Yes, Brett, this is a normal feeling. I don't know why we have to go through it - I mean geez, haven't we been through enough with this damn struggle! (sigh) But alas, that's life and it's all part of the process.
I don't want to discourage anyone, but I don't want to lie and sugarcoat anything either. My days 25 - 60 were very emotional for me. I was so blue and I would cry at the drop of a hat. I remember many times sitting and crying and having no idea as to why. I didn't think I would ever get out of that funk. The only thing that kept me going was everyone telling me that it would pass. I was also very sick at the time, but I knew that was not going to cause me to cry all the time. It was definately a chemical reaction in the brain I believe. When I started the supplements I started feeling better in a very short amount of time. It took me a couple of weeks, but I did a lot of research here and on the www to find out exactly what supps I should take for my moods, my body symptoms, etc. By the time I could afford to buy all the supplements, I no longer needed anything for cravings so it was a matter of figuring out what AL really depleted from my body and what I needed to start replacing.
You may just need to modify your supplement regimen to better fit your specific needs. I encourage everyone interested in natural cures to research vitamins, herbs, minerals and amino acids. It is worth the time and effect.
I hope this info helps. Remember, those moods will pass.
Love, Me