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AA Question

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    AA Question


    I have seen (and read) some negative staff about AA lately. I have never been myself but was considering it until I found this wonderful site.

    Anyway, what happens at AA for people who are non-religious and/or atheists?



    AA Question

    Check out the big book online. Search google "big book online" and you will find AA's Big Book. Chapter 4 is titled "We Agnostics". Personally, I have found that the rooms of AA are rarely religious, but usually spiritual. -M
    In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.(Albert Camus)

    Splee! (Waffle)


      AA Question

      me too

      AA is a spiritual program, I am DEFINITELY not religious to any extent, but a "higher power", I have found to be helpful.......................


      :rays:My happiness is my greatest gift to others:rays:eace:


        AA Question

        here is the link to save you time:

        If you read this you will quickly see just how religious (Christian/Judaism) AA is. First they say it's fine to be an agnostic, and then they say you will never be able to stay sober if you don't believe in God or a Higher Power (which they basically say IS God, but you're allowed to call it something else).

        However, I have been to just 2 AA meetings and religion was not really a part of them. Still, the entire thing is based on this Higher Power, and without it -- well, you just ain't gonna make it.
        Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life... And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.

        Steve Jobs, Stanford Commencement Adress, 2005


          AA Question

          For an alternative take on AA try reading The Orange Papers, which present everything negative there is to say about AA, and I'm not taking sides, because I attend an occasional AA meeting myself. The meetings vary widely in their content, and it's best to shop around and try different groups. Orange Papers
          "uch: When you kick youreslf in the butt, all you get is a sore butt and a tired foot"


            AA Question


            It depends on the meeting, but what I have found is that most groups are people just like us.

            Some go off the deep end, but by and large, they are as "normal" as we are. If you find a home group where you are comfortable, it can be a great place to make friends, socialize and confide your struggles. -M
            In the depth of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.(Albert Camus)

            Splee! (Waffle)


              AA Question

              I have been to a quite a few AA meetings a few years ago. I found the meetings non-religious. I didn't mind them at all except for the stories being told over and over again by members. I can appreciate the fact that they share, but after a while I found it depressing. On a couple of occasions I went home and got hammered because I felt so sad.

              Also, be careful if you give out your phone number. I did that with this one group I attended a few times and when I missed a few meeting, I was bombarded by phone calls and messages... I really appreciated the fact that they cared, but I am pretty private.


                AA Question

                Go to AA to tell them about MWO

                I am going to print up fliers and go to AA to hand them out to the people who feel ready to give up give up , leave feeling hopeless and are on their way to the bar ASAP.I am buying several MWO books to hand out , as well.What can we do about people who are computer dumbies like ME???I am going to learn I AM I AM EVIE
                sigpicEyes on the PRIZE, a SOBER Future !!!


                  AA Question

                  Wow. Thanks for the quick responses. I don't think I will try AA anytime soon as this site seems to be working for me. I did read some of the orange papers stuff and he sounded a little nutty, but there was some good information there. It's too bad they don't seem open to other options.

                  I thought that was kind of funny Accountable. Stories driving you to drink.

                  Have a great sober day.



                    AA Question

                    well for me AA helps me, im not even a religous person or even believe in god. i have worked on the spiritual side though and the faith side. i do now have a higher power and that is the group of people in meeting and also my mother nature. for the faith, i guess i have to start trusting some people and have faith that the program has to work as i have met many people with long sobriety.

                    i have a great home group, they are a bunch of nice people and funny with a wicked sense of humour. the other 3 groups i go to, again nice bunch and very witty indeed. im not asked to be anything other than myself and work on my character defects. so to me i have become a better person from it.
                    i went to a AA convention last weekend and it was brill, hearing new shares and meeting others, it was a good night even though we was all sober.

                    so really i dont have much of a bad thing to say about AA except that ofcause u will meet people u wont like ect, but thats just human nature. everywhere there is ignorant, self centered, greedy, closed minded people.

                    so good luck in what works for u. see u around


                      AA Question

                      To me, AA is not religious by any means, but it is spiritual. Religion tells you what you should believe, whereas spirituality says it doesn't matter what you believe in as long as you find something that works for you.

                      I can't say anything bad about AA - it has kept me sober for almost a year and completely removed the desire to drink. I have not turned into a bible-thumper by any means, but I have become a much better person then I used to be (and multiple people have told me so). Is it for everybody? Nope.....

                      At the end of the day, it is your choice. AA is a program of attraction, not promotion. It doesn't go out a solicit people to join up, but offers a solution to those that want it. It does sometimes take a while to find a meeting that you fit into, as their will always be crackpots that try to take it too far and impose their will upon others (kind of a 180 from the Orange Papers but along the same lines in their zealousness).

                      (336 Days AF & Counting)
                      Sobriety Date: June 15, 2007 -- "It's not having what you want, It's wanting what you've got...."


                        AA Question

                        hey athlete, happy bday! ur a day over the year.


                          AA Question


                          I've been to AA & Alanon (which is also based on the 12 steps of AA). Yes, there is a spiritual element, but it's definitely NOT religion. I also have the AA website on my favorites & go there quite frequently. There are on-line meetings & just good sound advice.

                          Wisdom, Courage, Strength
                          October 3, 2012

