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Very sad news about our beloved Bear

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    Very sad news about our beloved Bear

    I like to multipost(just made a new word)

    I will have made it 90 days with out 1 drop of poison. And I owe it all to my dad. It makes me smile to hear him in my head say "the hard part is over bud; Stick with it." When we sit down at the bar at Texas Road house the margarita machine calls my name saying im so cold and refreshing you know you want too, just 1 come on every1 else is doing it just look around. Its just as soon as i hear dads voice say your better than that your stronger than that and your happier than all of them. So thats what I say to all of you struggling with that next situation. YOUR BETTER THAN THAT, YOUR STRONGER THAN THAT AND YOUR HAPPIER WHEN YOUR NOT DRUNK. Life is good I feel alive and I'm glad to be living. Life is short don't make it fuzzy too. I know when wed. comes dad will cheer me to my next 90. I know without a shadow of a doubt the alcohol will never taste good again, And it could never make me fill better than knowing how proud my dad is that I'm sober. So in closing ill say "Stick with it" and you cant learn if you don't mess up every now an then. So raise your glasses of milk with me "heres to Bear and my 90 days" CHEERS ...

    "'And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of GOD.' Romans 12:2"


      Very sad news about our beloved Bear

      way to go

      Way to go Bear Jr!! I am positive that your Dad is saying --- "and you ARE HAPPIER!!" Don't ever lose that motivation you have BJ. The obstacle ahead of you is never as great as the power behind you!!

      Congrats on the 90

      147 days AF today
      AF since Jan. 1, 2008 .... It all began right here

      Raise your hopeful voice, you have a choice, you made it now.

      (from the Movie "Once")


        Very sad news about our beloved Bear

        Bearlady, that was such a special night to have you both on the phone with me...I wanted you to know that even tho he was taking time out, from spending it with you, that he was truly helping so many of us...I think we were the only Texans on here talking at the of course, you know I worked with his cousin...small small world. I have to tell you, you were suited to each other, your voice and his, were both so sweet, and so calming....your kids are so lucky to have had you in their lives. I know he was remorseful for the times he wasn't himself when drinking, he told me he'd driven away his family at times, and not to repeat that mistake...he was sooo enjoying being with you all, I think that's the saddest part for me, is that he finally had it together, and was taken from all of us, and by a drunk driver...God surely has a weird sense of humor. I also know, his faith was huge, and I know he's a true Angel....I lost my Dad at 55, massive heart attack, my Mom and Dad had dated since they were kids, married soon as my Mom graduated high school, they were 18 and 22, I wasn't born for 4 yrs., they grew up and brother was born 6 yrs after Mom had never made a decision without my Dad, nor slept alone hardly, when he left us...she didn't sleep forever....she moved on tho, and remarried, to a neighborhood friend, who's wife, a friend, died of a massive heart attack also...but out of 2 awful things, a good thing came to throws us lemons, we have to learn to make the lemonade....I'm so blessed to have had Bear in my life, I'll make this happen, cuz that would honor him so much...If God can work thru me, He can work thru anyone....that's so true! I saw his number in my phone today, and it made me cry...I can't call it anymore...he called me after I thought I was going to slip at the barn not long ago, he talked me thru it, and called me to check on me...I still have his last message on my I can hear his voice...he said..."hey Tex, just checking on you, remember we love you, I'll call you later"...he never said me, always we...that was because he didn't see himself independent of his family, not ever...what a tribute....he always talked to us and motivated us, surrounding were his Angel, trust me! Thanks again for sharing him with really mattered! xxxxooooxxxxxx
        "Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending"


          Very sad news about our beloved Bear


          Way to go Bear jr. I'm so glad you guys have joined us here. I for one appreciate you sharing your dad's words of wisdom and your own! :l

          I'm sure he's smiling big and proud about now!

          NF since June 1, 2008
          AF since September 28, 2008
          DrunkFree since June 1, 2008
          :wings: In memory of MDbiker aka Bear.
          5/4/2010 In loving memory of MaryAnne. I pray you've found peace my friend.
          The will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.ray:


            Very sad news about our beloved Bear

            I am so saddened and in shock to have read this sad, sad news. MDbiker/Bear is in my prayers.
            September 23, 2011


              Very sad news about our beloved Bear

              I am shocked and horrified having only just read RJ's announcement about Bear. My heartfelt condolences to Mama Bear. Bear was an inspiration and had a way of encouraging and re-igniting our strength in battling the booze when we most needed it. Reading the linked article about the incident leaves me cold and speechless. 3 victims of the drunk driver! There by the grace of God go we. In his untimely death there is a lesson to learn for all of us who have driven under the influence. Bear ride high, your participation in MWO will always be a part of us.
              A BushBaby with Attitude


                Very sad news about our beloved Bear

                Mama Bear and family

                I am just adding my condolences to the many before me. I did not know Bear, but reading some of the tributes here from my fellow MWO ers makes me really want to get to know him, so I will be reading his posts soon. He was obviously a very special person who touched many here and elsewhere and I hope that being so proud of him as his family helps to support you in this terrible loss.

                Anna :h
                Wine is sweet, but paying for it is bitter


                  Very sad news about our beloved Bear

                  Bear Jr,

                  Big congratulations on your 90 days.

                  Your daddy is watching and smiling and proud. :l

                  I miss him so much so I can only guess at how much you all miss him.

                  AF April 9, 2016


                    Very sad news about our beloved Bear

                    When you're riding in a time machine way far into the future, don't stick your elbow out the window, or it'll turn into a fossil.

