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day 23af and I'm feeling a bit blah

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    day 23af and I'm feeling a bit blah

    Yes, Brett, this is a normal feeling. I don't know why we have to go through it - I mean geez, haven't we been through enough with this damn struggle! (sigh) But alas, that's life and it's all part of the process.

    I don't want to discourage anyone, but I don't want to lie and sugarcoat anything either. My days 25 - 60 were very emotional for me. I was so blue and I would cry at the drop of a hat. I remember many times sitting and crying and having no idea as to why. I didn't think I would ever get out of that funk. The only thing that kept me going was everyone telling me that it would pass. I was also very sick at the time, but I knew that was not going to cause me to cry all the time. It was definately a chemical reaction in the brain I believe. When I started the supplements I started feeling better in a very short amount of time. It took me a couple of weeks, but I did a lot of research here and on the www to find out exactly what supps I should take for my moods, my body symptoms, etc. By the time I could afford to buy all the supplements, I no longer needed anything for cravings so it was a matter of figuring out what AL really depleted from my body and what I needed to start replacing.

    You may just need to modify your supplement regimen to better fit your specific needs. I encourage everyone interested in natural cures to research vitamins, herbs, minerals and amino acids. It is worth the time and effect.

    I hope this info helps. Remember, those moods will pass.

    Love, Me
    Alcohol is simply the device between success and failure.


      day 23af and I'm feeling a bit blah

      Brett, it is typically 3 weeks for me! I caved the last time in April right around the three week mark. I have just surpassed 3 weeks this Monday - with both ciggies and AL. It didn't seem to be as bad this time. I didn't get my usual blah, or wiggy feelings.

      What I have done differently is I have started to exercise at 'least' 3 times a week. Taking better quality supplements, etc. I also cut out most refined sugars, breads, etc., out of my diet. I have way more energy now and actually feel happy. (I need a teaspoon of sugar & milk in my first coffee in the morning!)

      No matter what, this will pass. Hang in there - you are doing great!


        day 23af and I'm feeling a bit blah

        Very good post Brett.

        Alcohol was pretty much a part of our daily lives for years and years. Hours wasted in the evening (getting wasted) and hours wasted the next day with a hangover. That's a pretty big void to fill. It's not surprising to feel like something is missing as the reality of sobriety takes hold.

        I feel a little Blah myself once in awhile. It can be exacerbated by triggers or pressures from work or family. When I get the feeling that it might be ok to drink just a little, I go to my check list.

        -feeling much better (ok to drink)
        -maybe I don't have a problem as I quit easy enough (ok to drink)
        -just one time to release the pressure building (ok to drink)
        -Doctor says I can't drink anymore due to damaged liver and heart problems due to excessive alcohol consumption (never ok to drink).

        And then the internal debate is over.

        I like UKBlonde's idea of giving yourself a couple of tasks to do that you might not of. Especially if it involves the family. You also might want to start joining in on the Monthly Abstinence thread and do the daily check-ins. I find that helps a lot.

        It may never get easy. But as someone pointed out, it took us years or in some cases decades to get to this point. It will take some time to undo what has been done and get back to "normal".



          day 23af and I'm feeling a bit blah

          FloridaBoy;325981 wrote: Or distorts them.
          This is buging me...maybe i put this in the wrong thread. one think i do know nothing been force out of me what i write down is honest. I may not be able to explain myself clear....maybe the AL has killed some of my brain cells you know that can happen. what i say is how it is one minute im alright and in a few hours later i may not be. oh yes the beginning of he 5th week for me.

          ALL the best.

          family is everything to me


            day 23af and I'm feeling a bit blah

            This is a really conversation that I feel will benefit me in the future! Thanks for the post. It does make me worry about how I will recognize the "downer" that is coming and deal with it. Yikes!


              day 23af and I'm feeling a bit blah

              Teardrop;326040 wrote: This is buging me...maybe i put this in the wrong thread. one think i do know nothing been force out of me what i write down is honest. I may not be able to explain myself clear....maybe the AL has killed some of my brain cells you know that can happen. what i say is how it is one minute im alright and in a few hours later i may not be. oh yes the beginning of he 5th week for me.

              ALL the best.


              Dont think i could of done this, if i was still drinking if that makes sense. Dont realise how much AL covers up all our emotions inside.


              It made perfect sense. I just added the idea that AL can distort least I think it did that to mine.


                day 23af and I'm feeling a bit blah

                A big thank you to all of you who took the time to post. I greatly appreciate the advice. It's good to here that what I'm going through is normal and that with time it will pass. As many have said, it took a long time to do the damage, it's gonna take a while to repair itself too.

                I think my problem is that I'm too bloody impatient at times. I live my life at too fast a pace some times and must learn to slow down and take time to smell the roses.

                As we have all learned over the last few days, life is short.

                I really want to get to the end of my life and be proud of myself and my decisions.

                This I am very aware will entail me never having another drop of AL.

                I must say that I'm feeling a bit brighter today. I went to bed really early last night. It is amazing what a good night sleep can do.

                Thanks again to everyone of you who have been there for me. It really means a great deal.

                Warm Regards



                  day 23af and I'm feeling a bit blah

                  well Brett, you are going to have days of the BLAH's for a bit..they come and GO. It can take awhile you know, a long time actually. At least a good 90 days! Hang on, the ride is not over yet. You are in the honey-moon phase right now, where as sobriety is NEW, that changes to reality soon, then it becomes a day by day chore. It really is much work that takes a toll on some of us. Honestly.


                    day 23af and I'm feeling a bit blah

                    FloridaBoy;326113 wrote: Dont think i could of done this, if i was still drinking if that makes sense. Dont realise how much AL covers up all our emotions inside.


                    It made perfect sense. I just added the idea that AL can distort least I think it did that to mine.
                    I apologizes floridaboy, looks like i took it the wrong way.x

                    family is everything to me

