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What makes you all happy?

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    What makes you all happy?

    This last year has really given me the opportunity to do some soul searching; to really dig deep and find things that bring out the happiness. The things that really matter in life, not what I originally thought in the beginning... I've discovered that there is so much out there, I just had to open my eyes, and my heart to it all. This is some of what I have come up with so list grows everyday. Please add yours to the thread...

    .. that getting a slobbery sticky kiss from my baby girl is one of my most cherished moments
    .. watching her play with her daddy, hearing them laugh together from the next room as he plays the guitar for her and sings her Treehouse songs
    .. the smell of steak grilling on the BBQ
    .. cuddling at night in bed with the one I love, when everything is quite and all I can hear is his breathing and his heartbeating against my ear
    .. walking the beach picking up driftwood, shells and beach glass for my collection
    .. that I don't need Manolo's or Prada or Gucci anymore to make me feel good, I'm happy without designer shoes
    .. looking at the first picture my baby girl ever coloured hanging on my wall as I have it framed..she was so happy that day
    .. remembering my first real kiss
    .. one of my dogs running behind my baby and sneaking kisses from her hand
    .. the smell of the linens when you bring them in off the line
    .. that I don't care anymore if I have cheezy powder on my sweater and don't notice it till I get home
    .. that I never feel alone anymore, and that in a short time, I won't be
    .. seeing my daughters eyes after she was born, her first steps, the first time she laughed and called for me
    .. that most of the plants and trees we planted last year actually survived the winter!
    .. that my parents are healthy
    .. when I close my eyes I can feel the presence of my Nana, like a guardian angel
    .. how excited my little girl is over her fish tank
    .. how little money I have these days, and I've never been happier
    .. that I've stopped beating myself up and blaming myself for others people's issues
    .. watching my dogs chase eachother and play
    .. having a bonfire at night, roasting marshmallows and looking at the stars
    .. I'm happy without wearing designer clothing and purses, Old Navy and JCrew are just as good and way more practical for my lifestyle
    .. how happy I am just to hold his hand
    .. the smell of the fresh air where I live, the birds and the sounds of the frogs at night
    .. lying on the bottom of the ocean floor looking at the sealife around you and the sun streaming through the water when you're scuba diving
    .. the sound of the waves against the rocks and the smell of the air
    .. how my daughter loves the water; how she plays in it no matter how cold it is
    .. the sound of my dads laugh, it really is quite unique
    .. how one little word from my love can erase any sadness I may be feeling
    .. how much I love my little house, how warm and inviting it is

    and the list goes on an on...

    What makes you all happy?

    Oh wow!

    All of the above and:

    walking in our garden barefooted
    planting seeds and seeing them sprout
    having my son home fron Iraq
    watching the sun come up
    looking at the stars at night
    feeling the wind on my face
    a rose that smells like a rose
    working until I drop and
    sleeping for nine hours
    coming here and reading a thread like this

    "Be still and know that I am God"

    Psalm 46:10


      What makes you all happy?

      That's beautiful Gia, thanks for sharing

      I've just started a gratitude journal (a la The Secret - funny there was another post on that today) and you've given me lots of food for thought. Might run out of room on the page allocated for each day

      Wooflet x


        What makes you all happy?

        Wooflet;325915 wrote: That's beautiful Gia, thanks for sharing

        I've just started a gratitude journal (a la The Secret - funny there was another post on that today) and you've given me lots of food for thought. Might run out of room on the page allocated for each day

        Wooflet x
        I really like your Journal idea..I think I may start one myself. :l


          What makes you all happy?

          Oh My !
          That is so beautiful.
          You really do have an amazing way with words.

          I'm thinking.....


            What makes you all happy?

            thank you for sharing gia
            you sound so happy
            and yeah the smell of a steak cooking is the best
            and when i come home after work seeing my gf out of bed doing something fun for herself makes me happy
            and my dog coco she hates it when i go to work she really does miss me
            and as soon as i get in the house she goes right out side next to her 55gal drum and starts barking at me to play and watching her play with that is so kool .
            peace , love and god bless .
            :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
            best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


              What makes you all happy?

              Great thread Gia,
              It is great to take time to think about the wonderful blessings in our lives.
              Seeing my 9 year old daughter "skip" when we walk the dogs. I need to "skip" more!
              Getting a hug from my husband after a 10 hour day at work
              "Helping" my daughter with her homework and just smiling as she does it all herself.

              In order to change we must be sick and tired of being sick and tired.
              - Author unknown


                What makes you all happy?

                Just being sober.... and all that goes with it.

                Rather die standing, than live on my knees, begging Please..... No More.......


                  What makes you all happy?

                  Walking across the acres at midnight, on my own ... and NOT feeling pathetic. Feeling pure joy.


                    What makes you all happy?

                    Thanks Gia for the thread some beautiful thoughts in light of the underlying sadness of today.

                    For me sailing by the light of the moon and the warm red glow of the compass light at night with my beautiful daughter and partener peacfully asleep in the front bunk sunggled up together under a warm thick doona trusting there Cap to reach our destination safely. The gentle wind and sea fills my heart with love and peace. Dropping anchor at the end of the journey and crawling into my bunk falling into the deepest of sleeps. All of us waking up to a sparkling diamond covered sea ready for a new day of fun and adventure. Doesn't happen often but when it does I never forget
                    PS The boat is only 18 and a half feet long smaller than a prison cell really but for us its a floating paradise lol

                    All the best


                      What makes you all happy?

                      When my husband is not acting like a flaming A:h:hHOLE!
                      A BIG JACKPOT .... and then home!


                        What makes you all happy?

                        Gia, just about everything on your list does it for me as well! I can't believe how in depth and personal that list is, but it is a darn good one! As I read through it my head was bobbing up and down going yeah that too... lol


                          What makes you all happy?

                          Makes me Happy spotty child too LOL


                            What makes you all happy?

                            The giggles of joy as my girls play.
                            Sitting in the heat of the fire outside with my baby on my lap.
                            Trying to get a tune from my guitar, to set the babe's feet dancing.
                            Steak sizzling on the barbeque.
                            Watching my lady move so gracefully in everything she does.
                            Going shopping has never been such fun.
                            Having our baby jump up between us on the couch, snuggling in.
                            The deep, warm comfort of our bed.
                            Being warm and cosy as I watch the snow outside.

                            Going home.

                            The list goes on......


                              What makes you all happy?

                              this makes me happy - but for the most part, here's my happy list

                              *being a mom
                              *early morning serenity
                              *listening to rain (and walking in it too)
                              *growing flowers from seeds
                              *baking peanut butter cookies
                              *board games with the kids
                              *romance (one day it will happen to me)
                              *warm hugs from my kids
                              *fresh laundry
                              *a spotless house (a rarity with teens)
                              *butterfly kisses from my puppies
                              *Cambria, CA
                              *Ocean Beach, CA
                              *the warmth of the sun on a sober Bernie
                              *starlit nights with the presence of a full moon
                              *skating and not falling
                              *walking and not falling
                              *the smell of fresh cut grass
                              *happy people

