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    I decided to opt to take tomorrow off work. So here I am sitting here trying to pretend to my other half that I not drunk. She?s knows I am, as do I. Shit. No worries about getting up, just worries about the hangover and the repercussions.

    I did this to escape myself, but I?m making things harder for myself, conundrums huh? Stupid me.

    I try and escape myself, but, the only true realisation that I?m likely to achieve is disgust for myself at some point tomorrow for being a twat and drinking too much and the legacy that it will bring tomorrow.

    Sorry to you all and hey, sorry me.:upset:


    Drink lots of water and take a couple tablets...

    There is no escaping yourself unfortunately; if you don't like who you are only you can change that. There are no magic beans, only hardwork and believing in yourself that you're worth it.

    Be good to've only got one body.



      Awwwwww Amashed,

      I did this to escape myself, but I?m making things harder for myself...
      I try and escape myself, but, the only true realisation that I?m likely to achieve is disgust for myself...

      Boy, I understand more than I wish to admit! I hope you feel better soon. Be kind to yourself! Know that you are worth self-admiration!

      :h Best
      "It wasn't all I wanted, but all I could stand!":bigwink: Alcohol free since April 8, 2008



        It sounds like you have a good deal of realistic understanding of your situation-- despite being drunk.
        The trick is to act on your own realizations. My advice would be to enjoy your drunken state now, and start changing tomorrow. (But who am I to give advice?). Anyway, remember that everyone here has been there (many may still be there)-- you are not alone. Tomorrow is a new day.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005



          I totally and absolutely understand how you feel ..........

          Hey don't be sorry to us here ............

          This may sound strange but if you are actually feeling bad before you wake up tomorrow then that is a start ..........

          I never felt bad while I was drinking, just the morning after so I think that you are learning ...........

          Will we see you saturday???

          BB xx



            Tell you the truth BB, I felt this bad as soon as I knew I was going to drink tonight; and I knew I was going to drink. Before even a mouthful – seems like a waste eh?

            I don’t drink for days at a time now, but it just takes a bump and I’m back on my ass. I’m a fool, and don’t I know it!

            Thing is I do it to escape and it only ends up carrying me further down, ironic…



              Its the voice that AL puts in our heads ...........

              The fact that you don't drink for days is a huge bonus .........

              You really are winning ............ don't beat yourself up ..........

              BB xx



                I've been there too.
                There is no escape to be found in a bottle. Only dispair and shame.
                When you sober up, the same things that bothered you are still there.
                Look after yourself friend.




                  If I may, I see a couple of positives here my friend. One, you are able to see in real time the mistake you are making and you can even feel it is a mistake. This I feel is good as you can build on that so next time you can actually not lift the bottle in the first place. Secondly, if you do intend on having another sip or two tonight, why not practice here a bit. The next sip you go to take...*don't*. Practice not taking a drink for a few times, see what it feels like to say no, then take a drink if you have to but try and get that *No* Part down pat. Seriously, I actually did this many times before I started my first big AF push this year and it really helped me build confidence and my own conscious reactions to the sneaky urges!

                  Honestly though, you have to want this and getting the booze out of your life is *crucial* so there are no within an easy reach triggers to have to then try and avoid. The rest is being honest with yourself and the *other* things in your life that are responsible for and or contribute to your attraction to AL. That IMO is the hardest and most important part of it all.

                  Best of luck!
                  Is Addiction Really a Disease?
                  Watch this and find out....

