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    I had 2 glasses of white wine saturday nite. Back on campral and felt different all day Sunday. Hubby finally nerves were SHOT down. But i plan not to go back to drinking..Back to AA today and confession at the counselor on Thursday or JAIL! Have to tell the truth, that is just me. I really did have some wine, not much, just the 2! Now i will appreciate the days of tension more and stay on track until court 12/08. I must. :thanks:


    Is that bad to have that much? this is my first time? i have never done this before going AF, or try drink in 213 days? This is called a slip? Right? I will continue to stay good. i knew you would all love hearing this, i was telling in chat last week, i was ready to take some more...XX promise.



      Dear Ripple,

      Don't let them get you down, or they win! You can do this, you are a very strong lady. 213AF days proves it. No, 2 glasses of wine is not bad at all and is just a slip. However what I don't know is if you are allowed any. Going to jail is a very serious thing! Get right back on track and don't let this slip turn into something else, okay!

      I am here for you....
      Hugs, Bambi
      "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


        OKAY...BAD RIPPLE.

        Hi Ripple,
        I think any of us obsessing about what actually constitutes a slip can so easily lead to us drinking even more, if we stress over whether or not we`ve failed in our sobriety in some way. Certainly, a "little" drink can have huge consequences, didn`t, because you didn`t allow it to go that far.

        My take on you having 2 glasses of wine after an extremely commendable 213 AF days, is that you have neither failed nor slipped. All the couple of glasses of wine did was serve to reinforce your resolve that there is no place for alcohol in your life for the foreseeable future.

        You`re a winner, every step of the way!!!!

        Much love,

        Darling x
        Formerly known as Starlight Impress.


          OKAY...BAD RIPPLE.

          Hi Ripple

          213 AF days is something to be proud of and I would concentrate on that rather than what constitutes a slip... get back on the horse and ride your way to freedom. That many days AF for me would be like a hole in one on a 5 par hole in golf! Not that that makes any sense but what came to mind.

          Stay positive and never let the negative thoughts beat you down... people keep saying these things and I am starting to believe that they are indeed the key to success. If you should "slip" put it behind you and simply get on the horse and ride again like the wind one day at a time!

          Best wishes and many blessings,


            OKAY...BAD RIPPLE.

            oh dear.

            People, its like starting over! I am back on campral and taking an additional topamax, this cannot happen again! Thank-you deeply for your concern. I have to focus right now and keep it together. Its tough and i will keep going, it seems like all i think about now is that nite. i'll keep you posted. Later. Ripped. :l


              OKAY...BAD RIPPLE.

              Rippley, Ripple. Stop thinking about that night. Start thinking about tonight. This one that you will be AF and the one after and the one after and so on and on.

              You won't let it happen again.

              Who is Olive?

              Bessie xx :l:l


                OKAY...BAD RIPPLE.

                Don't stress just get some rest ! Start all over again.....Soberity is for ever, we have along time to get it right ! IAD 1
                ?Be who you are and say what you feel because
                those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.?
                Dr. Seuss


                  OKAY...BAD RIPPLE.

                  Ripple, don't let it get to you. You fought long and hard and you can do it again. I know you have it in you. Whatever you do, do not let 2 small glasses of wine win over 213 days without alcohol. You are a strong woman and you will prevail.



                    OKAY...BAD RIPPLE.

                    Ripple ,I know I think your a little nuts but im genuinely sorry you had this little slip, however isnt it a good sign that you were able to stop at 2 drinks? Obviously your in a stronger place now and im sure you will nail it this time. Good luck to you...


                      OKAY...BAD RIPPLE.

                      Ripple, stop being so darn hard on yourself. You had two glasses of wine and stopped and stopping is what matters most.

                      I know you are disappointed in yourself, but beating yourself up may cause you to 'relapse'.

                      You are aware of your trigger - your hubby.... you simply have to remain more vigilant from now on.

                      I personally see you as a 'winner', 'strong', and 'determined' to do whatever you need to do to keep on going.

                      I am impressed. I am in awe! Don't let this riddle you with guilt, because you shouldn't feel guilty or bad about it.

                      Press on, friend.


                        OKAY...BAD RIPPLE.

                        Deep breaths Rip xxx Most of us know first hand what you are feeling right now... If you beat yourself up, it won't help Hon... You aren't a bad person for having 2 glasses of wine Saturday night. If you feel it isn't what is right for you that is awesome.. Go forward AF and proud that you only had the 2 glasses.. A small slip, not a total spill Hon xxx

                        ~ I hear a whinny on the wind~


                          OKAY...BAD RIPPLE.

                          I can't give you any better advice than anyone else that responded! Just wanted you to know that I am thinking about you!


                            OKAY...BAD RIPPLE.

                            oh well rippy it happens to the best of us . i still love hate you want to be zapp or can you be my target just playing sweetie and belated happy moms day
                            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                              OKAY...BAD RIPPLE.

                              Does 2 glasses of wine and stopping at that even register on the slip scale. I think not! Surely that is a win not a loss - you had a couple of glasses and then you stopped...... Your a bloody legend (although a bit of a weird one - weird in the nicest possible way - that is if you can call someone weird in a nice way - hmmm not sure) in my book.....

