Last night I gazed up at the Milky Way, the Southern Cross, the small moon. I gazed, and thought of my maternal mum who died of cancer in my house and my step mum who wiped my nose and made me the person I am but also died of cancer. All I felt was an incredible hold and believe in God, my reason for being here and the certainty that I would never have had the ability to have felt these two things without these two wonderful mothers that God gave me life and hope. Pushed me to follow my dreams even though a lot of nasties followed ~ and who through my Guardian Angels ensured I'd understood why I was here. They gave me my path, however bad the path seemed, they set me up on the starting block and said " GO.".
Last year a friend of mine told me that Mothers' Day was simply a commercial day made up by the Western World to make money. I disagree. Whatever arguments or hassels have befallen us, what ever traumas, it is a fact of life that we would not be here without our mums. The rest is up to us. Whatever arguments I had with both my MUMs, both of them know I love them to bits and more. My mum by birth tried to abort me and I was born with all sorts of complications, my second Mum picked up the pieces and supported me when others laughted. She made sure I had the strength when I went to a UK school and the kids made fun of me. All I spoke before going to the UK was Swahili.
Anyway.... long story. Not the time.
What I am trying to say is simple.
Turn all the lights off in your house. Walk out, into your garden even if it is only a few yards wide. Look up at the stars, look up at the gallaxy and talk to your gaurdian and ask him or her to talk back.
They will.