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Using drink tracker

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    Using drink tracker

    Just some thoughts. If you do use it, do you think it helps? And how do you use it? Is one drink marked as 1 or do you do it by units? Do you put entries in ahead of the current day as a statement of intent? Are you always honest?!! And what does the red line round a day square mean?

    Bessie xx

    Using drink tracker

    Hi Bessie

    I use the drink tracker. I find it satisfying to go in each morning and put a big fat zero in for the day before (I'm on day 13 AF, committed to 30 days). I've not tried to moderating yet but I'd imagine it is as good a place as any to keep track of things, although you seem to have a pretty good system going. No dog days on the drink tracker!

    To answer your questions I would say that one drink is marked as one, although I guess you could use it either way. In terms of a statement of intent you can say that you intend to moderate or abstain on certain days or for a certain period, and the drink tracker will colour those future days in accordingly (blue = moderating, yellow = abstaining, brown = neither). As I've been successful for the 12 AF days I have been honest. I like to think I would be even if I slipped up, otherwise it would defeat the point in using it I guess. The red line means it is your start date (you can tick a check box to nominate your start date). If you look at my entry I've committed to going AF for the month of May, I started on 1 May, and I've done 12 days AF thus far.

    Hope that helps!



      Using drink tracker

      Before I found this site and was trying to be AF, I marked AF days on a calendar - I obviously have a nerdy need to write things down. :H

      Drinktracker taught me something that I wasn't aware of about my pattern of drinking, which is that if I have a drink I then drink for the next five, six, seven days in a row. Seeing it written down made me realise that. So I now know that if I choose to have one drink, I will be drinking/drunk for a week. That knowledge is helping me stay sober at the moment.

      As for honesty - yes! I don't see the point otherwise.
      AF since December 22nd 2008
      Real change is difficult, and slow, and messy - Oliver Burkeman


        Using drink tracker

        I've always gone by units. I suppose it doesn't matter as long as you know yourself how much you mean as at the end of the day its not meant to be there as a comparison against how others are doing!
        I find it helpful in that I can look back and see exactly what I've had/not had. Before it felt like a fog and if I had a bad few days I'd just give up. Now it helps me to focus on what I want to achieve for myself. I love it when I can put in a big fat 0!
        Jesus said"Come unto me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
        Take My yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and lowly in heart and you will find rest for your souls.
        For my yolk is easy and My burden is light


          Using drink tracker

          Before it felt like a fog and if I had a bad few days I'd just give up. Now it helps me to focus on what I want to achieve for myself. I love it when I can put in a big fat 0!
          Thats precisely how it helps me and I am hoping that patterns will emerge too. It's a good tool. I love seeing a row of zeros. And feel so bad if I have to put in a number instead.

          I think the question about being honest was probably a bit pointless, sorry! Nobody is going to say they are not and there would be no point in not being honest!

          Thanks all.

          Bessie xx


            Using drink tracker

            Hi Bessie, I do use the drink tracker, but I just put in what I drink for the day. (ODAT) It's easy for me to just put the numbers in since I'm a beer drinker.

            What was really scary was plugging those same numbers in my calorie counter!! I was almost 1000 calories over on Sunday just because of the beer!!--Ouch

            I was also wondering if Codemonkey can see the future--he has some entries for next week already!
            NF since June 1, 2008
            AF since September 28, 2008
            DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
            :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
            5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
            The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


              Using drink tracker

              Drink tracker has helped me see what I'm drinking. I'm honest about my drinks too. I put in yesterday's numbers this morning and it encourages me to keep it up, of course I just started doing this, but I like seeing zero's on there. It's kinda like gold stars I would get in kindergarten.

