I recently started dating someone and she is a pretty good drinker also, but I don't think she has the problems with it that I do. Whenever I see someone after a long hiatus all I want to do is drink and eat and screw, complete hedonism, and the 3 almost always have gone together. I am a bit nervous trying to be with someone and not be drinking, but I would like to try it. I could consider is an anthropological study. Thinking of things as an experiment always helps me gain perspective. Thank you all for this wonderful space, just writing here is clarifying and healing sometimes.
I am off to a meditation/spiritual workshop this weekend, so sobriety there should be fairly easy. I do have to attend a friend's 50th B-day party Sat night though and that might be hard, but I think the thought of the workshop Sun morning will keep me sober.
After this weekend, I just want to check in regularily on this so I don't feel so alone. I ask you kindly to wish me well and thank you in advance. Thanks All Love.