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Stupid question

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    Stupid question

    Why is being AF so freakin scary to someone who is still drinking? I just posted that I am going to Lenair, I talked to BD and heard all about how great things are, my brother is sober over 20 years and very happy, and I am having an anxiety attack thinking about not drinking!
    One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends...If they seem OK then you are the one.

    Stupid question

    Because at this moment in time AL has convinced you that he is your friend. You have been through a lot together...picnics, birthday parties, lunches, dinners, happy hours, and the list goes on and on. You have been through good times and bad times together. In addition, he was there for you when everyone had abandoned you and you were alone. Your relationship has lasted for do you break up with such a great friend? How do you tell him that everyone else is going out for dinner and he can't come with because you have a new friend now called "Happy".

    I used to go to restaurants with my boozing friends and think, "that poor table of people over there. they just don't know how much fun they are missing out on. they aren't even drinking. what a waste of time and money."

    I only had 20 days of AF a couple of weeks ago and it was amazing how my perspective changed when I went out to dinner with my friend. The perception was completely opposite.

    You are smart for asking your stupid question. I wonder how pissed AL is that you are even thinking about breaking up with him! How are you going to tell him?


      Stupid question

      Oh TM,

      You are so right! It is scarey! For me, it is because drinking was my way of escaping all the pain and problems of this life. I sought refuge there. I used to think I was avoiding, evading the problems, but came to realize that I was only postponing dealing with them. And to make matters worse, I had multiplied them, by drinking, because I added fuel by the things I said and the fact that the focus was then shifted to "MY DRINKING PROBLEM" rather than the actual issues.

      Don't be afraid of sobriety. It is actually liberating! I am free!
      "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008


        Stupid question

        :goodjob:ceaseday, you hit the nail on the head!! I have never thought of it like that. Tonight is my first AF night and it is still young which is why I am scrolling through this site looking for inspiration - I found it in you!!! Thank you!
        "The person who says it cannot be done should not interrupt the person doing it"


          Stupid question

          oh dear.

          QUESTION: where is la la land? Fear is normal .... that will fade away in time. Are you really going to Rehab? :l


            Stupid question

            AL is a tough one to break up with and you will mourn him but he needs to be gone from your house and mine. I am at the same cross is hard but we must choose life without AL and eventually life without him will be so much more then we could ever have imagined.

            Together we can all do this!
            Best wishes and hugs, Bambi
            "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney


              Stupid question

              Ask yourself............Do you ever wake up the day after drinking, smile, hop out of bed and think....."Damn......I am so glad that I did that!!! I feel so much better now!!!"

              I think not!
              A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

              AF 12/6/2007


                Stupid question

                Good one Kate!!! I'll have to remember that!!!


                  Stupid question

                  That was a good one Katie and thanks to all of you. Caseaday thanks.
                  Ripple no I am going to the lenair healing center. (trying not to talk myself out of it) She is an intuitive healer. Treats addiction. But you know that right?
                  One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends...If they seem OK then you are the one.


                    Stupid question

                    yeah its normal al is a drug. and your body and mind want to keep on having it. you start to think you need it. when in reality you are the same person you were without it .
                    :beach: life does change as long as you are willing to change yourself ..
                    best thing about the future it comes one day at a time..


                      Stupid question

                      I so just want to be rid of the anxiety. I am trying to clean up the house and I am pacing (sp) thinking about never being able to even have one glass of wine. It's horrible. i am sure the anxiety of what is going on with DH and I doesn't help.
                      My kids b-day is tomorrow I have to get it together!
                      One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends...If they seem OK then you are the one.


                        Stupid question

               sure will be missing a lot!!! Just think of it, you will miss all of those lovely blackouts, all of the day after anxiety and guilt. All those embarrasing emails and phone calls. All those days and nights completely wasted on AL. Headaches, Nausea, Depression, Anxiety, Guilt. Boy!! It is really hard to even imagine living life without all of the above!

                        The twins birthday! What do you want for them? How is your drinking affecting them? How will your drinking affect their future?

                        Listen, take some vitamin B, some Omega Fish Oils, take a walk outside.....get out of your thinking.....Give yourself and your children the next 24 hours sober!
                        A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                        AF 12/6/2007


                          Stupid question

                          Thanks Kate you do know how to put things in perspective! Funny how quickly you forget about all the fantastic things you are missing. Geez it was just 3 hours ago I thought I was going to vomit! Thanks for reminding me!
                          One out of four people in this country is mentally unbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends...If they seem OK then you are the one.


                            Stupid question

                            I guess you can tell, that I have been there before myself!! No, no don't want to ever go there again!

                            I have often thought, if AL was a pharmaceutical, prescribed by Dr's for Stress and Anxiety, the maladies that we abusive drinkers claim to be the root cause of us "needing or wanting" a drink. If Alcohol carried a warning label saying:
                            Possible side affects:
                            loss of self control
                            temporary personality disorders
                            lack of common sense
                            poor judgment
                            destroyed relationships
                            loss of career
                            loss of ambition
                            possible incarceration

                            etc.etc. etc

                            followed by:
                            severe depression
                            increased anxiety
                            sleep deprevation
                            loss of appetite
                            etc. etc. etc.

                            Would anyone actually be willing to take this as a drug? Especially to cure short term anxiety and depression??????

                            Just a thought!
                            A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes~Cinderella

                            AF 12/6/2007


                              Stupid question

                              NO...we would never, ever touch the stupid stuff! But we still do, he has a hold on us that we have to destroy! Sometimes it is inch by inch, day by day...but he is being destroyed!
                              "When you believe in a thing, believe in it all the way, implicitly and unquestionable." -- Walt Disney

