I was just wondering if anyone else who has been af for an extended period started feeling a bit "off" after 2 or 3 weeks.
I'm at day 23 af and feeling a bit down. I went through 5-6 days of what I would call medium withdrawal symptoms and felt quite good after that.
For the last 3 or 4 days though, I've been feeling a bit down. A bit empty if you will. I'm feeling very sober.
I'm sure it's just an adjustment of my brain chemistry that's going on.
I've been doing a fair bit of exercise and eating well. Would this be part of my detox? I guess it probably is. It just feels like a bit of an anti climax after the way I was feeling.
Any thoughts or experiences greatly appreciated.
I plan on staying af. Hopefully I will start feeling a bit brighter soon.
Warm Regards