

                          So putting judgement aside, why don't you tell us what has worked for you and what hasn't. What have you tried? Why do you think you are continuing with self-destructive behavior? What is your self-esteem like at the moment?

                          You say the bar work is bad for you. Money is not as important as your health. I suggest quitting that and finding some other way to make ends meet.

                          I am glad you made it home ok and hope you can move on from this!



                            Hope this was my wakeup call

                            Were you drinking while you were working? I only ask because if you truly only recall you had two beers, it may be possible you were drugged. I am really scared for you and agree that you should go see a doctor. I really hope that you take care of yourself and feel better soon. You are not hopeless, none of us are....we have each other.


                              Hope this was my wakeup call

                              I agree with Accountable - maybe what you should say to your husband is what you just said to us - that you feel stupid, that you feel lost and scared?

                              I really feel for you - I'm so glad nothing more happened than just your wallet being stolen. We're here for you - keep us posted. How's your son?

